Math operators


Operators on CUDA compound types resembling the same operator on corresponding regular C type.

This whole group defines a set of arithmetic and bitwise operators defined on CUDA compound types. They work the same way as the corresponding regular C type. For instance, three int3 a, b and c, will accept the operation a += b * c (see example below). Furthermore, the operators accept mixed operands as CUDA compound and regular C types, e.g. two int3 a and b and one int c will accept the operation a += b * c, where the scalar c propagates its value for all components of b in the multiplication and the int3 result in the assignment to a.

using DataType = ...;
DataType pix = ...;
float kernel = ...;
ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, DataType> res = {0};
res += kernel * pix;
tparam T:

Type of the first CUDA compound or regular C type operand.

tparam U:

Type of the second CUDA compound or regular C type operand.

param a:

[in] First operand.

param b:

[in] Second operand.


Return value of applying the operator on a and b.




template<typename T, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::IsCompound <T>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator- (T a)
template<typename T, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::IsCompound <T>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator+ (T a)
template<typename T, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::IsIntegralCompound <T>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator~ (T a)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompound <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator- (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator-= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompound <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator+ (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator+= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompound <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator* (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator*= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompound <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator/ (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator/= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompoundAndBothAreIntegral <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator% (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator%= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompoundAndBothAreIntegral <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator& (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator&= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompoundAndBothAreIntegral <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator| (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator|= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompoundAndBothAreIntegral <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator^ (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator^= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompoundAndBothAreIntegral <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator<< (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator<<= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require< nvcv::cuda::detail::OneIsCompoundAndBothAreIntegral <T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto operator>> (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::IsCompound<T>>> inline __host__ __device__ T & operator>>= (T &a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::detail::IsSameCompound<T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ bool operator== (T a, U b)
template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::detail::IsSameCompound<T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ bool operator!= (T a, U b)
namespace nvcv


using CustomHostMemAllocator = CustomMemAllocator<HostMemAllocator>
using CustomHostPinnedMemAllocator = CustomMemAllocator<HostPinnedMemAllocator>
using CustomCudaMemAllocator = CustomMemAllocator<CudaMemAllocator>
using ArrayDataCleanupFunc = void(const ArrayData&)
using ArrayDataCleanupCallback = CleanupCallback<ArrayDataCleanupFunc, detail::RemovePointer_t<NVCVArrayDataCleanupFunc>, TranslateArrayDataCleanup>
using ArrayWrapHandle = NonOwningResource<Array>
template<class T>
using HandleTypeOf = typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type::HandleType

Helper type alias to deduce the handle type of a given class T.

This type alias uses std::remove_pointer to strip the pointer off of T (if any), and then accesses the HandleType nested type within T.

Template Parameters:

T – The class type from which to deduce the handle type.

using ExtraChannelInfo = NVCVExtraChannelInfo
template<typename CppFuncType, typename CFuncType = detail::AddContext_t<CppFuncType>, typename TranslateCall = detail::NoTranslation>
using CleanupCallback = Callback<CppFuncType, CFuncType, TranslateCall, true>
using ImageDataCleanupFunc = void(const ImageData&)
typedef CleanupCallback<ImageDataCleanupFunc, detail::RemovePointer_t<NVCVImageDataCleanupFunc>, TranslateImageDataCleanup> ImageDataCleanupCallback
using ImageWrapHandle = NonOwningResource<Image>
using ImageBatchWrapHandle = NonOwningResource<ImageBatch>
using ImageBatchVarShapeWrapHandle = NonOwningResource<ImageBatchVarShape>
using OptionalImageBatchVarShapeConstRef = nvcv::Optional<std::reference_wrapper<const nvcv::ImageBatchVarShape>>
using ImageBufferStrided = NVCVImageBufferStrided
using ImagePlaneStrided = NVCVImagePlaneStrided
using TensorDataCleanupFunc = void(const TensorData&)
using TensorDataCleanupCallback = CleanupCallback<TensorDataCleanupFunc, detail::RemovePointer_t<NVCVTensorDataCleanupFunc>, TranslateTensorDataCleanup>
using TensorWrapHandle = NonOwningResource<Tensor>
using OptionalTensorConstRef = nvcv::Optional<std::reference_wrapper<const nvcv::Tensor>>
using TensorBatchWrapHandle = NonOwningResource<TensorBatch>


enum class ColorModel : int8_t


enumerator UNDEFINED
enumerator YCbCr
enumerator RGB
enumerator RAW
enumerator XYZ
enum class ColorSpace : int8_t


enumerator BT601
enumerator BT709
enumerator BT2020
enumerator DCIP3
enum class WhitePoint : int8_t


enumerator D65
enum class YCbCrEncoding : int8_t


enumerator UNDEFINED
enumerator BT601
enumerator BT709
enumerator BT2020
enumerator BT2020c
enumerator SMPTE240M
enum class ColorTransferFunction : int8_t


enumerator LINEAR
enumerator sRGB
enumerator sYCC
enumerator PQ
enumerator BT709
enumerator BT2020
enumerator SMPTE240M
enum class ColorRange : int8_t


enumerator FULL
enumerator LIMITED
enum class ChromaLocation : int8_t


enumerator EVEN
enumerator CENTER
enumerator ODD
enumerator BOTH
enum class RawPattern : uint8_t


enumerator BAYER_RGGB
enumerator BAYER_BGGR
enumerator BAYER_GRBG
enumerator BAYER_GBRG
enumerator BAYER_RCCB
enumerator BAYER_BCCR
enumerator BAYER_CRBC
enumerator BAYER_CBRC
enumerator BAYER_RCCC
enumerator BAYER_CRCC
enumerator BAYER_CCRC
enumerator BAYER_CCCR
enumerator BAYER_CCCC
enum class ChromaSubsampling : int8_t


enumerator NONE
enumerator CSS_444
enumerator CSS_422
enumerator CSS_422R
enumerator CSS_411
enumerator CSS_411R
enumerator CSS_420
enumerator CSS_440
enumerator CSS_410
enumerator CSS_410R
enum class Packing : int32_t


enumerator NONE
enumerator X1

One 1-bit channel.

enumerator X2

One 2-bit channel.

enumerator X4

One 4-bit channel.

enumerator X8

One 8-bit channel.

enumerator X4Y4

Two 4-bit channels in one word.

enumerator X3Y3Z2

Three 3-, 3- and 2-bit channels in one 8-bit word.

enumerator X16

One 16-bit channel.

enumerator b6X10

One LSB 10-bit channel in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X10b6

One MSB 10-bit channel in one 16-bit word.

enumerator b4X12

One LSB 12-bit channel in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X12b4

One MSB 12-bit channel in one 16-bit word.

enumerator b2X14

One LSB 14-bit channel in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X8_Y8

Two 8-bit channels in two 8-bit words.

enumerator X5Y5Z6

Three 5-, 5- and 6-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X5Y6Z5

Three 5-, 6- and 5-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X6Y5Z5

Three 6-, 5- and 5-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator b4X4Y4Z4

Three 4-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator b1X5Y5Z5

Three 5-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X5Y5b1Z5

Three 5-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X1Y5Z5W5

Four 1-, 5-, 5- and 5-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X4Y4Z4W4

Four 4-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X5Y1Z5W5

Four 5-, 1-, 5- and 5-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X5Y5Z1W5

Four 5-, 5-, 1- and 5-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X5Y5Z5W1

Four 5-, 5-, 5- and 1-bit channels in one 16-bit word.

enumerator X8_Y8__X8_Z8

2 pixels of 2 8-bit channels each, totalling 4 8-bit words.

enumerator Y8_X8__Z8_X8

2 pixels of 2 swapped 8-bit channels each, totalling 4 8-bit words.

enumerator X24

One 24-bit channel.

enumerator X8_Y8_Z8

Three 8-bit channels in three 8-bit words.

enumerator X32

One 32-bit channel.

enumerator b12X20

One LSB 20-bit channel in one 32-bit word.

enumerator X16_Y16

Two 16-bit channels in two 16-bit words.

enumerator X10b6_Y10b6

Two MSB 10-bit channels in two 16-bit words.

enumerator X12b4_Y12b4

Two MSB 12-bit channels in two 16-bit words.

enumerator X10Y11Z11

Three 10-, 11- and 11-bit channels in one 32-bit word.

enumerator X11Y11Z10

Three 11-, 11- and 10-bit channels in one 32-bit word.

enumerator X8_Y8_Z8_W8

Four 8-bit channels in one 32-bit word.

enumerator X2Y10Z10W10

Four 2-, 10-, 10- and 10-bit channels in one 32-bit word.

enumerator X10Y10Z10W2

Four 10-, 10-, 10- and 2-bit channels in one 32-bit word.

enumerator X48

One 48-bit channel.

enumerator X16_Y16_Z16

Three 16-bit channels in three 16-bit words.

enumerator X64

One 64-bit channel.

enumerator X32_Y32

Two 32-bit channels in two 32-bit words.

enumerator X16_Y16_Z16_W16

Four 16-bit channels in one 64-bit word.

enumerator X96

One 96-bit channel.

enumerator X32_Y32_Z32

Three 32-bit channels in three 32-bit words.

enumerator X128

One 128-bit channel.

enumerator X64_Y64

Two 64-bit channels in two 64-bit words.

enumerator X32_Y32_Z32_W32

Four 32-bit channels in three 32-bit words.

enumerator X192

One 192-bit channel.

enumerator X64_Y64_Z64

Three 64-bit channels in three 64-bit words.

enumerator X256

One 256-bit channel.

enumerator X128_Y128

Two 128-bit channels in two 128-bit words.

enumerator X64_Y64_Z64_W64

Four 64-bit channels in four 64-bit words.

enum class DataKind : int8_t


enumerator UNSPECIFIED
enumerator UNSIGNED
enumerator SIGNED
enumerator FLOAT
enumerator COMPLEX
enum class MemLayout : int8_t


enumerator PITCH_LINEAR
enumerator BLOCK1_LINEAR
enumerator BLOCK2_LINEAR
enumerator BLOCK4_LINEAR
enumerator BLOCK8_LINEAR
enumerator BLOCK16_LINEAR
enumerator BLOCK32_LINEAR
enumerator BLOCK_LINEAR
enumerator PL
enumerator BL
enum class Channel : int8_t


enumerator NONE
enumerator X
enumerator Y
enumerator Z
enumerator W
enumerator MAX
enum class ExtraChannel : int8_t


enumerator U
enumerator D
enumerator POS3D
enum class AlphaType : int8_t


enumerator ASSOCIATED
enum class Swizzle : int32_t


enumerator S_0000
enumerator S_1000
enumerator S_0001
enumerator S_XYZW
enumerator S_ZYXW
enumerator S_WXYZ
enumerator S_WZYX
enumerator S_YZWX
enumerator S_XYZ1
enumerator S_XYZ0
enumerator S_YZW1
enumerator S_XXX1
enumerator S_XZY1
enumerator S_ZYX1
enumerator S_ZYX0
enumerator S_WZY1
enumerator S_X000
enumerator S_0X00
enumerator S_00X0
enumerator S_000X
enumerator S_Y000
enumerator S_0Y00
enumerator S_00Y0
enumerator S_000Y
enumerator S_0XY0
enumerator S_XXXY
enumerator S_YYYX
enumerator S_0YX0
enumerator S_X00Y
enumerator S_Y00X
enumerator S_X001
enumerator S_XY01
enumerator S_XY00
enumerator S_0XZ0
enumerator S_0ZX0
enumerator S_XZY0
enumerator S_YZX1
enumerator S_ZYW1
enumerator S_0YX1
enumerator S_XYXZ
enumerator S_YXZX
enumerator S_XZ00
enumerator S_WYXZ
enumerator S_YX00
enumerator S_YX01
enumerator S_00YX
enumerator S_00XY
enumerator S_0XY1
enumerator S_0X01
enumerator S_YZXW
enumerator S_YW00
enumerator S_XYW0
enumerator S_YZW0
enumerator S_YZ00
enumerator S_00X1
enumerator S_0ZXY
enumerator S_UNSUPPORTED
enum class ByteOrder : int8_t


enumerator LSB
enumerator MSB
enum class Byte : uint8_t

Byte type, similar to C++17’s std::byte


enum class Status : int8_t


enumerator SUCCESS
enumerator ERROR_DEVICE
enumerator ERROR_NOT_READY
enum TensorLabel


enumerator LABEL_BATCH
enumerator LABEL_CHANNEL
enumerator LABEL_FRAME
enumerator LABEL_DEPTH
enumerator LABEL_HEIGHT
enumerator LABEL_WIDTH


inline int HandleDecRef<NVCVAllocatorHandle>(NVCVAllocatorHandle h)
inline int HandleIncRef<NVCVAllocatorHandle>(NVCVAllocatorHandle h)
inline int HandleRefCount<NVCVAllocatorHandle>(NVCVAllocatorHandle h)
template<typename ...ResourceAllocators>
CustomAllocator<ResourceAllocators...> CreateCustomAllocator(ResourceAllocators&&... allocators)

