Template Class ImageBatchVarShapeWrap

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

template<typename T>
class ImageBatchVarShapeWrap

Image batch var-shape wrapper class to wrap ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda.

ImageBatchVarShapeWrap is a wrapper of an image batch (or a list of images) of variable shapes. The template parameter T is the type of each element inside the wrapper, and it can be compound type to represent a pixel type, e.g. uchar4 for RGBA images.

 cudaStream_t stream;
 nvcv::ImageBatchVarShape imageBatch(samples);
auto *imageBatchData  = imageBatch.exportData<nvcv::ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda>(stream)
 nvcv::cuda::ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<uchar4> wrap(*imageBatchData);
 // Now wrap can be used in device code to access elements of the image batch via operator[] or ptr method.

Image batch var-shape wrapper class to wrap ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda.

This class is specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::ImageBatchVarShapeWrapNHWC< T >

Public Types

using ValueType = T

Public Functions

ImageBatchVarShapeWrap() = default
inline __host__ ImageBatchVarShapeWrap(const ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda &images)

Constructs a ImageBatchVarShapeWrap by wrapping an images argument.


images[in] Reference to the list of images that will be wrapped.

inline __host__ __device__ T & operator[] (int4 c) const

Subscript operator for read-and-write access.


c[in] 4D coordinates (w sample, z plane, y row and x column) to be accessed.


Accessed reference.

inline __host__ __device__ T & operator[] (int3 c) const

Subscript operator for read-and-write access (considering plane = 0).


c[in] 3D coordinates (z sample, y row and x column) to be accessed.


Accessed reference.

inline __host__ __device__ T * ptr (int s, int p, int y, int x) const

Get a read-and-write proxy (as pointer) of the given coordinates.

  • s[in] Sample image index in the list.

  • p[in] Plane index in the image.

  • y[in] Row index in the selected image.

  • x[in] Column index in the selected image.


The pointer to the beginning of the given coordinates.

inline __host__ __device__ T * ptr (int s, int y, int x) const

Get a read-and-write proxy (as pointer) of the given coordinates (considering plane=0).

  • s[in] Sample image index in the list.

  • y[in] Row index in the selected image.

  • x[in] Column index in the selected image.


The pointer to the beginning of the given coordinates.

inline __host__ __device__ T * ptr (int s, int y) const

Get a read-and-write proxy (as pointer) of the given coordinates (considering plane=0).

  • s[in] Sample image index in the list.

  • y[in] Row index in the selected image.


The pointer to the beginning of the given coordinates.

inline __host__ __device__ int height (int s, int p=0) const

Get height of plane p of image s sample.

  • s[in] Sample image index in the list.

  • p[in] Plane index in the image.


The height of the given image plane in batch.

inline const __host__ __device__ NVCVImagePlaneStrided plane (int s, int p=0) const

Get plane p of image s sample.

  • s[in] Sample image index in the list.

  • p[in] Plane index in the image.


The plane of the given image sample in batch.

inline __host__ __device__ int rowStride (int s, int p=0) const

Get row stride in bytes of plane p of image s sample.

  • s[in] Sample image index in the list.

  • p[in] Plane index in the image.


The row stride in bytes of the given image plane in batch.

inline __host__ __device__ int width (int s, int p=0) const

Get width of plane p of image s sample.

  • s[in] Sample image index in the list.

  • p[in] Plane index in the image.


The width of the given image plane in batch.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr int kConstantStrides
static constexpr int kNumDimensions
static constexpr int kVariableStrides

Protected Functions

inline __host__ __device__ T * doGetPtr (int s, int p, int y, int x) const