TensorBatchWrap shortcuts


Specializes TensorBatchWrap template classes to different dimensions.

The specializations have the last dimension as the only compile-time dimension as size of T. All other dimensions have run-time pitch and must be provided.

Template arguments:


template<typename T>
using TensorBatch1DWrap = TensorBatchWrap<T, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T>
using TensorBatch2DWrap = TensorBatchWrap<T, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T>
using TensorBatch3DWrap = TensorBatchWrap<T, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T>
using TensorBatch4DWrap = TensorBatchWrap<T, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T>
using TensorBatch5DWrap = TensorBatchWrap<T, -1, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, int N>
using TensorBatchNDWrap = std::conditional_t<N == 1, TensorBatch1DWrap<T>, std::conditional_t<N == 2, TensorBatch2DWrap<T>, std::conditional_t<N == 3, TensorBatch3DWrap<T>, std::conditional_t<N == 4, TensorBatch4DWrap<T>, std::conditional_t<N == 5, TensorBatch5DWrap<T>, void>>>>>