Constructs a CustomAllocator from a set of resource allocators.

inline int64_t CalcTotalSizeBytes(const Requirements::ConstMemory &mem)
inline int HandleDecRef<NVCVArrayHandle>(NVCVArrayHandle h)
inline int HandleIncRef<NVCVArrayHandle>(NVCVArrayHandle h)
inline int HandleRefCount<NVCVArrayHandle>(NVCVArrayHandle h)
inline Array ArrayWrapData(const ArrayData &data, ArrayDataCleanupCallback &&cleanup = {})
template<class T>
auto StaticCast(HandleTypeOf<T> h) -> decltype(detail::StaticCast<T>::cast(h))

A templated function to perform a static cast on the handle type of a given class T.

This function uses the StaticCast structure in the detail namespace to perform the static cast. The decltype keyword is used to deduce the return type of the function.

Template Parameters:

T – The class type to use for the static cast.


h – The handle type instance to be cast.


Returns the result of the static cast operation.

template<class T>
auto DynamicCast(HandleTypeOf<T> h) -> decltype(detail::StaticCast<T>::cast(h))

A templated function to perform a dynamic cast on the handle type of a given class T.

This function uses the DynamicCast structure in the detail namespace to perform the dynamic cast. The decltype keyword is used to deduce the return type of the function.

Template Parameters:

T – The class type to use for the dynamic cast.


h – The handle type instance to be cast.


Returns the result of the dynamic cast operation.

inline ChromaSubsampling MakeChromaSubsampling(int samplesHoriz, int samplesVert)
inline int GetSamplesHoriz(ChromaSubsampling css)
inline int GetSamplesVert(ChromaSubsampling css)
inline bool NeedsColorspec(ColorModel cmodel)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ColorModel colorModel)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ColorSpec cspec)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ChromaSubsampling chromaSub)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ColorTransferFunction xferFunc)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, YCbCrEncoding enc)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ColorRange range)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, WhitePoint whitePoint)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ColorSpace color_space)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ChromaLocation loc)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, RawPattern raw)
inline Swizzle MakeSwizzle(Channel x, Channel y, Channel z, Channel w)
inline std::array<Channel, 4> GetChannels(Swizzle swizzle)
inline int32_t GetNumChannels(Swizzle swizzle)
inline Packing MakePacking(const PackingParams &params)
inline PackingParams GetParams(Packing packing)
inline int32_t GetNumComponents(Packing packing)
inline std::array<int32_t, 4> GetBitsPerComponent(Packing packing)
inline int32_t GetBitsPerPixel(Packing packing)
inline int32_t GetAlignment(Packing packing)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, DataKind dataKind)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Packing packing)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, MemLayout memLayout)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Channel swizzleChannel)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Swizzle swizzle)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ByteOrder byteOrder)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, DataType type)
inline ImageBatchVarShape::Iterator operator+(ImageBatchVarShape::Iterator::difference_type diff, const ImageBatchVarShape::Iterator &it)
inline Image ImageWrapData(const ImageData &data, ImageDataCleanupCallback &&cleanup)
inline Tensor TensorWrapData(const TensorData &data, TensorDataCleanupCallback &&cleanup = {})

Wraps tensor data into a tensor object.

  • dataTensor data to be wrapped.

  • cleanup – Cleanup callback to manage the tensor data’s lifecycle.


A tensor object wrapping the given data.

inline Tensor TensorWrapImage(const Image &img)

Wraps an image into a tensor object.


imgImage to be wrapped.


A tensor object wrapping the given image.

inline void SetThreadError(std::exception_ptr e)

Sets the thread’s error status based on a captured exception.

This function tries to rethrow the given exception and based on its type, it sets the appropriate error status for the current thread using the nvcvSetThreadStatus function.


e – The captured exception to be rethrown and processed.

template<class F>
NVCVStatus ProtectCall(F &&fn)

Safely executes a function, capturing and setting any exceptions that arise.

This function acts as a wrapper to safely execute a given function or lambda (fn). If the function throws any exception, the exception is captured, and the error status is set for the current thread using the SetThreadError function.


fn – The function or lambda to be executed.

Template Parameters:

F – The type of the function or lambda.


NVCV_SUCCESS if fn executed without exceptions, otherwise the error code from the caught exception.

template<typename HandleType>
int HandleDecRef(HandleType handle)
template<typename HandleType>
int HandleIncRef(HandleType handle)
template<typename HandleType>
int HandleRefCount(HandleType handle)
template<typename HandleType>
void HandleDestroy(HandleType handle)
template<typename HandleType>
constexpr HandleType NullHandle()
template<typename HandleType>
constexpr bool HandleIsNull(HandleType h)
inline int HandleDecRef<NVCVImageHandle>(NVCVImageHandle h)
inline int HandleIncRef<NVCVImageHandle>(NVCVImageHandle h)
inline int HandleRefCount<NVCVImageHandle>(NVCVImageHandle h)
inline int HandleDecRef<NVCVImageBatchHandle>(NVCVImageBatchHandle h)
inline int HandleIncRef<NVCVImageBatchHandle>(NVCVImageBatchHandle h)
inline int HandleRefCount<NVCVImageBatchHandle>(NVCVImageBatchHandle h)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, ImageFormat fmt)
inline bool HasSameDataLayout(ImageFormat a, ImageFormat b)
template<class T>
bool operator==(const Optional<T> &a, const Optional<T> &b)
template<class T>
bool operator==(const Optional<T> &a, NullOptT)
template<class T>
bool operator==(NullOptT, const Optional<T> &b)
template<class T>
bool operator==(const Optional<T> &a, std::nullptr_t)
template<class T>
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const Optional<T> &b)
template<class T>
bool operator==(const Optional<T> &a, const T &b)
template<class T>
bool operator==(const T &a, const Optional<T> &b)
template<class T>
bool operator!=(const Optional<T> &a, const Optional<T> &b)
template<class T>
bool operator!=(const Optional<T> &a, std::nullptr_t)
template<class T>
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const Optional<T> &b)
template<class T>
bool operator!=(const Optional<T> &a, const T &b)
template<class T>
bool operator!=(const T &a, const Optional<T> &b)
template<class T, int N>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Shape<T, N> &shape)
constexpr Size2D MaxSize(const Size2D &a, const Size2D &b)

Computes the maximum size in each dimension.

  • a – First size to compare.

  • b – Second size to compare.


The size with w and h computed as a maximum of the respective fields in a and b.

inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const nvcv::Size2D &size)

Overloads the stream insertion operator for Size2D.

This allows for easy printing of Size2D structures in the format “width x height”.

  • out – Output stream to which the size string will be written.

  • sizeSize2D structure to be output.


Reference to the modified output stream.

inline const char *GetName(Status status)

Retrieves the name (string representation) of the given status.


status – Status code whose name is to be retrieved.


String representation of the status.

inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Status status)

Overloads the stream insertion operator for Status enum.

  • out – Output stream to which the status string will be written.

  • status – Status code to be output.


Reference to the modified output stream.

inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, NVCVStatus status)

Overloads the stream insertion operator for NVCVStatus.

  • out – Output stream to which the status string will be written.

  • status – NVCVStatus code to be output.


Reference to the modified output stream.

inline int HandleDecRef<NVCVTensorHandle>(NVCVTensorHandle h)
inline int HandleIncRef<NVCVTensorHandle>(NVCVTensorHandle h)
inline int HandleRefCount<NVCVTensorHandle>(NVCVTensorHandle h)
inline int HandleDecRef<NVCVTensorBatchHandle>(NVCVTensorBatchHandle h)
inline int HandleIncRef<NVCVTensorBatchHandle>(NVCVTensorBatchHandle h)
inline int HandleRefCount<NVCVTensorBatchHandle>(NVCVTensorBatchHandle h)
constexpr const TensorLayout &GetImplicitTensorLayout(int rank)

Retrieves the default tensor layout based on the rank (number of dimensions).

This function maps commonly used tensor ranks to their typical tensor layouts. For example, a rank of 4 typically corresponds to the NCHW layout (Batch, Channel, Height, Width).


rank – The rank (number of dimensions) of the tensor.


The corresponding default tensor layout. Returns TENSOR_NONE for unsupported ranks.

inline bool operator==(const TensorLayout &a, const TensorLayout &b)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TensorLayout &that)
  • out – The output stream.

  • that – The TensorLayout to output.


The output stream.

inline bool operator==(const TensorLayout &lhs, const NVCVTensorLayout &rhs)
inline bool operator!=(const TensorLayout &lhs, const NVCVTensorLayout &rhs)
inline bool operator<(const TensorLayout &lhs, const NVCVTensorLayout &rhs)
inline TensorShape Permute(const TensorShape &src, TensorLayout dstLayout)

Function to permute the dimensions of a tensor to a new layout.

This function rearranges the dimensions of the tensor according to a new layout. It can be used to change the order of dimensions, for example, from NHWC (channel-last) to NCHW (channel-first) and vice versa.

  • src – The original tensor shape.

  • dstLayout – The desired layout after permutation.


The new TensorShape with permuted dimensions according to the desired layout.


constexpr NullOptT NullOpt
constexpr const TensorLayout TENSOR_NONE = {NVCV_TENSOR_NONE}
class Allocator : public nvcv::CoreResource<NVCVAllocatorHandle, Allocator>
#include <Allocator.hpp>

Represents a reference to an allocator object.

The allocator object defines functions for allocating various resources, including different kinds of memory.

A custom allocator can be created via nvcv::CustomAllocator helper class.

Subclassed by nvcv::CustomAllocator< ResourceAllocators >

class Array : public nvcv::CoreResource<NVCVArrayHandle, Array>
#include <Array.hpp>
class ArrayData
#include <ArrayData.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::ArrayDataCuda, nvcv::ArrayDataHost, nvcv::ArrayDataHostPinned

class ArrayDataAccess : public nvcv::detail::ArrayDataAccessImpl<ArrayData>
#include <ArrayDataAccess.hpp>
class ArrayDataAccessCuda : public nvcv::detail::ArrayDataAccessImpl<ArrayDataCuda>
#include <ArrayDataAccess.hpp>
class ArrayDataAccessHost : public nvcv::detail::ArrayDataAccessImpl<ArrayDataHost>
#include <ArrayDataAccess.hpp>
class ArrayDataAccessHostPinned : public nvcv::detail::ArrayDataAccessImpl<ArrayDataHostPinned>
#include <ArrayDataAccess.hpp>
class ArrayDataCuda : public nvcv::ArrayData
#include <ArrayData.hpp>
class ArrayDataHost : public nvcv::ArrayData
#include <ArrayData.hpp>
class ArrayDataHostPinned : public nvcv::ArrayData
#include <ArrayData.hpp>
template<typename CppFuncType, typename CFuncType = detail::AddContext_t<CppFuncType>, typename TranslateCall = detail::NoTranslation, bool SingleUse = false>
class Callback
#include <Callback.hpp>
template<typename Ret, typename ...Args, typename CRet, typename CtxArg, typename ...CArgs, typename TranslateCall, bool SingleUse>
class Callback<Ret(Args...), CRet(CtxArg, CArgs...), TranslateCall, SingleUse>
#include <Callback.hpp>

Manages an object callable with Args and returning Ret

In many ways, this object is similar to std::function, but aimed at providing C interface. The C interface consists of the following triple:

  • a “call” function with a context prepended to the argument list

  • a context blob

  • a context cleanup function

The user may also add extra marshalling step by providing a (stateless) adapter between the C++ and C callbacks. This is useful for avoiding C API leaking to C++ in callback signatures while still allowing to pass them with little state.

