InterpolationWrap classes

template<class BW, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, I>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class used to wrap a BorderWrap adding interpolation handling to it.

This class wraps a BorderWrap to add interpolation handling functionality. It provides the operator[] to do the same semantic value access in the wrapped BorderWrap but interpolation aware.

using DataType = ...;
using TensorWrap2D = TensorWrap<-1, -1, DataType>;
using BorderWrap2D = BorderWrap<TensorWrap2D, NVCV_BORDER_REFLECT, true, true>;
using InterpWrap2D = InterpolationWrap<BorderWrap2D, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>;
TensorWrap2D tensorWrap(...);
BorderWrap2D borderWrap(...);
InterpWrap2D interpolationAwareTensor(borderWrap);
// Now use interpolationAwareTensor instead of borderWrap or tensorWrap to access in-between elements with
// on-the-fly interpolation, in this example grid-unaligned pixels use bi-cubic interpolation, grid-aligned
// pixels that fall outside the tensor use reflect border extension and inside is the tensor value itself

See also



Each interpolation wrap class below is specialized for one interpolation type.

Template Parameters
template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST.

Template Parameters

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR.

Template Parameters

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC.

Template Parameters

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_AREA.

Template Parameters

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.