Program Listing for File InterpolationWrap.hpp

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 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include "BorderWrap.hpp"   // for TensorWrap, etc.
#include "MathWrappers.hpp" // for round, etc.
#include "SaturateCast.hpp" // for SaturateCast, etc.

#include <cvcuda/Types.h>      // for NVCVInterpolationType, etc.
#include <nvcv/TensorData.hpp> // for TensorDataStridedCuda, etc.

namespace nvcv::cuda {

template<NVCVInterpolationType I, int Position = 1>
constexpr inline int __host__ __device__ GetIndexForInterpolation(float c)
        "GetIndexForInterpolation accepts only NVCV_INTERP_{NEAREST, LINEAR, CUBIC, AREA}");
    static_assert(Position == 1 || Position == 2, "GetIndexForInterpolation accepts only position 1 or 2");

    if constexpr (I == NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST)
        return cuda::round<RoundMode::DOWN, int>(c);
    else if constexpr (I == NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR)
        return cuda::round<RoundMode::DOWN, int>(c);
    else if constexpr (I == NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC || I == NVCV_INTERP_AREA)
        if constexpr (Position == 1)
            return cuda::round<RoundMode::UP, int>(c);
        else if constexpr (Position == 2)
            return cuda::round<RoundMode::DOWN, int>(c);

    return static_cast<int>(c);

inline float __host__ __device__ GetCubicCoeff(float c)
    c = cuda::abs(c);
    if (c <= 1.0f)
        return c * c * (1.5f * c - 2.5f) + 1.0f;
    else if (c < 2.0f)
        return c * (c * (-0.5f * c + 2.5f) - 4.0f) + 2.0f;
        return 0.0f;

namespace detail {

template<class BW, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationWrapImpl
    using BorderWrapper = BW;
    using TensorWrapper = typename BorderWrapper::TensorWrapper;
    using ValueType     = typename BorderWrapper::ValueType;

    static constexpr int                   kNumDimensions     = BorderWrapper::kNumDimensions;
    static constexpr NVCVInterpolationType kInterpolationType = I;

    static constexpr auto kActiveDimensions    = BorderWrapper::kActiveDimensions;
    static constexpr int  kNumActiveDimensions = BorderWrapper::kNumActiveDimensions;

    static_assert(kNumActiveDimensions == 2, "InterpolationWrap can only wrap a BorderWrap with 2 active dimensions");

    struct ActiveCoordMap
        int id[kNumDimensions];

        constexpr ActiveCoordMap()
            : id()
            int dimCoord = 0;
            for (int dim = kNumDimensions - 1, idCoord = 0; dim >= 0; dim--, idCoord++)
                if (kActiveDimensions[dim])
                    id[dimCoord++] = idCoord;
            for (int dim = 0, idCoord = kNumDimensions - 1; dim < kNumDimensions; dim++, idCoord--)
                if (!kActiveDimensions[dim])
                    id[dimCoord++] = idCoord;

    static constexpr ActiveCoordMap kCoordMap{};

    InterpolationWrapImpl() = default;

    explicit __host__ InterpolationWrapImpl(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, ValueType borderValue = {})
        : m_borderWrap(tensor, borderValue)

    template<typename... Args>
    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrapImpl(TensorWrapper tensorWrap, ValueType borderValue,
                                                       Args... tensorShape)
        : m_borderWrap(tensorWrap, borderValue, tensorShape...)

