

This section describes the recommended dependencies to install CV-CUDA.

  • Ubuntu >= 20.04

  • CUDA driver >= 11.7


The following steps describe how to install CV-CUDA. Choose the installation method that meets your environment needs. You can download the CV-CUDA tar, deb or wheel packages from here

  • Tar File Installation

    Unzip the cvcuda runtime package:

    tar -xvf cvcuda-lib-x.x.x-cuda11-x86_64-linux.tar.xz

    Unzip the cvcuda developer package:

    tar -xvf cvcuda-dev-x.x.x-cuda11-x86_64-linux.tar.xz

    Unzip the cvcuda python package:

    tar -xvf cvcuda-python3.*-x.x.x-cuda11-x86_64-linux.tar.xz

    [Optional] Unzip the tests.

    tar -xvf cvcuda-tests-cuda11-x86_64-linux.tar.xz
  • Debian Installation

    Install the runtime library.

    dpkg -i cvcuda-lib-x.x.x-cuda11-x86_64-linux.deb

    Install the developer library.

    dpkg -i cvcuda-dev-x.x.x-cuda11-x86_64-linux.deb

    Install the python bindings

    dpkg -i cvcuda-python3.*-x.x.x-cuda11-x86_64-linux.deb

    [Optional] Install the tests.

    sudo dpkg -i cvcuda-tests-x.x.x-cuda11-x86_64-linux.deb
  • Python Wheel File Installation

    Download the appropriate .whl file for your computer architecture, Python and CUDA version from here

    Execute the following command to install appropriate CV-CUDA Python wheel

    pip install cvcuda_<cu_ver>-0.6.0b0-cp<py_ver>-cp<py_ver>-linux_<arch>.whl

    where <cu_ver> is the desired CUDA version, <py_ver> the desired Python version and <arch> the desired architecture.

    Please note that the Python wheels provided are standalone, they include both the C++/CUDA libraries and the Python bindings.

  • Verifying the Debian or TAR installation on Linux

    To verify that CV-CUDA is installed and is running properly, run the tests from the install folder for tests. Default installation path is /opt/nvidia/cvcuda0/bin.

    cd /opt/nvidia/cvcuda0/bin

If CV-CUDA is properly installed and running on your Linux system, all tests will pass.

  • Running the samples on Linux.

    Follow the instructions written in the file of the samples directory.