Struct NVCVImageBatchTensorBufferStridedRec

Struct Documentation

struct NVCVImageBatchTensorBufferStridedRec

Stores the tensor plane contents.

Public Members

int64_t imgStride

Distance in bytes from beginning of first plane of one image to the first plane of the next image.

  • Must be >= 1.

int32_t rowStride

Distance in bytes from beginning of one row to the next.

  • Must be >= 1.

int32_t imgWidth

Dimensions of each image.

  • Must be >= 1x1

int32_t imgHeight
void *planeBuffer[(6)]

Buffer of all image planes in pitch-linear layout. It assumes all planes have same dimension specified by imgWidth/imgHeight, and that all planes have the same row pitch.

  • Only the first N elements must have valid data, where N is the number of planes defined by NVCVImageBatchData::format.