CV-CUDA 0.2.0 is the first open-source release of the project.
Release Highlights
CV-CUDA 0.2.0 includes the following key features:
Core components including Image and Tensor with batch support
25 operators with variable shape batch support
Average Blur, Bilateral, Filter, Center Crop, ChannelReorder, Composite, 2D Convolution, ConvertTo, Copy Make Border, Custom Crop, CvtColor, Erase, Flip, Gaussian, Laplacian, MedianBlur, Morphology, Normalize, Pad and Stack, Pillow Resize, Reformat, Resize, Rotate, WarpAffine, WarpPerspective.
C/C++ and Python APIs
Tensor interoperability with PyTorch-GPU and image interoperability with PyTorch-GPU, Pillow-CPU, OpenCV-CPU
Sample applications
Object Classification (ResNet50) pipeline - C++ & Python
For C++ sample - TensorRT for inference
For Python sample - PyTorch for inference
Semantic Segmentation pipeline - Python. This sample supports two inference backends
TensorRT Python API
For semantic segmentation sample (Python) working with videos, accelerated decoding using NVIDIA VPF is expected in the next the release.
Resize and Custom Crop - C++
Documentation for C/C++ API
Packages available in .deb, .tar, and .whl formats
CV-CUDA has been tested on the following compute stack
Ubuntu x86_64: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04
CUDA driver: 11.x (Not tested on 12.0)
GCC: 11.0 and later
Python: 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
Refer to documentation of the sample applications for dependencies.
Known Issues/Limitations
Performance optimization of variable shape versions of the operators will be addressed in the next release.
Improvements to APIs of some operators are expected in the next release.
Morphology operator - performance will be optimized in the next release
Documentation on Python APIs will be available in release 0.2.1-alpha (01/29/2023)
Documentation improvements to C++ API will be addressed in the next release
CV-CUDA operates under the Apache 2.0 license.
CV-CUDA is developed jointly by NVIDIA and the ByteDance Machine Learning team.