    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrapImpl(BorderWrapper borderWrap)
        : m_borderWrap(borderWrap)

    inline const __host__ __device__ BorderWrapper &borderWrap() const
        return m_borderWrap;

    inline __host__ __device__ float scaleX() const
        return float{};

    inline __host__ __device__ float scaleY() const
        return float{};

    inline __host__ __device__ bool isIntegerArea() const
        return bool{};

    template<typename DimType>
    inline const __host__ __device__ ValueType &doGetValue(DimType c, int x, int y) const
        cuda::ConvertBaseTypeTo<int, DimType> ic;
        GetElement(ic,[0]) = x;
        GetElement(ic,[1]) = y;
        if constexpr (NumElements<DimType> >= 3)
            GetElement(ic,[2]) = static_cast<int>(GetElement(c,[2]));
        if constexpr (NumElements<DimType> == 4)
            GetElement(ic,[3]) = static_cast<int>(GetElement(c,[3]));

        return m_borderWrap[ic];

    const BorderWrapper m_borderWrap = {};

} // namespace detail

template<class BW, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationWrap : public detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, I>

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST> : public detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST>
    using Base = detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST>;

    using typename Base::BorderWrapper;
    using typename Base::TensorWrapper;
    using typename Base::ValueType;

    using Base::kCoordMap;
    using Base::kInterpolationType;
    using Base::kNumDimensions;

    InterpolationWrap() = default;

    explicit __host__ InterpolationWrap(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, ValueType borderValue = {},
                                        float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})
        : Base(tensor, borderValue)

    template<typename... Args>
    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrap(TensorWrapper tensorWrap, ValueType borderValue, float scaleX,
                                                   float scaleY, Args... tensorShape)
        : Base(tensorWrap, borderValue, tensorShape...)

    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrap(BorderWrapper borderWrap, float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})
        : Base(borderWrap)

    // Get the border wrap wrapped by this interpolation wrap.
    using Base::borderWrap;

    // Get the scale X of this interpolation wrap, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::scaleX;

    // Get the scale Y of this interpolation wrap, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::scaleY;

    // True if this interpolation wrap is integer Area, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::isIntegerArea;

        typename DimType,
        class = Require<std::is_same_v<BaseType<DimType>,
                                       float> && 2 <= NumElements<DimType> && NumElements<DimType> <= kNumDimensions>>
    inline __host__ __device__ ValueType operator[](DimType c) const
        const int x = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType>(GetElement(c,[0]) + .5f);
        const int y = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType>(GetElement(c,[1]) + .5f);

        return Base::doGetValue(c, x, y);

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR> : public detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR>
    using Base = detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR>;

    using typename Base::BorderWrapper;
    using typename Base::TensorWrapper;
    using typename Base::ValueType;

    using Base::kCoordMap;
    using Base::kInterpolationType;
    using Base::kNumDimensions;

    InterpolationWrap() = default;

    explicit __host__ InterpolationWrap(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, ValueType borderValue = {},
                                        float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})
        : Base(tensor, borderValue)

    template<typename... Args>
    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrap(TensorWrapper tensorWrap, ValueType borderValue, float scaleX,
                                                   float scaleY, Args... tensorShape)
        : Base(tensorWrap, borderValue, tensorShape...)

    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrap(BorderWrapper borderWrap, float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})
        : Base(borderWrap)

    // Get the border wrap wrapped by this interpolation wrap.
    using Base::borderWrap;

    // Get the scale X of this interpolation wrap, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::scaleX;

    // Get the scale Y of this interpolation wrap, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::scaleY;

    // True if this interpolation wrap is integer Area, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::isIntegerArea;

        typename DimType,
        class = Require<std::is_same_v<BaseType<DimType>,
                                       float> && 2 <= NumElements<DimType> && NumElements<DimType> <= kNumDimensions>>
    inline __host__ __device__ ValueType operator[](DimType c) const
        const float x  = GetElement(c,[0]);
        const float y  = GetElement(c,[1]);
        const int   x1 = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType>(x);
        const int   x2 = x1 + 1;
        const int   y1 = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType>(y);
        const int   y2 = y1 + 1;

        auto out = SetAll<ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, std::remove_cv_t<ValueType>>>(0);

        out += Base::doGetValue(c, x1, y1) * (x2 - x) * (y2 - y);
        out += Base::doGetValue(c, x2, y1) * (x - x1) * (y2 - y);
        out += Base::doGetValue(c, x1, y2) * (x2 - x) * (y - y1);
        out += Base::doGetValue(c, x2, y2) * (x - x1) * (y - y1);

        return SaturateCast<ValueType>(out);

