Image Formats


Represents the format of an image, encapsulating various properties like data kind, memory layout, color spec, etc.

The ImageFormat class is a comprehensive representation of how image data is organized in memory, including its data type, layout, and color information. This format is crucial when processing or manipulating images, as it provides the necessary metadata for correct interpretation of the image data.


inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ImageFormat fmt)
inline bool HasSameDataLayout(ImageFormat a, ImageFormat b)
constexpr ImageFormat()
explicit constexpr ImageFormat(NVCVImageFormat format)

Constructor that initializes from a native format representation.


format – The native format to initialize from.

inline ImageFormat(ColorSpec colorSpec, ChromaSubsampling chromaSub, MemLayout memLayout, DataKind dataKind, Swizzle swizzle, Packing packing0, Packing packing1 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing2 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing3 = Packing::NONE, AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::ASSOCIATED, const ExtraChannelInfo *exChannelInfo = 0)

Constructs an ImageFormat using the provided parameters.

  • colorSpec – Specification of the color.

  • chromaSub – Chroma subsampling information.

  • memLayout – Memory layout type.

  • dataKind – Kind of data (e.g., float, integer).

  • swizzle – Channel swizzling information.

  • packing0 – Primary packing format.

  • packing1 – Secondary packing format (optional).

  • packing2 – Tertiary packing format (optional).

  • packing3 – Quaternary packing format (optional).

static constexpr ImageFormat ConstCreate(ColorSpec colorSpec, ChromaSubsampling chromaSub, MemLayout memLayout, DataKind dataKind, Swizzle swizzle, Packing packing0, Packing packing1 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing2 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing3 = Packing::NONE, AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::ASSOCIATED)

Const versions of ImageFormat using the provided parameters.

inline ImageFormat(ColorModel colorModel, ColorSpec colorSpec, MemLayout memLayout, DataKind dataKind, Swizzle swizzle, Packing packing0, Packing packing1 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing2 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing3 = Packing::NONE, AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::ASSOCIATED, const ExtraChannelInfo *exChannelInfo = 0)

Constructs an ImageFormat using the provided parameters.

  • colorModel – Model of the color representation (e.g., RGB, YUV).

  • colorSpec – Specification of the color.

  • memLayout – Memory layout type.

  • dataKind – Kind of data (e.g., float, integer).

  • swizzle – Channel swizzling information.

  • packing0 – Primary packing format.

  • packing1 – Secondary packing format (optional).

  • packing2 – Tertiary packing format (optional).

  • packing3 – Quaternary packing format (optional).

static constexpr ImageFormat ConstCreate(ColorModel colorModel, ColorSpec colorSpec, MemLayout memLayout, DataKind dataKind, Swizzle swizzle, Packing packing0, Packing packing1 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing2 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing3 = Packing::NONE, AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::ASSOCIATED)
inline ImageFormat(MemLayout memLayout, DataKind dataKind, Swizzle swizzle, Packing packing0, Packing packing1 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing2 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing3 = Packing::NONE, AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::ASSOCIATED, const ExtraChannelInfo *exChannelInfo = 0)

Constructs an ImageFormat using the given memory layout, data kind, swizzle, and packing parameters.

  • memLayout – Memory layout type.

  • dataKind – Kind of data (e.g., float, integer).

  • swizzle – Channel swizzling information.

  • packing0 – Primary packing format.

  • packing1 – Secondary packing format (optional).

  • packing2 – Tertiary packing format (optional).

  • packing3 – Quaternary packing format (optional).

static constexpr ImageFormat ConstCreate(MemLayout memLayout, DataKind dataKind, Swizzle swizzle, Packing packing0, Packing packing1 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing2 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing3 = Packing::NONE, AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::ASSOCIATED)
inline ImageFormat(RawPattern rawPattern, MemLayout memLayout, DataKind dataKind, Swizzle swizzle, Packing packing0, Packing packing1 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing2 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing3 = Packing::NONE, AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::ASSOCIATED, const ExtraChannelInfo *exChannelInfo = 0)

Constructs an ImageFormat using a raw pattern along with other parameters.