In case when the C consumer cannot handle the destruction of a callback, the presence thereof can be detected at run-time.

Template Parameters:
  • Ret – The return type of the C++ callback

  • Args – Argument types of the C++ callback

  • CtxArg – Type of the context argument in C callback; must be void*, used only to improve diagnostics

  • CRet – The return type of the C callback (see TranslateCall)

  • CArgs – Argument types of the C callback (see TranslateCall)

  • TranslateCall – A type of a stateless functor that translates C arguments to C++, invokes the C++ callback target and translates the return value (or exceptions) to C return value.

  • SingleUse – If true, the callable object can only be called once and, upon invocation, the callable object wrapped by this Callback will be destroyed.

class ColorSpec
#include <ColorSpec.hpp>

Class for color specification.

This class encapsulates various properties related to color space and encoding.

template<typename Handle, typename Actual>
class CoreResource : private nvcv::SharedHandle<Handle>
#include <CoreResource.hpp>

CRTP base for resources based on reference-counting handles

This class adds constructors and assignment with the Actual type, so that Actual doesn’t need to tediously reimplement them, but can simply reexpose them with using.

It also exposes the handle with a get and re-exposes reset and release functions.

Template Parameters:
  • Handle – The handle type, e.g. NVCVImageHandle

  • Actual – The actual class, e.g. Image

class CudaMemAllocator : public nvcv::detail::MemAllocatorWithKind<NVCV_RESOURCE_MEM_CUDA>
#include <Allocator.hpp>

Encapsulates a CUDA memory allocator descriptor

template<typename ...ResourceAllocators>
class CustomAllocator : public nvcv::Allocator
#include <Allocator.hpp>

A helper clas for defining custom allocators.

This class aggregates custom resource allocators.


Direct use of this class is recommended only in C++ 17 and newer. For older standards, use CreateCustomAllocator function insted.

Template Parameters:


template<typename AllocatorType>
class CustomMemAllocator
#include <Allocator.hpp>

Marshals a set of allocation/deallocation functions as NVCVResourceAllocator

A CustomMemAllocator is passed as a constructor argument to CustomAllocator.


This class should not be used directly. Use one of the following typedefs:

  • CustomHostMemAllocator

  • CustomHostPinnedMemAllocator

  • CustomCudaMemAllocator

Template Parameters:

AllocatorType – the type of the allocator (one of: HostMemAllocator, HostPinnedMemAllocator, CudaMemAllocator)

class DataType
#include <DataType.hpp>
class Exception : public exception
#include <Exception.hpp>

Custom exception class to represent errors specific to this application.

This class extends the standard exception class and is designed to encapsulate error codes and messages specific to this application’s context.

class HostMemAllocator : public nvcv::detail::MemAllocatorWithKind<NVCV_RESOURCE_MEM_HOST>
#include <Allocator.hpp>

Encapsulates a host memory allocator descriptor

class HostPinnedMemAllocator : public nvcv::detail::MemAllocatorWithKind<NVCV_RESOURCE_MEM_HOST_PINNED>
#include <Allocator.hpp>

Encapsulates a host pinned memory allocator descriptor

class Image : public nvcv::CoreResource<NVCVImageHandle, Image>
#include <Image.hpp>

Represents an image resource managed by NVCV.

This class wraps the NVCVImageHandle and provides a high-level interface to manage images, including their allocation, deallocation, and querying of various properties like size and format.

class ImageBatch : public nvcv::CoreResource<NVCVImageBatchHandle, ImageBatch>
#include <ImageBatch.hpp>

Represents a batch of images managed by NVCV.

This class wraps the NVCVImageBatchHandle and provides a high-level interface to manage batches of images, including querying of various properties like capacity and number of images.

Subclassed by nvcv::ImageBatchVarShape

class ImageBatchData
#include <ImageBatchData.hpp>

Represents the underlying data of an image batch.

This class provides an interface to access and manipulate the data associated with a batch of images. It also allows casting the data to a derived type.

Subclassed by nvcv::ImageBatchVarShapeData

class ImageBatchVarShape : public nvcv::ImageBatch
#include <ImageBatch.hpp>

Represents a batch of images with variable shapes.

Extends the functionality provided by the ImageBatch class to support batches of images where each image might have a different shape or size.

class ImageBatchVarShapeData : public nvcv::ImageBatchData
#include <ImageBatchData.hpp>

Represents the data of a variable shaped image batch.

This class provides an interface to access and manipulate the data associated with a batch of variable shaped images. It extends the base ImageBatchData class.

Subclassed by nvcv::ImageBatchVarShapeDataStrided

class ImageBatchVarShapeDataStrided : public nvcv::ImageBatchVarShapeData
#include <ImageBatchData.hpp>

Represents the strided data of a variable shaped image batch.

This class extends ImageBatchVarShapeData to provide access to strided data.

Subclassed by nvcv::ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda

class ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda : public nvcv::ImageBatchVarShapeDataStrided
#include <ImageBatchData.hpp>

Represents the strided data of a variable shaped image batch in CUDA.

This class extends ImageBatchVarShapeDataStrided to provide access to CUDA-specific strided data.

class ImageData
#include <ImageData.hpp>

Represents image data encapsulated in a convenient interface.

This class provides methods to access and manipulate image data. It abstracts the underlying image data representation and provides an interface for higher-level operations.

Subclassed by nvcv::ImageDataCudaArray, nvcv::ImageDataStrided

class ImageDataCudaArray : public nvcv::ImageData
#include <ImageData.hpp>

Represents image data stored in a CUDA array format.

This class extends the ImageData class, providing additional methods and attributes specific to the CUDA array format.

class ImageDataStrided : public nvcv::ImageData
#include <ImageData.hpp>

Represents strided image data.

This class extends the ImageData class, providing additional methods and attributes specific to the strided image format.

Subclassed by nvcv::ImageDataStridedCuda, nvcv::ImageDataStridedHost

class ImageDataStridedCuda : public nvcv::ImageDataStrided
#include <ImageData.hpp>

Represents strided image data specifically for CUDA.

This class extends the ImageDataStrided class, offering methods and functionalities tailored for CUDA.

class ImageDataStridedHost : public nvcv::ImageDataStrided
#include <ImageData.hpp>

Represents strided image data specifically for host.

This class extends the ImageDataStrided class, offering methods and functionalities tailored for the host environment.

class ImageFormat
#include <ImageFormat.hpp>
class MemAlignment
#include <Allocator.hpp>
class MemAllocator : public nvcv::ResourceAllocator
#include <Allocator.hpp>

Encapculates a memory allocator (NVCV_RESOURCE_MEM_*)

Subclassed by nvcv::detail::MemAllocatorWithKind< NVCV_RESOURCE_MEM_CUDA >, nvcv::detail::MemAllocatorWithKind< NVCV_RESOURCE_MEM_HOST >, nvcv::detail::MemAllocatorWithKind< NVCV_RESOURCE_MEM_HOST_PINNED >, nvcv::detail::MemAllocatorWithKind< KIND >

template<typename Resource>
class NonOwningResource
#include <CoreResource.hpp>

A non-owning wrapper around a handle which can be trivially converted to a reference-counting wrapper

Motivation: When implementing functions that take handles as arguments, but do not take ownership of the object passed by handle, it’s beneficial to have some way of wrapping the handle into a CoreResource but avoid the calls to incRef/decRef. This class bypasses these calls in construction/destruction. Internally this object store the actual resource and can return a reference to it, so it can be seamlessly used with C++ APIs that operate on the resource class reference. The original resource’s interface is not (fully) reexposed.


void bar(const Image &img)  // takes a reference to the Image shared handle wrapper

void foo(NVCVImageHandle handle)
    NonOwningResource<Image> img(handle);    // no incRef on construction
    bar(img);                                // no incRef/decRef when converting to Image
}                                            // no decRef on destruction
struct NullOptT
#include <Optional.hpp>
template<class T>
class Optional
#include <Optional.hpp>

A container object that may or may not contain a value of a given type.

This is a simplified version of the std::optional type introduced in C++17. It provides a mechanism to represent non-value states without resorting to pointers, dynamic allocation, or custom ‘null’ values.

Template Parameters:

T – The type of the value to be stored.

struct PackingParams
#include <DataLayout.hpp>
class Requirements
#include <Requirements.hpp>
class ResourceAllocator
#include <Allocator.hpp>

A base class that encapsulates an NVCVResourceAllocator struct

This class is a convenience wrapper around NVCVResourceAllocator. The derived classes expose additional functionality, specific to the resource type being allocated.


ResourceAllocator does not own the context object pointed to by cdata().ctx. The destruction of ResourceAllocator does not call the cleanup function.

Subclassed by nvcv::MemAllocator

template<class T, int N>
class Shape
#include <Shape.hpp>

Template class representing an N-dimensional shape.

This class is designed to encapsulate the shape of an N-dimensional tensor, where the size in each dimension is of type T.

Template Parameters:
  • T – The type of the size in each dimension (e.g., int, size_t).

  • N – The maximum number of dimensions this shape can represent.

template<typename HandleType, typename HandleOps = detail::SharedHandleOps<HandleType>>
class SharedHandle
#include <HandleWrapper.hpp>

A handle wrapper that behaves similarly shared_ptr.

Copying a SharedHandle increments the reference count. Destroying a SharedHandle decrements the reference count. Swap (and, to some, extent, move) are very simple operations on the handle value.

Template Parameters:
  • HandleType – The type of the managed handle

  • HandleOps – The set of handle operations - can be customized e.g. to add extra operation tracking

struct Size2D : public NVCVSize2D
#include <Size.hpp>
class Tensor : public nvcv::CoreResource<NVCVTensorHandle, Tensor>
#include <Tensor.hpp>

Represents a tensor as a core resource in the system.

The Tensor class is built upon the CoreResource utility class, which handles the resource management of the tensor. This class provides various interfaces to access and manage tensor properties such as rank, shape, data type, and layout.

class TensorBatch : public nvcv::CoreResource<NVCVTensorBatchHandle, TensorBatch>
#include <TensorBatch.hpp>

Handle to a tensor batch object.

Tensor batch is a container type that can hold a list of non-uniformly shaped tensors. Rank, data type and layout must be consistent between the tensors.

class TensorBatchData
#include <TensorBatchData.hpp>

General type represenitng data of any tensor batch.

Subclassed by nvcv::TensorBatchDataStrided

class TensorBatchDataStrided : public nvcv::TensorBatchData
#include <TensorBatchData.hpp>

Data of batches of tensors with strides.

Subclassed by nvcv::TensorBatchDataStridedCuda

class TensorBatchDataStridedCuda : public nvcv::TensorBatchDataStrided
#include <TensorBatchData.hpp>

Data of batches of CUDA tensors with strides.

class TensorData
#include <TensorData.hpp>

Represents data for a tensor in the system.

The TensorData class provides an interface to access and manage the underlying data of a tensor. It offers functionalities to retrieve tensor shape, layout, data type, and other properties. The tensor’s data is encapsulated in an NVCVTensorData object.