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC> : public detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>
    using Base = detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>;

    using typename Base::BorderWrapper;
    using typename Base::TensorWrapper;
    using typename Base::ValueType;

    using Base::kCoordMap;
    using Base::kInterpolationType;
    using Base::kNumDimensions;

    InterpolationWrap() = default;

    explicit __host__ InterpolationWrap(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, ValueType borderValue = {},
                                        float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})
        : Base(tensor, borderValue)

    template<typename... Args>
    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrap(TensorWrapper tensorWrap, ValueType borderValue, float scaleX,
                                                   float scaleY, Args... tensorShape)
        : Base(tensorWrap, borderValue, tensorShape...)

    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrap(BorderWrapper borderWrap, float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})
        : Base(borderWrap)

    // Get the border wrap wrapped by this interpolation wrap.
    using Base::borderWrap;

    // Get the scale X of this interpolation wrap, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::scaleX;

    // Get the scale Y of this interpolation wrap, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::scaleY;

    // True if this interpolation wrap is integer Area, none is stored so an empty value is returned.
    using Base::isIntegerArea;

        typename DimType,
        class = Require<std::is_same_v<BaseType<DimType>,
                                       float> && 2 <= NumElements<DimType> && NumElements<DimType> <= kNumDimensions>>
    inline __host__ __device__ ValueType operator[](DimType c) const
        const float x    = GetElement(c,[0]);
        const float y    = GetElement(c,[1]);
        const int   xmin = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType, 1>(x - 2.f);
        const int   xmax = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType, 2>(x + 2.f);
        const int   ymin = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType, 1>(y - 2.f);
        const int   ymax = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType, 2>(y + 2.f);

        using FT = ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, std::remove_cv_t<ValueType>>;
        auto sum = SetAll<FT>(0);

        float w, wsum = 0.f;

        for (int cy = ymin; cy <= ymax; cy++)
            for (int cx = xmin; cx <= xmax; cx++)
                w = GetCubicCoeff(x - cx) * GetCubicCoeff(y - cy);
                sum += w * Base::doGetValue(c, cx, cy);
                wsum += w;

        sum = (wsum == 0.f) ? SetAll<FT>(0) : sum / wsum;

        return SaturateCast<ValueType>(sum);

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA> : public detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA>
    using Base = detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA>;

    using typename Base::BorderWrapper;
    using typename Base::TensorWrapper;
    using typename Base::ValueType;

    using Base::kCoordMap;
    using Base::kInterpolationType;
    using Base::kNumDimensions;

    InterpolationWrap() = default;

    explicit __host__ InterpolationWrap(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, ValueType borderValue = {},
                                        float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})
        : Base(tensor, borderValue)
        , m_scaleX(scaleX)
        , m_scaleY(scaleY)
        , m_isIntegerArea(isIntegerArea(scaleX, scaleY))

    template<typename... Args>
    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrap(TensorWrapper tensorWrap, ValueType borderValue, float scaleX,
                                                   float scaleY, Args... tensorShape)
        : Base(tensorWrap, borderValue, tensorShape...)
        , m_scaleX(scaleX)
        , m_scaleY(scaleY)
        , m_isIntegerArea(isIntegerArea(scaleX, scaleY))

    explicit __host__ __device__ InterpolationWrap(BorderWrapper borderWrap, float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})
        : Base(borderWrap)
        , m_scaleX(scaleX)
        , m_scaleY(scaleY)
        , m_isIntegerArea(isIntegerArea(scaleX, scaleY))

    // Get the border wrap wrapped by this interpolation wrap.
    using Base::borderWrap;

    // Get the Area scale X of this interpolation wrap.
    inline __host__ __device__ float scaleX() const
        return m_scaleX;

    // Get the Area scale Y of this interpolation wrap.
    inline __host__ __device__ float scaleY() const
        return m_scaleY;

