Function nvcvImageBatchVarShapeGetImages

Function Documentation

NVCVStatus nvcvImageBatchVarShapeGetImages(NVCVImageBatchHandle handle, int32_t begIndex, NVCVImageHandle *outImages, int32_t numImages)

Retrieve the image handles from the varshape image batch.

This function creates new references to the image handles. The caller must release them by calling nvcvImageDecRef on all handles returned by this function.

  • handle[in] Varshape image batch to be queried

  • begOffset[in] Index offset of the first image to be retrieved. To retrieve starting from the first image, pass 0.

    • Must be < number of images in the batch.

  • outImages[out] Where the image handles will be written to. The caller must free the handles by calling nvcvImageDecRef.

  • numImages[in] Number of images to be retrieved.

    • Must be >= 0.

    • Must be begOffset+numImages <= number of images in the batch.

Return values:
  • NVCV_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – Some parameter is outside its valid range.

  • NVCV_ERROR_OVERFLOW – Tried to retrieve more images that there are in the batch.

  • NVCV_SUCCESS – Operation executed successfully.