Subclassed by nvcv::TensorDataStrided

class TensorDataAccessStrided : public nvcv::detail::TensorDataAccessStridedImpl<TensorShapeInfo>
#include <TensorDataAccess.hpp>

Provides access to tensor data with a strided memory layout.

This class is an interface for accessing tensor data that is stored in a strided memory layout. It provides utilities for checking compatibility and creating instances of the class.

class TensorDataAccessStridedImage : public nvcv::detail::TensorDataAccessStridedImageImpl<TensorShapeInfoImage>
#include <TensorDataAccess.hpp>

Provides access to image tensor data with a strided memory layout.

This class extends TensorDataAccessStrided and provides specialized utilities for accessing image tensor data.

class TensorDataAccessStridedImagePlanar : public nvcv::detail::TensorDataAccessStridedImagePlanarImpl<TensorShapeInfoImagePlanar>
#include <TensorDataAccess.hpp>

Provides access to planar image tensor data with a strided memory layout.

This class extends TensorDataAccessStridedImage and offers specific utilities for accessing the data in planar image tensors using a strided memory layout.

class TensorDataStrided : public nvcv::TensorData
#include <TensorData.hpp>

Represents strided tensor data in the system.

The TensorDataStrided class extends TensorData to handle tensor data that is stored in a strided manner. Strided tensor data allows non-contiguous storage in memory, where each dimension can have its own stride and the stride is the amount of bytes to jump each element in that dimension.

Subclassed by nvcv::TensorDataStridedCuda

class TensorDataStridedCuda : public nvcv::TensorDataStrided
#include <TensorData.hpp>

Represents strided tensor data specifically for CUDA.

The TensorDataStridedCuda class extends TensorDataStrided to handle tensor data stored in a strided manner on CUDA devices. It provides methods specific to CUDA strided tensor data.

class TensorLayout
#include <TensorLayout.hpp>

Represents the layout of a tensor.

This class wraps around the NVCVTensorLayout structure and provides additional functionality for handling and manipulating tensor layouts. The class allows for easy construction from character descriptions or from other tensor layout structures. It also supports a range of operations including subsetting and checking for prefixes or suffixes.

class TensorLayoutInfo
#include <TensorLayoutInfo.hpp>

Provides information and utility functions related to tensor layouts.

The TensorLayoutInfo class provides a series of utility functions to inspect and work with tensor layouts. It allows checking the compatibility of a given layout, creating instances from a layout, and querying specific properties of the layout, such as whether it represents a batch or an image.

Subclassed by nvcv::TensorLayoutInfoImage

class TensorLayoutInfoImage : public nvcv::TensorLayoutInfo
#include <TensorLayoutInfo.hpp>

This class provides more information about tensor layout for image tensors.

The class inherits from TensorLayoutInfo and adds functions specific to image tensors. It provides detailed information about the tensor layout such as the number of spatial dimensions, the index of various dimensions (channel, width, height, depth), and whether the layout is row-major. It also provides functions to check whether the channel is in the first or last position.

class TensorShape
#include <TensorShape.hpp>

The TensorShape class represents the shape and layout of a tensor.

class TensorShapeInfo : public nvcv::detail::TensorShapeInfoImpl<TensorLayoutInfo>
#include <TensorShapeInfo.hpp>

This class provides information about the shape of a tensor.

It inherits from TensorShapeInfoImpl and is specialized for the base tensor layout type, providing functions to retrieve the shape, layout, and whether the tensor is batched or corresponds to an image.

class TensorShapeInfoImage : public nvcv::detail::TensorShapeInfoImpl<TensorLayoutInfoImage>
#include <TensorShapeInfo.hpp>

This class provides detailed information about the shape of an image tensor.

It inherits from TensorShapeInfoImpl and is specialized for the image tensor layout type, offering additional functionality tailored to image tensors, such as retrieving the number of channels, rows, columns, and the overall size.

Subclassed by nvcv::TensorShapeInfoImagePlanar

class TensorShapeInfoImagePlanar : public nvcv::TensorShapeInfoImage
#include <TensorShapeInfo.hpp>

This class provides information about the shape of a planar image tensor.

It inherits from TensorShapeInfoImage and is specialized for planar image tensors. The class provides functions to check the compatibility of a given tensor shape and to retrieve the number of planes in the tensor.

struct TranslateArrayDataCleanup
#include <Array.hpp>
struct TranslateImageDataCleanup
#include <Image.hpp>
struct TranslateImageToHandle
#include <ImageBatch.hpp>
struct TranslateTensorDataCleanup
#include <Tensor.hpp>
template<typename HandleType, typename HandleOps = detail::UniqueHandleOps<HandleType>>
class UniqueHandle
#include <HandleWrapper.hpp>

A handle wrapper that behaves like a unique_ptr.

Template Parameters:
  • HandleType – The type of the managed handle

  • HandleOps – The set of handle operations - can be customized e.g. to add extra tracking or suppress object deletion.

namespace cfg


inline void SetMaxImageCount(int32_t maxCount)

Sets the maximum number of image handles that can be created.


maxCount – The maximum number of image handles. If negative, dynamic allocation is used and no hard limit is defined.


An – exception is thrown if the nvcvConfigSetMaxImageCount function fails.

inline void SetMaxImageBatchCount(int32_t maxCount)

Sets the maximum number of image batch handles that can be created.


maxCount – The maximum number of image batch handles. If negative, dynamic allocation is used and no hard limit is defined.


An – exception is thrown if the nvcvConfigSetMaxImageBatchCount function fails.

inline void SetMaxTensorCount(int32_t maxCount)

Sets the maximum number of tensor handles that can be created.


maxCount – The maximum number of tensor handles. If negative, dynamic allocation is used and no hard limit is defined.


An – exception is thrown if the nvcvConfigSetMaxTensorCount function fails.

inline void SetMaxArrayCount(int32_t maxCount)

Sets the maximum number of array handles that can be created.


maxCount – The maximum number of array handles. If negative, dynamic allocation is used and no hard limit is defined.


An – exception is thrown if the nvcvConfigSetMaxArrayCount function fails.

inline void SetMaxAllocatorCount(int32_t maxCount)

Sets the maximum number of allocator handles that can be created.


maxCount – The maximum number of allocator handles. If negative, dynamic allocation is used and no hard limit is defined.


An – exception is thrown if the nvcvConfigSetMaxAllocatorCount function fails.

namespace cuda


template<typename T, int64_t... Strides>
using TensorBatchWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, int64_t, Strides...>
template<typename T, int32_t... Strides>
using TensorBatchWrap32 = TensorBatchWrapT<T, int32_t, Strides...>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch1DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch2DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch3DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch4DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch5DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, int N, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatchNDWrap = std::conditional_t<N == 1, TensorBatch1DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 2, TensorBatch2DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 3, TensorBatch3DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 4, TensorBatch4DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 5, TensorBatch5DWrap<T, StrideType>, void>>>>>
template<typename T, int64_t... Strides>
using TensorWrap = TensorWrapT<T, int64_t, Strides...>
template<typename T, int32_t... Strides>
using TensorWrap32 = TensorWrapT<T, int32_t, Strides...>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor1DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor2DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor3DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor4DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor5DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, int N, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorNDWrap = std::conditional_t<N == 1, Tensor1DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 2, Tensor2DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 3, Tensor3DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 4, Tensor4DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 5, Tensor5DWrap<T, StrideType>, void>>>>>
template<bool B>
using Require = std::enable_if_t<B>
template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
using BaseType = typename TypeTraits<T>::base_type

Metatype to get the base type of a CUDA compound types.

using DataType = ...;
using ChannelType = nvcv::cuda::BaseType<DataType>;


This is identity for regular C types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type to get the base type from.

template<class T, int C, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
using MakeType = detail::MakeType_t<T, C>

Metatype to make a type from a base type and number of components.

When number of components is zero, it yields the identity (regular C) type, and when it is between 1 and 4 it yields the CUDA compound type.

using RGB8Type = MakeType<unsigned char, 3>; // yields uchar3


Note that T=char might yield uchar1..4 types when char is equal unsigned char, i.e. CHAR_MIN == 0.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Base type to make the type from.

  • C – Number of components to make the type.

template<class BT, class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<BT, T>>>
using ConvertBaseTypeTo = detail::ConvertBaseTypeTo_t<BT, T>

Metatype to convert the base type of a type.

The base type of target type T is replaced to be BT.

using DataType = ...;
using FloatDataType = ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, DataType>; // yields float1..4
Template Parameters:
  • BT – Base type to use in the conversion.

  • T – Target type to convert its base type.


enum class RoundMode : int


enumerator NEAREST
enumerator DOWN
enumerator UP
enumerator ZERO
enumerator DEFAULT


template<typename T, class OP, class = Require<std::is_floating_point_v<T>>> __device__ void AtomicOp (T *address, T val, OP op)

Metafunction to do a generic atomic operation in floating-point types.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values used in the atomic operation.

  • OP – Operation class that defines the operator call to be used as atomics.

  • address[inout] First value to be used in the atomic operation.

  • val[in] Second value to be used.

  • op[in] Operation to be used.

template<typename T> inline __device__ void AtomicMin (T &a, T b)

Metafunction to do a atomic minimum operation that accepts floating-point types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type of the values used in the atomic operation.

  • a[inout] First value to be used in the atomic operation.

  • b[in] Second value to be used.

template<typename T> inline __device__ void AtomicMax (T &a, T b)

Metafunction to do a atomic maximum operation that accepts floating-point types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type of the values used in the atomic operation.

  • a[inout] First value to be used in the atomic operation.

  • b[in] Second value to be used.

template<bool Active = true, typename T> inline constexpr bool __host__ __device__ IsOutside (T c, T s)

Function to check if given coordinate is outside range defined by given size.

Template Parameters:
  • Active – Flag to turn this function active.

  • T – Type of the values given to this function.

  • c[in] Coordinate to check if it is outside the range [0, s).

  • s[in] Size that defines the inside range [0, s).


True if given coordinate is outside given size.

template<NVCVBorderType B, bool Active = true, typename T> inline constexpr T __host__ __device__ GetIndexWithBorder (T c, T s)

Function to get a border-aware index considering the range defined by given size.


This function does not work for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters:
  • B – It is a NVCVBorderType indicating the border to be used.

  • Active – Flag to turn this function active.

  • T – Type of the values given to this function.

  • c[in] Coordinate (input index) to put back inside valid range [0, s).

  • s[in] Size that defines the valid range [0, s).

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateBorderWrapNHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {})

Factory function to create an NHW border wrap given a tensor data.

The output BorderWrap wraps an NHW 3D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H) and per column (W) of the input tensor border aware in rows (or height H) and columns (or width W). The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is inside the given template type T, e.g. T=uchar4 for RGBA8. The active dimensions are H (second) and W (third).

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the border wrap.

  • B – Border extension to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVBorderType

  • StrideType – Type of the strdies used in the underlying TensorWrap.

  • tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.

  • borderValue[in] Border value to be used when accessing outside elements in constant border type


Border wrap useful to access tensor data border aware in H and W in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateBorderWrapNHWC(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {})

Factory function to create an NHWC border wrap given a tensor data.

The output BorderWrap wraps an NHWC 4D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H), per column (W) and per channel (C) of the input tensor border aware in rows (or height H) and columns (or width W). The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is of type T, e.g. T=uchar for each channel of either RGB8 or RGBA8. The active dimensions are H (second) and W (third).

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the border wrap.

  • B – Border extension to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVBorderType

  • StrideType – Type of the strdies used in the underlying TensorWrap.

  • tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.

  • borderValue[in] Border value to be used when accessing outside elements in constant border type


Border wrap useful to access tensor data border aware in H and W in CUDA kernels.

template<int N, typename T, class = Require<HasEnoughComponents<T, N>>> __host__ __device__ auto DropCast (T v)

Metafunction to drop components of a compound value.