    // True if this interpolation wrap is integer Area.
    inline __host__ __device__ bool isIntegerArea() const
        return m_isIntegerArea;

        typename DimType,
        class = Require<std::is_same_v<BaseType<DimType>,
                                       float> && 2 <= NumElements<DimType> && NumElements<DimType> <= kNumDimensions>>
    inline __host__ __device__ ValueType operator[](DimType c) const
        const float fsx1 = GetElement(c,[0]) * m_scaleX;
        const float fsy1 = GetElement(c,[1]) * m_scaleY;
        const float fsx2 = fsx1 + m_scaleX;
        const float fsy2 = fsy1 + m_scaleY;
        const int   xmin = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType, 1>(fsx1);
        const int   xmax = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType, 2>(fsx2);
        const int   ymin = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType, 1>(fsy1);
        const int   ymax = GetIndexForInterpolation<kInterpolationType, 2>(fsy2);

        auto out = SetAll<ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, std::remove_cv_t<ValueType>>>(0);

        if (m_isIntegerArea)
            const float scale = 1.f / (m_scaleX * m_scaleY);

            for (int cy = ymin; cy < ymax; ++cy)
                for (int cx = xmin; cx < xmax; ++cx)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, cx, cy) * scale;
            // There are 2 active dimensions (0, 1) and the coordinates are inverted (y, x)
            // so y corresponds to dimension 0 and x corresponds to dimension 1
            const int w = Base::m_borderWrap.tensorShape()[1];
            const int h = Base::m_borderWrap.tensorShape()[0];

            const float scale = 1.f / (min(m_scaleX, w - fsx1) * min(m_scaleY, h - fsy1));

            for (int cy = ymin; cy < ymax; ++cy)
                for (int cx = xmin; cx < xmax; ++cx)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, cx, cy) * scale;

                if (xmin > fsx1)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, (xmin - 1), cy) * ((xmin - fsx1) * scale);

                if (xmax < fsx2)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, xmax, cy) * ((fsx2 - xmax) * scale);

            if (ymin > fsy1)
                for (int cx = xmin; cx < xmax; ++cx)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, cx, (ymin - 1)) * ((ymin - fsy1) * scale);

                if (xmin > fsx1)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, (xmin - 1), (ymin - 1)) * ((ymin - fsy1) * (xmin - fsx1) * scale);

                if (xmax < fsx2)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, xmax, (ymin - 1)) * ((ymin - fsy1) * (fsx2 - xmax) * scale);

            if (ymax < fsy2)
                for (int cx = xmin; cx < xmax; ++cx)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, cx, ymax) * ((fsy2 - ymax) * scale);

                if (xmax < fsx2)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, xmax, ymax) * ((fsy2 - ymax) * (fsx2 - xmax) * scale);

                if (xmin > fsx1)
                    out += Base::doGetValue(c, (xmin - 1), ymax) * ((fsy2 - ymax) * (xmin - fsx1) * scale);

        return SaturateCast<ValueType>(out);

    inline __host__ __device__ bool isIntegerArea(float scaleX, float scaleY) const
        return cuda::round<RoundMode::UP, int>(scaleX) == scaleX && cuda::round<RoundMode::UP, int>(scaleY) == scaleY;

    const float m_scaleX        = {};
    const float m_scaleY        = {};
    const bool  m_isIntegerArea = {};

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateInterpolationWrapNHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {}, float scaleX = {},
                                         float scaleY = {})
    auto borderWrap = CreateBorderWrapNHW<T, B>(tensor, borderValue);

    return InterpolationWrap<decltype(borderWrap), I>(borderWrap, scaleX, scaleY);

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateInterpolationWrapNHWC(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {}, float scaleX = {},
                                          float scaleY = {})
    auto borderWrap = CreateBorderWrapNHWC<T, B>(tensor, borderValue);

    return InterpolationWrap<decltype(borderWrap), I>(borderWrap, scaleX, scaleY);

} // namespace nvcv::cuda