  • rawPattern – Pattern of raw data.

  • memLayout – Memory layout type.

  • dataKind – Kind of data (e.g., float, integer).

  • swizzle – Channel swizzling information.

  • packing0 – Primary packing format.

  • packing1 – Secondary packing format (optional).

  • packing2 – Tertiary packing format (optional).

  • packing3 – Quaternary packing format (optional).

static constexpr ImageFormat ConstCreate(RawPattern rawPattern, MemLayout memLayout, DataKind dataKind, Swizzle swizzle, Packing packing0, Packing packing1 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing2 = Packing::NONE, Packing packing3 = Packing::NONE, AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::ASSOCIATED)
static inline ImageFormat FromFourCC(uint32_t fourcc, ColorSpec colorSpec, MemLayout memLayout)

Creates an ImageFormat from a given FourCC code and other parameters.

  • fourcc – The FourCC code representing the format.

  • colorSpec – Specification of the color.

  • memLayout – Memory layout type.


An ImageFormat object constructed from the FourCC code.

static inline ImageFormat FromPlanes(ImageFormat plane0, ImageFormat plane1 = {}, ImageFormat plane2 = {}, ImageFormat plane3 = {})

Creates an ImageFormat that represents a combination of multiple image planes.

  • plane0 – Primary image plane format.

  • plane1 – Secondary image plane format (optional).

  • plane2 – Tertiary image plane format (optional).

  • plane3 – Quaternary image plane format (optional).


An ImageFormat object representing multiple image planes.

constexpr operator NVCVImageFormat() const noexcept
constexpr NVCVImageFormat cvalue() const noexcept
constexpr bool operator==(ImageFormat that) const noexcept
constexpr bool operator!=(ImageFormat that) const noexcept
inline ImageFormat dataKind(DataKind dataKind) const
inline DataKind dataKind() const noexcept
inline ImageFormat alphaType(AlphaType newAlphaType) const
inline AlphaType alphaType() const noexcept
inline ImageFormat extraChannelInfo(const ExtraChannelInfo *newExChannelInfo) const
inline void extraChannelInfo(ExtraChannelInfo *exChannelInfo) const noexcept
inline ImageFormat memLayout(MemLayout newMemLayout) const
inline MemLayout memLayout() const noexcept
inline ImageFormat colorSpec(ColorSpec newColorSpec) const
inline ColorSpec colorSpec() const noexcept
inline ImageFormat chromaSubsampling(ChromaSubsampling css) const
inline ChromaSubsampling chromaSubsampling() const noexcept
inline ImageFormat rawPattern(RawPattern newRawPattern) const
inline RawPattern rawPattern() const noexcept
inline Swizzle swizzle() const noexcept
inline ColorModel colorModel() const noexcept
inline int32_t numChannels() const noexcept
inline std::array<int32_t, 4> bitsPerChannel() const noexcept
inline uint32_t fourCC() const
inline int32_t numPlanes() const noexcept
inline ImageFormat swizzleAndPacking(Swizzle newSwizzle, Packing newPacking0, Packing newPacking1, Packing newPacking2, Packing newPacking3) const
inline Packing planePacking(int32_t plane) const noexcept
inline DataType planeDataType(int32_t plane) const noexcept
inline int32_t planePixelStrideBytes(int32_t plane) const noexcept
inline int32_t planeNumChannels(int32_t plane) const noexcept
inline int32_t planeBitsPerPixel(int32_t plane) const noexcept
inline int32_t planeRowAlignment(int32_t plane) const noexcept
inline Size2D planeSize(Size2D imgSize, int32_t plane) const noexcept
inline Swizzle planeSwizzle(int32_t plane) const noexcept
inline ImageFormat planeFormat(int32_t plane) const noexcept
class ImageFormat
#include <ImageFormat.hpp>