The template parameter N defines the number of components to cast the CUDA compound type T passed as function argument v. This is done by dropping the last components after N from v. For instance, an uint3 can have its z component dropped by passing it as function argument to DropCast and the number 2 as template argument (see example below). The type T is not needed as it is inferred from the argument v. It is a requirement of the DropCast function that the type T has at least N components.

uint2 dstIdx = DropCast<2>(blockIdx * blockDim + threadIdx);
Template Parameters:

N – Number of components to return.


v[in] Value to drop components from.


The compound value with N components dropping the last, extra components.

template<NVCVInterpolationType I, int Position = 1, typename IndexType = int64_t> inline constexpr IndexType __host__ __device__ GetIndexForInterpolation (float c)

Function to get an integer index from a float coordinate for interpolation purpose.

Template Parameters:
  • I – Interpolation type, one of NVCVInterpolationType.

  • Position – Interpolation position, 1 for the first index and 2 for the second index.

  • IndexType – Type of the returned value


c[in] Coordinate in floating-point to convert to index in integer.


Index in integer suitable for interpolation computation.

inline void __host__ __device__ GetCubicCoeffs (float delta, float &w0, float &w1, float &w2, float &w3)
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateInterpolationWrapNHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {}, float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})

Factory function to create an NHW interpolation wrap given a tensor data.

The output InterpolationWrap wraps an NHW 3D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H) and per column (W) of the input tensor interpolation-border aware in rows (or height H) and columns (or width W). The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is inside the given template type T, e.g. T=uchar4 for RGBA8. The active dimensions are H (second) and W (third).

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the interpolation wrap.

  • B – Border extension to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVBorderType

  • I – Interpolation to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVInterpolationType

  • StrideType – Stride type used when accessing underlying tensor data

  • tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.

  • borderValue[in] Border value to be used when accessing outside elements in constant border type

  • scaleX[in] Scale X value to be used when interpolation elements with area type

  • scaleY[in] Scale Y value to be used when interpolation elements with area type


Interpolation wrap useful to access tensor data interpolation-border aware in H and W in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateInterpolationWrapNHWC(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {}, float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})

Factory function to create an NHWC interpolation wrap given a tensor data.

The output InterpolationWrap wraps an NHWC 4D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H), per column (W) and per channel (C) of the input tensor interpolation-border aware in rows (or height H) and columns (or width W). The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is of type T, e.g. T=uchar for each channel of either RGB8 or RGBA8. The active dimensions are H (second) and W (third).

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the interpolation wrap.

  • B – Border extension to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVBorderType

  • I – Interpolation to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVInterpolationType

  • StrideType – Stride type used when accessing underlying tensor data

  • tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.

  • borderValue[in] Border value to be used when accessing outside elements in constant border type

  • scaleX[in] Scale X value to be used when interpolation elements with area type

  • scaleY[in] Scale Y value to be used when interpolation elements with area type


Interpolation wrap useful to access tensor data interpolation-border aware in H and W in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::detail::IsSameCompound<T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto dot (T a, U b)
template<RoundMode RM, typename T, typename U, class = Require<(!std::is_same_v<T, U>)&&((NumComponents<T> == NumComponents<U>)                                                   || (NumComponents<T> == 0 && HasTypeTraits<U>))>> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)

Metafunction to round all elements of the input.

This function rounds all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. Optionally, the base type of the result may be specified by the template argument type T. For instance, a float4 can have its 4 elements rounded into a float4 result, or to a different result type, such as T=int or T=int4, where the result will be int4 with the rounded results (see example below). Also optionally, the round mode RM can be specified, as one of RoundMode, e.g. RoundMode::DOWN. It is a requirement of round that the input source type has type traits and the optional result type T is either a regular C type or has the same number of components as the input type.

using FloatType = MakeType<float, 4>;
FloatType res = ...;
FloatType float_rounded = round(res);
ConvertBaseTypeTo<int, FloatType> int_rounded = round<int>(res);
Template Parameters:
  • RMOptional round mode to be used, cf. RoundMode.

  • U – Type of the source value (with 1 to 4 elements) passed as (and inferred from) argument u.

  • TOptional type that defines the result of the round.


u[in] Source value to round all elements with its same type or T.


The value with all elements rounded.

template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<(!std::is_same_v<T, U>)&&((NumComponents<T> == NumComponents<U>)                                                   || (NumComponents<T> == 0 && HasTypeTraits<U>))>> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)

Overload of round function.

It does specifies target round type T and uses default round mode RoundMode::DEFAULT.

template<RoundMode RM, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)

Overload of round function.

It does not specify target round type T, using input source type U instead.

template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)

Overload of round function.

It does not specify target round type T, using input source type U instead, and uses default round mode RoundMode::DEFAULT.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U min (U a, U b)

Metafunction to compute the minimum of two inputs per element.

This function finds the minimum of two inputs per element and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, two int4 inputs {1, 2, 3, 4} and {4, 3, 2, 1} yield the minimum {1, 2, 2, 1} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of min that the input source type has type traits.

using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>;
IntType a = {1, 2, 3, 4}, b = {4, 3, 2, 1};
IntType ab_min = min(a, b); // = {1, 2, 2, 1}
Template Parameters:

U – Type of the two source arguments and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( min(x_a, x_b) \) where \( x_a \) ( \( x_b \)) is each element of \( a \) ( \( b \)).


The return value with one minimum per element.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U max (U a, U b)

Metafunction to compute the maximum of two inputs per element.

This function finds the maximum of two inputs per element and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, two int4 inputs {1, 2, 3, 4} and {4, 3, 2, 1} yield the maximum {4, 3, 3, 4} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of max that the input source type has type traits.

using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>;
IntType a = {1, 2, 3, 4}, b = {4, 3, 2, 1};
IntType ab_max = max(a, b); // = {4, 3, 3, 4}
Template Parameters:

U – Type of the two source arguments and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( max(x_a, x_b) \) where \( x_a \) ( \( x_b \)) is each element of \( a \) ( \( b \)).


The return value with maximums per element.

template<typename U, typename S, class = Require<(NumComponents<U> == NumComponents<S>) || (HasTypeTraits<U> && NumComponents<S> == 0)>> inline __host__ __device__ U pow (U x, S y)

Metafunction to compute the power of all elements of the input.

This function computes the power of all elements of the input x and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of pow that the input x has the same number of components of the power y or y is a scalar (and the type of x has type traits).

Template Parameters:
  • U – Type of the source argument x and the return type.

  • S – Type of the source argument y power (use a regular C type for scalar).

  • x[in] Input value to compute \( x^y \).

  • y[in] Input power to compute \( x^y \).


The return value with all elements as the result of the power.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U exp (U u)

Metafunction to compute the natural (base e) exponential of all elements of the input.

This function computes the natural (base e) exponential of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of exp that the input source type has type traits.

Template Parameters:

U – Type of the source argument and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( e^x \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).


The return value with all elements as the result of the natural (base e) exponential.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U sqrt (U u)

Metafunction to compute the square root of all elements of the input.

This function computes the square root of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of sqrt that the input source type has type traits.

Template Parameters:

U – Type of the source argument and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( \sqrt{x} \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).


The return value with all elements as the result of the square root.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U abs (U u)

Metafunction to compute the absolute value of all elements of the input.

This function computes the absolute value of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, an int4 input {-1, 2, -3, 4} yields the absolute {1, 2, 3, 4} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of abs that the input source type has type traits.

using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>;
IntType a = {-1, 2, -3, 4};
IntType a_abs = abs(a); // = {1, 2, 3, 4}
Template Parameters:

U – Type of the source argument and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( |x| \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).


The return value with the absolute of all elements.

template<typename U, typename S, class = Require<(NumComponents<U> == NumComponents<S>) || (HasTypeTraits<U> && NumComponents<S> == 0)>> inline __host__ __device__ U clamp (U u, S lo, S hi)

Metafunction to clamp all elements of the input.

This function clamps all elements of the input u between lo and hi and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of clamp that the input u has the same number of components of the range values lo and hi or both are scalars (and the type of u has type traits).

Template Parameters:
  • U – Type of the source argument u and the return type.

  • S – Type of the source argument lo and hi (use a regular C type for scalar).

  • u[in] Input value to clamp.

  • lo[in] Input clamp range low value.

  • hi[in] Input clamp range high value.


The return value with all elements clamped.

template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U> && !IsCompound<T>>> __host__ __device__ auto RangeCast (U u)

Metafunction to range cast (scale) all elements to a target range.

This function range casts (that is scales) all elements to the range defined by the template argument type T. For instance, a float4 with all elements between 0 and 1 can be casted to an uchar4 with scaling of each element to be in between 0 and 255 (see example below). It is a requirement of RangeCast that both types have type traits and type T must be a regular C type. Several examples of possible target range giving a source range, depending on the limits of regular C types, for the RangeCast function are as follows:

Source type U

Target type T

Source range

Target range

signed char


[-128, 127]

[-1, 1]


unsigned char

[0, 1]

[0, 255]


unsigned int

[-32768, 32767]

[0, 4294967295]



[-1, 1]

[-2147483648, 2147483647]

unsigned short


[0, 65535]

[0, 1]

using DataType = MakeType<uchar, 4>;
using FloatDataType = ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, DataType>;
FloatDataType res = ...; // res component values are in [0, 1]
DataType pix = RangeCast<BaseType<DataType>>(res); // pix are in [0, 255]
Template Parameters:
  • T – Type that defines the target range to cast.

  • U – Type of the source value (with 1 to 4 elements) passed as argument.


u[in] Source value to cast all elements to range of type T.


The value with all elements scaled.

template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<(NumComponents<T> == NumComponents<U>) || (NumComponents<T> == 0 && HasTypeTraits<U>)>> __host__ __device__ auto SaturateCast (U u)

Metafunction to saturate cast all elements to a target type.

This function saturate casts (clamping with potential rounding) all elements to the range defined by the template argument type T. For instance, a float4 with any values (can be below 0 and above 255) can be casted to an uchar4 rounding-then-saturating each value to be in between 0 and 255 (see example below). It is a requirement of SaturateCast that both types have the same number of components or T is a regular C type.

using DataType = MakeType<uchar, 4>;
using FloatDataType = ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, DataType>;
FloatDataType res = ...; // res component values are in [0, 1]
DataType pix = SaturateCast<DataType>(res); // pix are in [0, 255]
Template Parameters:
  • T – Type that defines the target range to cast.

  • U – Type of the source value (with 1 to 4 elements) passed as argument.


u[in] Source value to cast all elements to range of base type of T


The value with all elements clamped and potentially rounded.

template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U> && !IsCompound<T>>> __host__ __device__ auto StaticCast (U u)

Metafunction to static cast all values of a compound to a target type.

The template parameter T defines the base type (regular C type) to cast all components of the CUDA compound type U passed as function argument u to the type T. The static cast return type has the base type T and the number of components as the compound type U. For instance, an uint3 can be casted to int3 by passing it as function argument of StaticCast and the type int as template argument (see example below). The type U is not needed as it is inferred from the argument \u. It is a requirement of the StaticCast function that the type T is of regular C type and the type U is of CUDA compound type.

int3 idx = StaticCast<int>(blockIdx * blockDim + threadIdx);
Template Parameters:

T – Type to do static cast on each component of u.


u[in] Compound value to static cast each of its components to target type T.


The compound value with all components static casted to type T.

template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T> && IsStrideType<StrideType>>>
__host__ auto CreateTensorWrapNHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor)

Factory function to create an NHW tensor wrap given a tensor data.

The output TensorWrap is an NHW 3D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H) and per column (W) of the input tensor. The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is inside T, e.g. T=uchar3 for RGB8.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the tensor wrap.

  • StrideType – Type of the stride used in the tensor wrap.


tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.


Tensor wrap useful to access tensor data in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T> && IsStrideType<StrideType>>>
__host__ auto CreateTensorWrapNHWC(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor)

Factory function to create an NHWC tensor wrap given a tensor data.

The output TensorWrap is an NHWC 4D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H), per column (W) and per channel (C) of the input tensor. The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is of type T, e.g. T=uchar for each channel of either RGB8 or RGBA8.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the tensor wrap.

