Math wrappers
- template<RoundMode RM, typename T, typename U, class = Require<(!std::is_same_v<T, U>)&&((NumComponents<T> == NumComponents<U>) || (NumComponents<T> == 0 && HasTypeTraits<U>))>> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)
Metafunction to round all elements of the input.
This function rounds all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. Optionally, the base type of the result may be specified by the template argument type
. For instance, a float4 can have its 4 elements rounded into a float4 result, or to a different result type, such as T=int or T=int4, where the result will be int4 with the rounded results (see example below). Also optionally, the round modeRM
can be specified, as one of RoundMode, e.g. RoundMode::DOWN. It is a requirement of round that the input source type has type traits and the optional result typeT
is either a regular C type or has the same number of components as the input type.using FloatType = MakeType<float, 4>; FloatType res = ...; FloatType float_rounded = round(res); ConvertBaseTypeTo<int, FloatType> int_rounded = round<int>(res);
- Template Parameters
RM – Optional round mode to be used, cf. RoundMode.
U – Type of the source value (with 1 to 4 elements) passed as (and inferred from) argument
.T – Optional type that defines the result of the round.
- Parameters
u – [in] Source value to round all elements with its same type or
.- Returns
The value with all elements rounded.
- template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<(!std::is_same_v<T, U>)&&((NumComponents<T> == NumComponents<U>) || (NumComponents<T> == 0 && HasTypeTraits<U>))>> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)
Overload of round function.
It does specifies target round type
and uses default round mode RoundMode::DEFAULT.
- template<RoundMode RM, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)
Overload of round function.
It does not specify target round type
, using input source typeU
- template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)
Overload of round function.
It does not specify target round type
, using input source typeU
instead, and uses default round mode RoundMode::DEFAULT.
- template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U min (U a, U b)
Metafunction to compute the minimum of two inputs per element.
This function finds the minimum of two inputs per element and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, two int4 inputs {1, 2, 3, 4} and {4, 3, 2, 1} yield the minimum {1, 2, 2, 1} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of min that the input source type has type traits.
using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>; IntType a = {1, 2, 3, 4}, b = {4, 3, 2, 1}; IntType ab_min = min(a, b); // = {1, 2, 2, 1}
- Template Parameters
U – Type of the two source arguments and the return type.
- Parameters
u – [in] Input value to compute \( min(x_a, x_b) \) where \( x_a \) ( \( x_b \)) is each element of \( a \) ( \( b \)).
- Returns
The return value with one minimum per element.
- template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U max (U a, U b)
Metafunction to compute the maximum of two inputs per element.
This function finds the maximum of two inputs per element and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, two int4 inputs {1, 2, 3, 4} and {4, 3, 2, 1} yield the maximum {4, 3, 3, 4} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of max that the input source type has type traits.
using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>; IntType a = {1, 2, 3, 4}, b = {4, 3, 2, 1}; IntType ab_max = max(a, b); // = {4, 3, 3, 4}
- Template Parameters
U – Type of the two source arguments and the return type.
- Parameters
u – [in] Input value to compute \( max(x_a, x_b) \) where \( x_a \) ( \( x_b \)) is each element of \( a \) ( \( b \)).
- Returns
The return value with maximums per element.
- template<typename U, typename S, class = Require<(NumComponents<U> == NumComponents<S>) || (HasTypeTraits<U> && NumComponents<S> == 0)>> inline __host__ __device__ U pow (U x, S y)
Metafunction to compute the power of all elements of the input.
This function computes the power of all elements of the input
and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of pow that the inputx
has the same number of components of the powery
is a scalar (and the type ofx
has type traits).- Template Parameters
U – Type of the source argument
and the return type.S – Type of the source argument
power (use a regular C type for scalar).
- Parameters
x – [in] Input value to compute \( x^y \).
y – [in] Input power to compute \( x^y \).
- Returns
The return value with all elements as the result of the power.
- template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U exp (U u)
Metafunction to compute the natural (base e) exponential of all elements of the input.
This function computes the natural (base e) exponential of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of exp that the input source type has type traits.
- Template Parameters
U – Type of the source argument and the return type.
- Parameters
u – [in] Input value to compute \( e^x \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).
- Returns
The return value with all elements as the result of the natural (base e) exponential.
- template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U sqrt (U u)
Metafunction to compute the square root of all elements of the input.
This function computes the square root of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of sqrt that the input source type has type traits.
- Template Parameters
U – Type of the source argument and the return type.
- Parameters
u – [in] Input value to compute \( \sqrt{x} \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).
- Returns
The return value with all elements as the result of the square root.
- template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U abs (U u)
Metafunction to compute the absolute value of all elements of the input.
This function computes the absolute value of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, an int4 input {-1, 2, -3, 4} yields the absolute {1, 2, 3, 4} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of abs that the input source type has type traits.
using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>; IntType a = {-1, 2, -3, 4}; IntType a_abs = abs(a); // = {1, 2, 3, 4}
- Template Parameters
U – Type of the source argument and the return type.
- Parameters
u – [in] Input value to compute \( |x| \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).
- Returns
The return value with the absolute of all elements.
- template<typename U, typename S, class = Require<(NumComponents<U> == NumComponents<S>) || (HasTypeTraits<U> && NumComponents<S> == 0)>> inline __host__ __device__ U clamp (U u, S lo, S hi)
Metafunction to clamp all elements of the input.
This function clamps all elements of the input
and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of clamp that the inputu
has the same number of components of the range valueslo
or both are scalars (and the type ofu
has type traits).- Template Parameters
U – Type of the source argument
and the return type.S – Type of the source argument
(use a regular C type for scalar).
- Parameters
u – [in] Input value to clamp.
lo – [in] Input clamp range low value.
hi – [in] Input clamp range high value.
- Returns
The return value with all elements clamped.