Program Listing for File Callback.hpp

Return to documentation for file (nvcv_types/include/nvcv/detail/Callback.hpp)

 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include "TypeTraits.hpp"

#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

namespace nvcv {

namespace detail {

struct NoTranslation
    template<typename Callable, typename... Args>
    auto operator()(Callable &&c, Args &&...args) -> decltype(c(std::forward<Args>(args)...))
        return c(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

template<typename Func>
struct AddContext;

template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct AddContext<Ret(Args...)>
    using type = Ret(void *, Args...);

template<typename Func>
using AddContext_t = typename AddContext<Func>::type;

} // namespace detail

template<typename CppFuncType, typename CFuncType = detail::AddContext_t<CppFuncType>,
         typename TranslateCall = detail::NoTranslation, bool SingleUse = false>
class Callback;

template<typename CppFuncType, typename CFuncType = detail::AddContext_t<CppFuncType>,
         typename TranslateCall = detail::NoTranslation>
using CleanupCallback = Callback<CppFuncType, CFuncType, TranslateCall, true>;

namespace detail {

template<typename X>
struct IsCallback : std::false_type

template<typename Cpp, typename C, typename Tr, bool SingleUse>
struct IsCallback<Callback<Cpp, C, Tr, SingleUse>> : std::true_type

} // namespace detail

template<typename Ret, typename... Args, typename CRet, typename CtxArg, typename... CArgs, typename TranslateCall,
         bool SingleUse>
class Callback<Ret(Args...), CRet(CtxArg, CArgs...), TranslateCall, SingleUse>
    static_assert(std::is_same<CtxArg, void *>::value, "The first argument to the C wrapper must be of type void *");

    using FunctionType = Ret(Args...);
    using WrappedFunc  = CRet(void *, CArgs...);
    using CleanupFunc  = void(void *);

    Callback() = default;

    Callback(const Callback &) = delete;

    Callback(Callback &&cb)
        *this = std::move(cb);


    void reset(WrappedFunc *function = nullptr, void *target = nullptr, CleanupFunc *cleanup = nullptr)
        if (m_cleanup)
        m_call = function;
        m_cleanup = cleanup;

    std::tuple<WrappedFunc *, void *, CleanupFunc *> release()
        auto ret  = std::make_tuple(m_call, m_target.asOpaqueHandle(), m_cleanup);
        m_call    = nullptr;
        m_target  = {};
        m_cleanup = nullptr;
        return ret;

    Callback &operator=(const Callback &cb) = delete;

    template<typename Function>
    Callback &operator=(const Callback<Function> &f) = delete;

    Callback &operator=(Callback &&cb)
        if (&cb != this)
            std::swap(m_call, cb.m_call);
            std::swap(m_target, cb.m_target);
            std::swap(m_cleanup, cb.m_cleanup);
        return *this;

    template<typename FunctionLike>
    detail::EnableIf_t<std::is_convertible<FunctionLike &&, Callback>::value, Callback &> &operator=(FunctionLike &&f)
        return *this = Callback(std::forward<FunctionLike>(f));

    // clang-format off
        typename Callable,
        typename = detail::EnableIf_t<
            detail::IsInvocableR<Ret, Callable, Args...>::value &&
            !detail::IsCallback<detail::RemoveCVRef_t<Callable>>::value &&
    // clang-format on
    Callback(Callable &&c)

    Callback(FunctionType *f)

    template<typename RetF, typename... ArgsF,
             typename = detail::EnableIf_t<detail::IsInvocableR<Ret, RetF (*)(ArgsF...), Args...>::value>>
    Callback(RetF (*f)(ArgsF...))

    template<typename FunctionSig,
             typename = detail::EnableIf_t<detail::IsInvocableR<Ret, std::function<FunctionSig>, Args...>::value>>
    Callback(const std::function<FunctionSig> &f)
        if (FunctionSig *const *fn = f.template target<FunctionSig *>())

    bool requiresCleanup() const
        return m_cleanup != nullptr;

    template<typename Callable>
    static constexpr bool requiresCleanup()
        static_assert(detail::IsInvocableR<Ret, Callable, Args...>::value,
                      "The callable object is not invocable as the target function type");
        return !std::is_function<detail::RemovePointer_t<Callable>>::value && !isEmpty<Callable>()
            && !isByValue<Callable>();

    template<typename Callable>
    static bool requiresCleanup(Callable &&c)
        return requiresCleanupImpl(std::forward<Callable>(c));

    void *targetHandle() const
        return m_target.asOpaqueHandle();

    WrappedFunc *targetFunc() const
        return m_call;