  • StrideType – Type of the stride used in the tensor wrap.


tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.


Tensor wrap useful to access tensor data in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T> && IsStrideType<StrideType>>>
__host__ auto CreateTensorWrapNCHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor)

Factory function to create an NCHW tensor wrap given a tensor data.

The output TensorWrap is an NCHW 4D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per channel (C), per row (H), and per column (W) of the input tensor. The input tensor data must have either NCHW or CHW layout, where the channel C is of type T, e.g. T=uchar for each channel of either RGB8 or RGBA8.

Template Parameters:

T – Type of the values to be accessed in the tensor wrap.


tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.


Tensor wrap useful to access tensor data in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, typename RT = detail::CopyConstness_t<T, std::conditional_t<IsCompound<T>, BaseType<T>, T>>, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>> __host__ __device__ RT & GetElement (T &v, int eidx)

Metafunction to get an element by reference from a given value reference.

The value may be of CUDA compound type with 1 to 4 elements, where the corresponding element index is 0 to 3, and the return is a reference to the element with the base type of the compound type, copying the constness (that is the return reference is constant if the input value is constant). The value may be a regular C type, in which case the element index is ignored and the identity is returned. It is a requirement of the GetElement function that the type T has type traits.

using PixelRGB8Type = MakeType<unsigned char, 3>;
PixelRGB8Type pix = ...;
auto green = GetElement(pix, 1); // yields unsigned char
Template Parameters:

T – Type of the value to get the element from.

  • v[in] Value of type T to get an element from.

  • eidx[in] Element index in [0, 3] inside the compound value to get the reference from. This element index is ignored in case the value is not of a CUDA compound type.


The reference of the value’s element.

template<int EIDX, typename T, typename RT = detail::CopyConstness_t<T, std::conditional_t<IsCompound<T>, BaseType<T>, T>>, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>> __host__ __device__ RT & GetElement (T &v)
template<typename T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>> __host__ __device__ T SetAll (BaseType< T > x)

Metafunction to set all elements to the same value.

Set all elements to the value x passed as argument. For instance, an int3 can have all its elements set to zero by calling SetAll and passing int3 as template argument and zero as argument (see example below). Another way to set all elements to a value is by using the type of the argument as base type and passing the number of channels of the return type (see example below).

auto idx = SetAll<int3>(0); // sets to zero all elements of an int3 index idx: {0, 0, 0}
unsigned char ch = 127;
auto pix = SetAll<4>(ch); // sets all elements of an uchar3 pixel pix: {127, 127, 127, 127}
Template Parameters:
  • T – Type to be returned with all elements set to the given value x.

  • N – Number of components as a second option instead of passing the type T.


x[in] Value to set all elements to.


The object of type T with all elements set to x.

template<int N, typename BT, typename RT = MakeType<BT, N>, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<BT>>> __host__ __device__ RT SetAll (BT x)
template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>> const __host__ char * GetTypeName ()

Metafunction to get the name of a type.

Unfortunately typeid().name() in C/C++ typeinfo yields different names depending on the platform. This function returns the name of the type resembling the CUDA compound type, that may be useful for debug printing.

std::cout << GetTypeName<DataType>();
Template Parameters:

T – Type to get the name from.


String with the name of the type.


template<typename ...Ts>
constexpr bool HasTypeTraits = (detail::HasTypeTraits_t<Ts>::value && ...)
template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr bool IsCompound = TypeTraits<T>::components >= 1
template<typename T, int N, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr bool HasEnoughComponents = N <= TypeTraits<T>::components
template<typename T>
constexpr bool IsStrideType = std::is_same_v<T, int32_t> || std::is_same_v<T, int64_t>
template<typename T, typename StrideType>
constexpr bool IsIndexType = std::is_integral_v<T> && (TypeTraits<T>::max <= TypeTraits<StrideType>::max)
template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr int NumComponents = TypeTraits<T>::components

Metavariable to get the number of components of a type.

using DataType = ...;
int nc = nvcv::cuda::NumComponents<DataType>;


This is zero for regular C types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type to get the number of components from.

template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr int NumElements = TypeTraits<T>::elements

Metavariable to get the number of elements of a type.

using DataType = ...;
for (int e = 0; e < nvcv::cuda::NumElements<DataType>; ++e)
    // ...


This is one for regular C types and one to four for CUDA compound types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type to get the number of elements from.

template<typename T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr BaseType<T> Lowest = std::is_floating_point_v<BaseType<T>> ? -TypeTraits<T>::max : TypeTraits<T>::min
template<typename ValueType>
class ArrayWrap
#include <ArrayWrap.hpp>
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class BorderVarShapeWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, B>
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Border var-shape wrapper class used to wrap an ImageBatchVarShapeWrap adding border handling to it.

This class wraps an ImageBatchVarShapeWrap to add border handling functionality. It provides the methods ptr and operator[] to do the same semantic access (pointer or reference) in the wrapped ImageBatchVarShapeWrap but border aware on width and height as active dimensions.

using PixelType = ...;
using ImageBatchWrap = ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<PixelType>;
using BorderVarShape = BorderVarShapeWrap<PixelType, NVCV_BORDER_REPLICATE>;
ImageBatchWrap dst(...);
ImageBatchWrap srcImageBatch(...);
BorderVarShape src(srcImageBatch);
dim3 grid{...}, block{...};
int2 fillBorderSize{2, 2};
FillBorder<<<grid, block>>>(dst, src, src.numImages(), fillBorderSize);

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
__global__ void FillBorder(ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<T> dst, BorderVarShapeWrap<T, B> src, int ns, int2 bs)
    int3 dstCoord = StaticCast<int>(blockIdx * blockDim + threadIdx);
    if (dstCoord.x >= dst.width(dstCoord.z) || dstCoord.y >= dst.height(dstCoord.z) || dstCoord.z >= ns)
    int3 srcCoord = {dstCoord.x - bs.x, dstCoord.y - bs.y, dstCoord.z};
    dst[dstCoord] = src[srcCoord];
Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

  • B – It is a NVCVBorderType indicating the border to be used.

template<typename T>
class BorderVarShapeWrap<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT>
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Border var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, B>
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>
template<typename T>
class BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT>
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Border var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

template<class TW, NVCVBorderType B, bool... ActiveDimensions>
class BorderWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderWrapImpl<TW, B, ActiveDimensions...>
#include <BorderWrap.hpp>

Border wrapper class used to wrap a TensorWrap adding border handling to it.

This class wraps a TensorWrap to add border handling functionality. It provides the methods ptr and operator[] to do the same semantic access, pointer or reference respectively, in the wrapped TensorWrap but border aware. It also provides a compile-time set of boolean flags to inform active border-aware dimensions. Active dimensions participate in border handling, storing the corresponding dimension shape. Inactive dimensions are not checked, the dimension shape is not stored, and thus core dump (or segmentation fault) might happen if accessing outside boundaries of inactive dimensions.

using DataType = ...;
using TensorWrap2D = TensorWrap<-1, -1, DataType>;
using BorderWrap2D = BorderWrap<TensorWrap2D, NVCV_BORDER_REFLECT, true, true>;
TensorWrap2D tensorWrap(...);
int2 tensorShape = ...;
BorderWrap2D borderAwareTensor(tensorWrap, tensorShape.x, tensorShape.y);
// Now use borderAwareTensor instead of tensorWrap to access elements inside or outside the tensor,
// outside elements use reflect border, that is the outside index is reflected back inside the tensor

See also


Template Parameters:
  • TW – It is a TensorWrap class with any dimension and type.

  • B – It is a NVCVBorderType indicating the border to be used.

  • ActiveDimensions – Flags to inform active (true) or inactive (false) dimensions.

template<class TW, bool... ActiveDimensions>
class BorderWrap<TW, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, ActiveDimensions...> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderWrapImpl<TW, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, ActiveDimensions...>
#include <BorderWrap.hpp>

Border wrapper class specialized for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters:
  • TW – It is a TensorWrap class with any dimension and type.

  • ActiveDimensions – Flags to inform active (true) or inactive (false) dimensions.

template<typename T, int N>
class FullTensorWrap
#include <FullTensorWrap.hpp>

FullTensorWrap class is a non-owning wrap of a N-D tensor used for easy access of its elements in CUDA device.

FullTensorWrap is a wrapper of a multi-dimensional tensor that holds all information related to it, i.e. N strides and N shapes, where N is its number of dimensions.

Template arguments:

  • T type of the values inside the tensor

  • N dimensions

FullTensor wrapper class specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element (or value) inside the tensor wrapper.

  • N – dimensions.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • N – Number of dimensions.

template<typename T, int N>
class FullTensorWrap<const T, N>
#include <FullTensorWrap.hpp>
template<typename T>
class ImageBatchVarShapeWrap
#include <ImageBatchVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Image batch var-shape wrapper class to wrap ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda.

ImageBatchVarShapeWrap is a wrapper of an image batch (or a list of images) of variable shapes. The template parameter T is the type of each element inside the wrapper, and it can be compound type to represent a pixel type, e.g. uchar4 for RGBA images.

 cudaStream_t stream;
 nvcv::ImageBatchVarShape imageBatch(samples);
auto *imageBatchData  = imageBatch.exportData<nvcv::ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda>(stream)
 nvcv::cuda::ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<uchar4> wrap(*imageBatchData);
 // Now wrap can be used in device code to access elements of the image batch via operator[] or ptr method.

Image batch var-shape wrapper class to wrap ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda.

This class is specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::ImageBatchVarShapeWrapNHWC< T >

template<typename T>
class ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<const T>
#include <ImageBatchVarShapeWrap.hpp>
template<typename T>
class ImageBatchVarShapeWrapNHWC : private nvcv::cuda::ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<T>
#include <ImageBatchVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Image batch var-shape wrapper NHWC class to wrap ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda and number of channels.

This class handles number of channels as a separate run-time parameter instead of built-in T. It considers interleaved channels, where they appear in a packed sequence at the last dimension (thus NHWC). It also considers each image in the batch has a single plane.


The class ImageBatchVarShapeWrap can be used with its template parameter T type as a compound type, where its number of elements yield the number of channels.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside this wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, I>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class used to wrap a BorderVarShapeWrap adding interpolation handling to it.

This class wraps a BorderVarShapeWrap to add interpolation handling functionality. It provides the operator[] to do the same semantic value access in the wrapped BorderVarShapeWrap but interpolation aware.

See also



Each interpolation wrap class below is specialized for one interpolation type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

  • I – It is a NVCVInterpolationType defining the interpolation type to be used.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_AREA> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_AREA>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_AREA.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

template<class BW, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, I>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class used to wrap a BorderWrap adding interpolation handling to it.

This class wraps a BorderWrap to add interpolation handling functionality. It provides the operator[] to do the same semantic value access in the wrapped BorderWrap but interpolation aware.

using DataType = ...;
using TensorWrap2D = TensorWrap<-1, -1, DataType>;
using BorderWrap2D = BorderWrap<TensorWrap2D, NVCV_BORDER_REFLECT, true, true>;
using InterpWrap2D = InterpolationWrap<BorderWrap2D, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>;
TensorWrap2D tensorWrap(...);
BorderWrap2D borderWrap(...);
InterpWrap2D interpolationAwareTensor(borderWrap);
// Now use interpolationAwareTensor instead of borderWrap or tensorWrap to access in-between elements with
// on-the-fly interpolation, in this example grid-unaligned pixels use bi-cubic interpolation, grid-aligned
// pixels that fall outside the tensor use reflect border extension and inside is the tensor value itself

See also



Each interpolation wrap class below is specialized for one interpolation type.

Template Parameters:
template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_AREA.

Template Parameters:

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC.

Template Parameters:

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR.

Template Parameters:

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST.

Template Parameters:

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<typename T, typename StrideT, StrideT... Strides>
class TensorBatchWrapT
#include <TensorBatchWrap.hpp>

TensorBatchWrap class is a non-owning wrap of a batch of N-D tensors used for easy access of its elements in CUDA device.

