Size Operator

group Size Operator


constexpr Size2D MaxSize(const Size2D &a, const Size2D &b)

Computes the maximum size in each dimension.

  • a – First size to compare.

  • b – Second size to compare.


The size with w and h computed as a maximum of the respective fields in a and b.

inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const nvcv::Size2D &size)

Overloads the stream insertion operator for Size2D.

This allows for easy printing of Size2D structures in the format “width x height”.

  • out – Output stream to which the size string will be written.

  • sizeSize2D structure to be output.


Reference to the modified output stream.

struct Size2D : public NVCVSize2D
#include <Size.hpp>