    CleanupFunc *cleanupFunc() const
        return m_cleanup;

    explicit operator bool() const
        return m_call != nullptr;

    template<bool single_use = SingleUse>
    detail::EnableIf_t<!single_use, Ret> operator()(Args... args) const
        static_assert(single_use == SingleUse, "The single_use template argument must not be modified manually.");
        if (!m_call)
            throw std::bad_function_call();
        return m_call(m_target.asOpaqueHandle(), std::move(args)...);

    template<bool single_use = SingleUse>
    detail::EnableIf_t<single_use, Ret> operator()(Args... args)
        static_assert(single_use == SingleUse, "The single_use template argument must not be modified manually.");
        if (!m_call)
            throw std::bad_function_call();
        auto *call   = m_call;
        auto  target = m_target;
        m_target     = {};
        m_call       = nullptr;
        m_cleanup    = nullptr;
        return call(target.asOpaqueHandle(), std::move(args)...);

    struct alignas(void *) TargetBlob
        char data[sizeof(void *)];

        void *asOpaqueHandle() const noexcept
            void *h;
            std::memcpy(&h, data, sizeof(h));
            return h;

        void fromOpaqueHandle(void *h) noexcept
            std::memcpy(data, &h, sizeof(data));

    template<typename Callable>
    static constexpr bool isEmpty()
        using C = detail::RemoveRef_t<Callable>;
        return std::is_empty<C>::value && std::is_trivially_default_constructible<C>::value;

    template<typename Callable>
    static constexpr bool isByValue()
        using C = detail::RemoveRef_t<Callable>;
        return sizeof(C) <= sizeof(TargetBlob) && alignof(C) <= alignof(TargetBlob)
            && std::is_trivially_copyable<C>::value && std::is_trivially_destructible<C>::value;

    enum class CallableKind
        Other = 0,

    template<typename Callable>
    void fromCallable(Callable &&c)
        using C                     = detail::RemoveCVRef_t<Callable>;
        constexpr CallableKind kind = isEmpty<C>()   ? CallableKind::Empty
                                    : isByValue<C>() ? CallableKind::ByValue
                                                     : CallableKind::Other;
        fromCallable(std::forward<Callable>(c), std::integral_constant<CallableKind, kind>(),
                     std::integral_constant<bool, SingleUse>());

    template<typename Callable>
    void fromCallable(Callable &&, std::integral_constant<CallableKind, CallableKind::Empty>,
                      std::integral_constant<bool, SingleUse>)
        m_call = [](void *, CArgs... args) -> CRet
            TranslateCall tr;
            return tr(Callable{}, std::move(args)...);

    template<typename Callable>
    void fromCallable(Callable &&c, std::integral_constant<CallableKind, CallableKind::ByValue>,
                      std::integral_constant<bool, SingleUse>)
        using C = detail::RemoveCVRef_t<Callable>;
        new ( C{std::forward<Callable>(c)};
        m_call = [](void *target, CArgs... args) -> CRet
            C *c = reinterpret_cast<C *>(&target);

            TranslateCall tr;
            return tr(*c, std::move(args)...);

    template<typename Callable>
    void fromCallable(Callable &&c, std::integral_constant<CallableKind, CallableKind::Other>,
                      std::integral_constant<bool, false>)
        using C = detail::RemoveCVRef_t<Callable>;

        std::unique_ptr<C> ptr(new C(std::forward<Callable>(c)));

        m_call = [](void *target, CArgs... args) -> CRet
            TranslateCall tr;
            return tr(*static_cast<C *>(target), std::move(args)...);
        m_cleanup = [](void *target)
            delete static_cast<C *>(target);

    template<typename Callable>
    void fromCallable(Callable &&c, std::integral_constant<CallableKind, CallableKind::Other>,
                      std::integral_constant<bool, true>)
        using C = detail::RemoveCVRef_t<Callable>;

        std::unique_ptr<C> ptr(new C(std::forward<Callable>(c)));

        m_call = [](void *target, CArgs... args) -> CRet
            // this will get destroyed even if the invocation or translation throws
            std::unique_ptr<C> c(static_cast<C *>(target));
            TranslateCall      tr;
            return tr(*c, std::move(args)...);
        m_cleanup = [](void *target)
            delete static_cast<C *>(target);

    template<typename RetF, typename... ArgsF>
    void fromFunction(RetF (*f)(ArgsF...))
        using FuncType = RetF(ArgsF...);
        m_target.fromOpaqueHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(f));
        m_call = [](void *target, CArgs... args) -> CRet
            FuncType     *ff = reinterpret_cast<FuncType *>(target);
            TranslateCall tr;
            return tr(ff, std::move(args)...);

    template<typename Callable>
    static bool requiresCleanupImpl()
        return requiresCleanup<Callable>();

    template<typename FunctionSig,
             typename = detail::EnableIf_t<detail::IsInvocableR<Ret, std::function<FunctionSig>, Args...>::value>>
    static bool requiresCleanupImpl(const std::function<FunctionSig> &f)
        return f.template target<FunctionType *>() == nullptr;

    WrappedFunc *m_call    = nullptr;
    TargetBlob   m_target  = {};
    CleanupFunc *m_cleanup = nullptr;

} // namespace nvcv