TensorBatchWrap is a wrapper of a batch of multi-dimensional tensors that can have one or more of its N dimension strides, or pitches, defined either at compile-time or at run-time. Each pitch in Strides represents the offset in bytes as a compile-time template parameter that will be applied from the first (slowest changing) dimension to the last (fastest changing) dimension of the tensor, in that order. Each dimension with run-time pitch is specified as -1 in the Strides template parameter.

Template arguments:

  • T type of the values inside the tensors

  • Strides sequence of compile- or run-time pitches (-1 indicates run-time)

    • Y compile-time pitches

    • X run-time pitches

    • N dimensions, where N = X + Y

For example, in the code below a wrap is defined for a batch of HWC 3D tensors where each row in H has a run-time row pitch (second -1), a pixel in W has a compile-time constant pitch as the size of the pixel type and a channel in C has also a compile-time constant pitch as the size of the channel type.

using DataType = ...;
using ChannelType = BaseType<DataType>;
using TensorBatchWrap = TensorBatchWrap<ChannelType, -1, sizeof(DataType), sizeof(ChannelType)>;
TensorBatch tensorBatch = ...;
TensorBatchWrap tensorBatchWrap(;
// Elements may be accessed via operator[] using an int4 argument.  They can also be accessed via pointer using
// the ptr method with up to 4 integer arguments or by accessing each TensorWrap separately with tensor(...) method.

TensorBatch wrapper class specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • Strides – Each compile-time (use -1 for run-time) pitch in bytes from first to last dimension.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the tensor batch wrapper.

  • Strides – Each compile-time (use -1 for run-time) pitch in bytes from first to last dimension.

template<typename T, typename StrideT, StrideT... Strides>
class TensorBatchWrapT<const T, StrideT, Strides...>
#include <TensorBatchWrap.hpp>
template<typename T, typename StrideT, StrideT... Strides>
class TensorWrapT
#include <TensorWrap.hpp>

TensorWrap class is a non-owning wrap of a N-D tensor used for easy access of its elements in CUDA device.

TensorWrap is a wrapper of a multi-dimensional tensor that can have one or more of its N dimension strides, or pitches, defined either at compile-time or at run-time. Each pitch in Strides represents the offset in bytes as a compile-time template parameter that will be applied from the first (slowest changing) dimension to the last (fastest changing) dimension of the tensor, in that order. Each dimension with run-time pitch is specified as -1 in the Strides template parameter.

Template arguments:

  • T type of the values inside the tensor

  • StrideT type of the stride used in the byte offset calculation

  • Strides sequence of compile- or run-time pitches (-1 indicates run-time)

    • Y compile-time pitches

    • X run-time pitches

    • N dimensions, where N = X + Y

For example, in the code below a wrap is defined for an NHWC 4D tensor where each sample image in N has a run-time image pitch (first -1 in template argument), and each row in H has a run-time row pitch (second -1), a pixel in W has a compile-time constant pitch as the size of the pixel type and a channel in C has also a compile-time constant pitch as the size of the channel type.

using DataType = ...;
using ChannelType = BaseType<DataType>;
using TensorWrap = TensorWrap<ChannelType, -1, -1, sizeof(DataType), sizeof(ChannelType)>;
std::byte *imageData = ...;
int imgStride = ...;
int rowStride = ...;
TensorWrap tensorWrap(imageData, imgStride, rowStride);
// Elements may be accessed via operator[] using an int4 argument.  They can also be accessed via pointer using
// the ptr method with up to 4 integer arguments.

Tensor wrapper class specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • Strides – Each compile-time (use -1 for run-time) pitch in bytes from first to last dimension.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • Strides – Each compile-time (use -1 for run-time) pitch in bytes from first to last dimension.

template<typename T, typename StrideT, StrideT... Strides>
class TensorWrapT<const T, StrideT, Strides...>
#include <TensorWrap.hpp>
namespace detail


template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
using BorderVarShapeWrapImpl = BorderIWImpl<ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<T>, B>
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
using BorderVarShapeWrapNHWCImpl = BorderIWImpl<ImageBatchVarShapeWrapNHWC<T>, B>
template<class FROM, class TO>
using CopyConstness_t = typename CopyConstness<FROM, TO>::type
template<class T, int C>
using MakeType_t = typename detail::MakeType<T, C>::type
template<class BT, class T>
using ConvertBaseTypeTo_t = typename ConvertBaseTypeTo<BT, T>::type


template<typename U> inline __host__ U RoundEvenImpl (U u)
template<typename T, typename U, int RM = FE_TONEAREST> inline __host__ __device__ T RoundImpl (U u)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U MinImpl (U a, U b)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U MaxImpl (U a, U b)
template<typename U, typename S> inline __host__ __device__ U PowImpl (U x, S y)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U ExpImpl (U u)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U SqrtImpl (U u)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U AbsImpl (U u)
template<typename U, typename S> inline __host__ __device__ U ClampImpl (U u, S lo, S hi)
template<typename T, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ T RangeCastImpl (U u)
template<typename T, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ T BaseSaturateCastImpl (U u)
template<typename T, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ T SaturateCastImpl (U u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, signed char > (signed char u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, short > (short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, unsigned short > (unsigned short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, unsigned char > (unsigned char u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, short > (short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, unsigned short > (unsigned short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, signed char > (signed char u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, short > (short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, unsigned short > (unsigned short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ int SaturateCastImpl< int, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ int SaturateCastImpl< int, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ int SaturateCastImpl< int, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, signed char > (signed char u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, short > (short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, double > (double u)
template<typename T, typename U, typename RT, RoundMode RM> inline __host__ __device__ RT RoundImpl (U u)


template<class T, class U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U>>>
constexpr bool IsSameCompound = IsCompound<T> && TypeTraits<T>::components == TypeTraits<U>::components
template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U>>>
constexpr bool OneIsCompound = (TypeTraits<T>::components == 0 && TypeTraits<U>::components >= 1) || (TypeTraits<T>::components >= 1 && TypeTraits<U>::components == 0) || IsSameCompound<T, U>
template<typename T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr bool IsIntegral = std::is_integral_v<typename TypeTraits<T>::base_type>
template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U>>>
constexpr bool OneIsCompoundAndBothAreIntegral = OneIsCompound<T, U> && IsIntegral<T> && IsIntegral<U>
template<typename T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr bool IsIntegralCompound = IsIntegral<T> && IsCompound<T>
template<class IW, NVCVBorderType B>
class BorderIWImpl
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::BorderVarShapeWrap< T, B >, nvcv::cuda::BorderVarShapeWrap< T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT >, nvcv::cuda::BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC< T, B >, nvcv::cuda::BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC< T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT >

template<class TW, NVCVBorderType B, bool... ActiveDimensions>
class BorderWrapImpl
#include <BorderWrap.hpp>
template<class BT, class T>
struct ConvertBaseTypeTo
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class BT, class T>
struct ConvertBaseTypeTo<BT, const T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class BT, class T>
struct ConvertBaseTypeTo<BT, volatile const T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class BT, class T>
struct ConvertBaseTypeTo<BT, volatile T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class FROM, class TO>
struct CopyConstness
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class FROM, class TO>
struct CopyConstness<const FROM, TO>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct HasTypeTraits_t : public false_type
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<typename T> base_type > > : public true_type
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::InterpolationVarShapeWrap< T, B, I >

template<class BW, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationWrapImpl
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::InterpolationWrap< BW, I >

template<class T, int C>
struct MakeType
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T, int C>
struct MakeType<const T, C>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T, int C>
struct MakeType<volatile const T, C>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T, int C>
struct MakeType<volatile T, C>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T>
struct TypeTraits
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits< const T >, nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits< const volatile T >, nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits< volatile T >

struct TypeTraits<char>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<char1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<char2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<char3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<char4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T>
struct TypeTraits<const T> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits<T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T>
struct TypeTraits<volatile const T> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits<T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<dim3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long long>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<longlong1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<longlong2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<longlong3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<longlong4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<signed char>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uchar1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uchar2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uchar3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uchar4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uint1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uint2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uint3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uint4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulong1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulong2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulong3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulong4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulonglong1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulonglong2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulonglong3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulonglong4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned char>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned int>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned long>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned long long>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned short>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ushort1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ushort2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ushort3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ushort4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T>
struct TypeTraits<volatile T> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits<T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
namespace math


template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator+= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator+= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, T rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (const Vector< T, N > &a, T b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator-= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator-= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, T rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &a, T b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const T &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const T &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator/= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const T &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator/= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vector<T, N> &v)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &v)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const T &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator< (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m, T val)
template<class T, int M, int N>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Matrix<T, M, N> &m)
template<class T, int M, int N, int P> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, P > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, N, P > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator*= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, T rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (T val, const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator+= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator+ (const Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator-= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator- (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, M > &v, const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, M > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m, const Vector< T, N > &v)
template<class T, int M, int N, class = cuda::Require<(M == N && N > 1)>> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, 1 > &m, const Vector< T, N > &v)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, M > &v, const Matrix< T, M, M > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator*= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, N, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator- (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const T &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const T &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator< (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
template<typename T, int N, int M>
constexpr Matrix<T, N, M> as_matrix(const T (&values)[N][M])
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > zeros ()
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > zeros ()
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > ones ()
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > ones ()
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > identity ()
template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > vander (const Vector< T, M > &v)
template<class T, int R> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, R, R > compan (const Vector< T, R > &a)
template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > diag (const Vector< T, M > &v)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ T dot (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > reverse (const Vector< T, N > &a)
template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > & transp_inplace (Matrix< T, M, M > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, N, M > transp (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, N, 1 > transp (const Vector< T, N > &v)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip_rows (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip_cols (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N = M>
class Matrix
#include <LinAlg.hpp>

Matrix class to represent small matrices.

It uses the Vector class to stores each row, storing elements in row-major order, i.e. it has M row vectors where each vector has N elements.

Template Parameters:
  • TMatrix value type.

  • M – Number of rows.

  • N – Number of columns. Default is M (a square matrix).

template<class T, int N>
class Vector
#include <LinAlg.hpp>

Vector class to represent small vectors.

Template Parameters:
  • TVector value type.

  • N – Number of elements.

namespace detail


template<class T> constexpr __host__ __device__ void swap (T &a, T &b)
namespace detail


template<typename Func>
using AddContext_t = typename AddContext<Func>::type
template<class IT>
using IsRandomAccessIterator = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<IT>::iterator_category, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value>::type
template<std::size_t N>
using MakeIndexSequence = typename MakeIndexSequenceImpl<N>::type
template<bool Cond, typename T = void>
using EnableIf_t = typename std::enable_if<Cond, T>::type
template<bool Cond, typename If, typename Else>
using Conditional_t = typename std::conditional<Cond, If, Else>::type
template<typename T>
using AddPointer_t = typename std::add_pointer<T>::type
template<typename T>
using AddLRef_t = typename std::add_lvalue_reference<T>::type
template<typename T>
using AddRRef_t = typename std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type
template<typename T>
using RemovePointer_t = typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type
template<typename T>
using RemoveRef_t = typename std::remove_reference<T>::type
template<typename T>
using RemoveCV_t = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type
template<typename T>
using RemoveCVRef_t = RemoveCV_t<RemoveRef_t<T>>


template<typename T>
constexpr T AlignDown(T value, T alignment_pow2)

Aligns the value down to a multiple of alignment_pow2.

The function operates by masking the least significant bits of the value. If the alignment is not a power of two, the behavior is undefined.


Negative values are aligned down, not towards zero.

Template Parameters:

T – an integral type

  • value – a value to align

  • alignment_pow2 – the alignment, must be a positive power of 2


constexpr T the value aligned down to a multiple of alignment_pow2

template<typename T>
constexpr T AlignUp(T value, T alignment_pow2)

Aligns the value up to a multiple of alignment_pow2.

