FullTensorWrap classes

template<typename T, int N>
class FullTensorWrap
#include <FullTensorWrap.hpp>

FullTensorWrap class is a non-owning wrap of a N-D tensor used for easy access of its elements in CUDA device.

FullTensorWrap is a wrapper of a multi-dimensional tensor that holds all information related to it, i.e. N strides and N shapes, where N is its number of dimensions.

Template arguments:

  • T type of the values inside the tensor

  • N dimensions

FullTensor wrapper class specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element (or value) inside the tensor wrapper.

  • N – dimensions.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • N – Number of dimensions.

template<typename T, int N>
class FullTensorWrap<const T, N>
#include <FullTensorWrap.hpp>