Template Class SharedHandle

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

template<typename HandleType, typename HandleOps = detail::SharedHandleOps<HandleType>>
class SharedHandle

A handle wrapper that behaves similarly shared_ptr.

Copying a SharedHandle increments the reference count. Destroying a SharedHandle decrements the reference count. Swap (and, to some, extent, move) are very simple operations on the handle value.

Template Parameters:
  • HandleType – The type of the managed handle

  • HandleOps – The set of handle operations - can be customized e.g. to add extra operation tracking

Subclassed by nvcv::CoreResource< NVCVImageHandle, Image >, nvcv::CoreResource< NVCVTensorHandle, Tensor >, nvcv::CoreResource< NVCVImageBatchHandle, ImageBatch >, nvcv::CoreResource< NVCVTensorBatchHandle, TensorBatch >, nvcv::CoreResource< NVCVArrayHandle, Array >, nvcv::CoreResource< NVCVAllocatorHandle, Allocator >

Public Functions

inline ~SharedHandle()
SharedHandle() = default
inline explicit SharedHandle(HandleType &&handle) noexcept

Manages the handle in a new SharedHandle wrapper.

The reference count on the handle is not incremented.


handle – The handle to be managed. The handle is passed by an r-value reference and is set to null to emphasize the transfer of ownership.

inline SharedHandle(SharedHandle &&other) noexcept
inline SharedHandle(const SharedHandle &other)

Creates a new shared reference to the handle managed by other.

inline SharedHandle &operator=(SharedHandle &&other)

Moves the handle owned by other into this object and releases the old handle.

inline SharedHandle &operator=(const SharedHandle &other)

Copies the handle managed by other to this and incremenets the reference count. Decrements the reference count on the previously owned handle.

This function performs the following actions (in that order):

  1. If the currently managed handle and other are equal, the function is a no-op.

  2. Increments the reference count on other(if not null)

  3. Replaces the managed handle by that from other.

  4. Decrements the reference count on the old handle (if not null).

inline void swap(SharedHandle &other) noexcept

Swaps the handles managed by this and other.

inline int reset(HandleType &&handle = HandleOps::Null())

Replaces the currently managed handle with the one passed in the parameter.

This function performs the following actions (in that order):

  1. Stores a copy of the “old” handle

  2. Replaces the managed handle by that from other.

  3. Decrements the reference count on the old handle (if not null)


handle – The handle to be managed. The handle is passed by an r-value reference and is set to null to emphasize the transfer of ownership.


The updated reference count of the old handle - if it’s zero, the object was destroyed or the handle was already null. If it’s >0, the object still had some live references.

inline HandleType release() noexcept

Relinquishes the ownership of the handle and returns the formerly managed handle.

The function returns the handle and stops managing it. The caller is resposnible for decrementing the reference count on the handle.


The (formerly) managed handle. The values must not be discarded.

inline constexpr const HandleType get() const noexcept

Returns the currently managed handle.

inline int refCount() const noexcept
inline constexpr bool empty() const noexcept
inline explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept
inline bool operator==(const SharedHandle &other) const
inline bool operator!=(const SharedHandle &other) const