
cvcuda.color_twist(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. color_twist(src: nvcv.Tensor, twist: nvcv.Tensor, *, stream: Optional[nvcv.cuda.Stream] = None) -> nvcv.Tensor

    cvcuda.color_twist(src: nvcv.Tensor, twist: nvcv.Tensor, stream: Optional[nvcv.cuda.Stream] = None) -> nvcv.Tensor

    Transforms an image by applying affine transformation to the channels extent.

    See Also:

    Refer to the CV-CUDA C API reference for the ColorTwist operator for more details and usage examples.

    src (nvcv.Tensor): Tensor corresponding to the input image. It must have

    either 3 or 4 channels. In the case of 4 channels, the alpha channel is unmodified.

    twist (nvcv.Tensor): A 2D tensor describing a 3x4 affine transformation matrix. stream (nvcv.cuda.Stream, optional): CUDA Stream on which to perform the operation.


    nvcv.Tensor: The output tensor.

  2. color_twist(src: nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape, twist: nvcv.Tensor, *, stream: Optional[nvcv.cuda.Stream] = None) -> nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape

    cvcuda.color_twist(src: nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape, twist: nvcv.Tensor, stream: Optional[nvcv.cuda.Stream] = None) -> nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape

    Transforms a batch of images by applying affine transformation to the channels extent.

    See Also:

    Refer to the CV-CUDA C API reference for the ColorTwist operator for more details and usage examples.

    src (nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape): Input image batch. Each image must have either 3 or 4

    channels. In the case of 4 channels the alpha channel is unmodified.

    twist (nvcv.Tensor): A 3x4 2D tensor describing an affine transformation matrix or a

    Nx3x4 3D tensor specifying separate transformations for each sample in the input image batch.

    stream (nvcv.cuda.Stream, optional): CUDA Stream on which to perform the operation.


    nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape: The output image batch.

cvcuda.color_twist_into(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. color_twist_into(dst: nvcv.Tensor, src: nvcv.Tensor, twist: nvcv.Tensor, *, stream: Optional[nvcv.cuda.Stream] = None) -> nvcv.Tensor

    cvcuda.color_twist_into(dst: nvcv.Tensor, src: nvcv.Tensor, twist: nvcv.Tensor, stream: Optional[nvcv.cuda.Stream] = None)

    Transforms an image by applying affine transformation to the channels extent.

    See Also:

    Refer to the CV-CUDA C API reference for the ColorTwist operator for more details and usage examples.

    dst (nvcv.Tensor): Tensor corresponding to the output image. Must match the shape of

    the input image.

    src (nvcv.Tensor): Tensor corresponding to the input image. It must have

    either 3 or 4 channels. In the case of 4 channels, the alpha channel is unmodified.

    twist (nvcv.Tensor): A 2D tensor describing a 3x4 affine transformation matrix. stream (nvcv.cuda.Stream, optional): CUDA Stream on which to perform the operation.



  2. color_twist_into(dst: nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape, src: nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape, twist: nvcv.Tensor, *, stream: Optional[nvcv.cuda.Stream] = None) -> nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape

    cvcuda.color_twist_into(dst: nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape, src: nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape, twist: nvcv.Tensor, stream: Optional[nvcv.cuda.Stream] = None)

    Transforms a batch of images by applying affine transformation to the channels extent.

    The twist should be a 2D tensor describing 3x4 affine transformation matrix or a 3D tensor specifying separate transformations for each sample in the input image batch.

    See Also:

    Refer to the CV-CUDA C API reference for the ColorTwist operator for more details and usage examples.

    dst (nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape): Output image batch. The shapes of the output images

    must match the input image batch.

    src (nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape): Input image batch. Each image must have either 3 or 4

    channels. In the case of 4 channels the alpha channel is unmodified.

    twist (nvcv.Tensor): A 3x4 2D tensor describing an affine transformation matrix or an

    Nx3x4 3D tensor specifying separate transformations for each sample in the input image batch.

    stream (nvcv.cuda.Stream, optional): CUDA Stream on which to perform the operation.

