Function cvcudaGaussianVarShapeSubmit

Function Documentation

NVCVStatus cvcudaGaussianVarShapeSubmit(NVCVOperatorHandle handle, cudaStream_t stream, NVCVImageBatchHandle in, NVCVImageBatchHandle out, NVCVTensorHandle kernelSize, NVCVTensorHandle sigma, NVCVBorderType borderMode)

Executes the Gaussian operation on a batch of images.

  • in[in] Input image batch.

  • out[out] Output image batch.

  • kernelSize[in] Gaussian kernel size as a Tensor of int2.

    • Must be of pixel type NVCV_DATA_TYPE_2S32

  • sigma[in] Gaussian sigma as a Tensor of double2.

    • Must be of pixel type NVCV_DATA_TYPE_2F64

  • borderMode[in] Border mode to be used when accessing elements outside input image, cf. NVCVBorderType.