Function cvcudaHQResizeGetMaxWorkspaceRequirements

Function Documentation

NVCVStatus cvcudaHQResizeGetMaxWorkspaceRequirements(NVCVOperatorHandle handle, int maxBatchSize, const HQResizeTensorShapeI maxShape, NVCVWorkspaceRequirements *reqOut)

Calculates the upper bound for workspace requirements. The workspace that meets the returned requirements can be used with any call to the operator as long as: the input dimensionality (2 or 3) matches, the number of samples does not exceed the maxBatchSize, and all the input and output shapes do not exceed the maxShape in any extent (including number of channels).

  • handle[in] Where the image instance handle will be written to.

    • Must not be NULL.

  • maxBatchSize[in] The maximal number of samples in the tensor/tensor batch/image batch.

  • maxShape[in] The maximal shape of any input or output sample. The number of channels must be an upper bound for number of channels in any sample.

  • reqOut[out] The pointer for workspace requirements struct that will be filled by the call.

Return values:
  • NVCV_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT – Handle is null or one of the arguments is out of range.

  • NVCV_SUCCESS – Operation executed successfully.