The function operates by adding alignment-1 to the value and masking the least significant bits. If the alignment is not a power of two, the behavior is undefined.


Negative values are aligned up, that is, towards zero.

Template Parameters:

T – an integral type

  • value – a value to align

  • alignment_pow2 – the alignment, must be a positive power of 2


constexpr T the value aligned up to a multiple of alignment_pow2

template<typename T>
constexpr bool IsAligned(T value, T alignment_pow2)

Checks if the value is a multiple of alignment.

Template Parameters:

T – an integral type

  • value – the value whose alignment is checked

  • alignment_pow2 – the alignment, must be a power of 2


true if value is a multiple of alignment_pow2


false otherwise

inline bool IsAligned(const void *ptr, uintptr_t alignment_pow2)

Checks if a pointer is aligned to a multiple of alignment_pow2 bytes.

  • ptr – the pointer whose alignment is checked

  • alignment_pow2 – the alignment, must be a power of 2


true if value is a multiple of alignment_pow2


false otherwise

template<class IFACE, class H>
void SetObjectAssociation(NVCVStatus (*setUserPointer)(H, void*), IFACE *obj, H handle)
template<class IFACE, class H>
IFACE *CastImpl(NVCVStatus (*getUserPointer)(H, void**), NVCVStatus (*setUserPointer)(H, void*), H handle)
inline void ThrowException(NVCVStatus status)
inline void CheckThrow(NVCVStatus status)
inline NVCVImageHandle GetImageHandleForPushBack(Image img)
inline NVCVImageHandle GetImageHandleForPushBack(std::reference_wrapper<Image> img)
inline NVCVImageHandle GetImageHandleForPushBack(NVCVImageHandle imgHandle)
template<typename R, typename... Args, typename F> std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< F >)(std::declval< Args >)...)), R > IsInvocableRF (F *)
template<typename R, typename ...Args>
std::false_type IsInvocableRF(...)
template<typename ...Args, typename F, typename = decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<Args>()...))>
std::true_type IsInvocableF(F*)
template<typename ...Args>
std::false_type IsInvocableF(...)
std::false_type IsStdFunctionF(...)
template<typename T>
std::true_type IsStdFunctionF(const std::function<T>*)
std::false_type IsRefWrapperF(...)
template<typename T>
std::false_type IsRefWrapperF(const std::reference_wrapper<T>*)


constexpr InPlaceT InPlace
template<typename Func>
struct AddContext
#include <Callback.hpp>
template<typename Ret, typename ...Args>
struct AddContext<Ret(Args...)>
#include <Callback.hpp>
template<typename ArrayDataType, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<ArrayData, ArrayDataType>::value>::type>
class ArrayDataAccessImpl
#include <ArrayDataAccess.hpp>
template<class T, int ID = 0>
class BaseFromMember
#include <BaseFromMember.hpp>
template<class T, int ID>
class BaseFromMember<T&, ID>
#include <BaseFromMember.hpp>
struct Conjunction : public true_type
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename T, typename ...Ts>
struct Conjunction<T, Ts...> : public nvcv::detail::ConjunctionImpl<T::value, Ts...>
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<bool, typename...>
struct ConjunctionImpl
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename ...Ts>
struct ConjunctionImpl<false, Ts...> : public false_type
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename ...Ts>
struct ConjunctionImpl<true, Ts...> : public nvcv::detail::Conjunction<Ts...>
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
struct Disjunction : public false_type
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename T, typename ...Ts>
struct Disjunction<T, Ts...> : public nvcv::detail::DisjunctionImpl<T::value, Ts...>
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<bool, typename...>
struct DisjunctionImpl
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename ...Ts>
struct DisjunctionImpl<false, Ts...> : public nvcv::detail::Disjunction<Ts...>
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename ...Ts>
struct DisjunctionImpl<true, Ts...> : public true_type
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<class T>
struct DynamicCast
#include <CastsImpl.hpp>
template<class T>
struct DynamicCast<T*>
#include <CastsImpl.hpp>
template<std::size_t... II>
struct IndexSequence
#include <IndexSequence.hpp>
struct InPlaceT
#include <InPlace.hpp>
template<typename TypeExpression>
struct invoke_result : public std::result_of<TypeExpression>
#include <ArrayDataAccess.hpp>
template<typename X>
struct IsCallback : public false_type
#include <Callback.hpp>
template<typename Cpp, typename C, typename Tr, bool SingleUse>
struct IsCallback<Callback<Cpp, C, Tr, SingleUse>> : public true_type
#include <Callback.hpp>
template<typename Callable, typename ...Args>
struct IsInvocable : public decltypeIsInvocableFAddPointer_t<Callable>
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename R, typename Callable, typename ...Args>
struct IsInvocableR : public decltypeIsInvocableRFAddPointer_t<Callable>
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename X>
struct IsRefWrapper : public decltypeIsRefWrapperFstd::declval<X*>
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<typename X>
struct IsStdFunction : public decltypeIsStdFunctionFstd::declval<X*>
#include <TypeTraits.hpp>
template<std::size_t N, std::size_t... II>
struct MakeIndexSequenceImpl
#include <IndexSequence.hpp>
template<std::size_t... II>
struct MakeIndexSequenceImpl<0, II...>
#include <IndexSequence.hpp>
template<NVCVResourceType KIND>
class MemAllocatorWithKind : public nvcv::MemAllocator
#include <Allocator.hpp>

Provides a common implementation for different memory allocator wrappers

struct NoTranslation
#include <Callback.hpp>
template<typename HandleType>
struct SharedHandleOps
#include <HandleWrapper.hpp>
template<class T>
struct StaticCast
#include <CastsImpl.hpp>
template<class T>
struct StaticCast<T*>
#include <CastsImpl.hpp>
template<typename ShapeInfo>
class TensorDataAccessStridedImageImpl : public nvcv::detail::TensorDataAccessStridedImpl<ShapeInfo>
#include <TensorDataAccess.hpp>

Provides specialized access methods for strided tensor data representing images.

This class is an extension of TensorDataAccessStridedImpl and offers specific utilities for accessing the data in image tensors using a strided memory layout. It provides methods to retrieve the number of columns, rows, channels, and other image-specific properties. Furthermore, it provides utility methods to compute strides and access specific rows, channels, etc.

Template Parameters:

ShapeInfo – The type that contains shape information for the image tensor.

Subclassed by nvcv::detail::TensorDataAccessStridedImagePlanarImpl< ShapeInfo >

template<typename ShapeInfo>
class TensorDataAccessStridedImagePlanarImpl : public nvcv::detail::TensorDataAccessStridedImageImpl<ShapeInfo>
#include <TensorDataAccess.hpp>

Provides specialized access methods for strided tensor data representing planar images.

This class is an extension of TensorDataAccessStridedImageImpl and offers specific utilities for accessing the data in planar image tensors using a strided memory layout. It provides methods to retrieve the number of planes, compute the stride for the plane dimension, and access specific planes of the image tensor.

Template Parameters:

ShapeInfo – The type that contains shape information for the planar image tensor.

template<typename ShapeInfo, typename LayoutInfo = typename ShapeInfo::LayoutInfo>
class TensorDataAccessStridedImpl
#include <TensorDataAccess.hpp>

Provides access to strided tensor data, allowing for more efficient memory access patterns.

This class offers utilities for accessing the data in a tensor using a strided memory layout. It provides functions to retrieve the number of samples, data type, layout, and shape of the tensor. It also contains utilities for computing strides and accessing specific samples.

Template Parameters:
  • ShapeInfo – The type that contains shape information for the tensor.

  • LayoutInfo – The type that contains layout information for the tensor. By default, it is derived from ShapeInfo.

template<typename LAYOUT_INFO>
class TensorShapeInfoImpl
#include <TensorShapeInfo.hpp>

This class provides detailed information about the shape of a tensor.

The class is templated on the layout information type, which allows it to be adapted to various tensor layout schemes. It provides functions to retrieve the shape, layout, and additional metadata about the tensor.

Template Parameters:

LAYOUT_INFO – The type that contains layout information for the tensor.

template<typename HandleType>
struct UniqueHandleOps
#include <HandleWrapper.hpp>
template<class IFACE>
class WrapHandle : public IFACE
#include <CastsImpl.hpp>
namespace cuda


template<typename T, int64_t... Strides>
using TensorBatchWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, int64_t, Strides...>
template<typename T, int32_t... Strides>
using TensorBatchWrap32 = TensorBatchWrapT<T, int32_t, Strides...>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch1DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch2DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch3DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch4DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatch5DWrap = TensorBatchWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, int N, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorBatchNDWrap = std::conditional_t<N == 1, TensorBatch1DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 2, TensorBatch2DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 3, TensorBatch3DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 4, TensorBatch4DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 5, TensorBatch5DWrap<T, StrideType>, void>>>>>
template<typename T, int64_t... Strides>
using TensorWrap = TensorWrapT<T, int64_t, Strides...>
template<typename T, int32_t... Strides>
using TensorWrap32 = TensorWrapT<T, int32_t, Strides...>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor1DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor2DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor3DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor4DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using Tensor5DWrap = TensorWrapT<T, StrideType, -1, -1, -1, -1, sizeof(T)>
template<typename T, int N, typename StrideType = int64_t>
using TensorNDWrap = std::conditional_t<N == 1, Tensor1DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 2, Tensor2DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 3, Tensor3DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 4, Tensor4DWrap<T, StrideType>, std::conditional_t<N == 5, Tensor5DWrap<T, StrideType>, void>>>>>
template<bool B>
using Require = std::enable_if_t<B>
template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
using BaseType = typename TypeTraits<T>::base_type

Metatype to get the base type of a CUDA compound types.

using DataType = ...;
using ChannelType = nvcv::cuda::BaseType<DataType>;


This is identity for regular C types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type to get the base type from.

template<class T, int C, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
using MakeType = detail::MakeType_t<T, C>

Metatype to make a type from a base type and number of components.

When number of components is zero, it yields the identity (regular C) type, and when it is between 1 and 4 it yields the CUDA compound type.

using RGB8Type = MakeType<unsigned char, 3>; // yields uchar3


Note that T=char might yield uchar1..4 types when char is equal unsigned char, i.e. CHAR_MIN == 0.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Base type to make the type from.

  • C – Number of components to make the type.

template<class BT, class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<BT, T>>>
using ConvertBaseTypeTo = detail::ConvertBaseTypeTo_t<BT, T>

Metatype to convert the base type of a type.

The base type of target type T is replaced to be BT.

using DataType = ...;
using FloatDataType = ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, DataType>; // yields float1..4
Template Parameters:
  • BT – Base type to use in the conversion.

  • T – Target type to convert its base type.


enum class RoundMode : int


enumerator NEAREST
enumerator DOWN
enumerator UP
enumerator ZERO
enumerator DEFAULT


template<typename T, class OP, class = Require<std::is_floating_point_v<T>>> __device__ void AtomicOp (T *address, T val, OP op)

Metafunction to do a generic atomic operation in floating-point types.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values used in the atomic operation.

  • OP – Operation class that defines the operator call to be used as atomics.

  • address[inout] First value to be used in the atomic operation.

  • val[in] Second value to be used.

  • op[in] Operation to be used.

template<typename T> inline __device__ void AtomicMin (T &a, T b)

Metafunction to do a atomic minimum operation that accepts floating-point types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type of the values used in the atomic operation.

  • a[inout] First value to be used in the atomic operation.

  • b[in] Second value to be used.

template<typename T> inline __device__ void AtomicMax (T &a, T b)

Metafunction to do a atomic maximum operation that accepts floating-point types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type of the values used in the atomic operation.

  • a[inout] First value to be used in the atomic operation.

  • b[in] Second value to be used.

template<bool Active = true, typename T> inline constexpr bool __host__ __device__ IsOutside (T c, T s)

Function to check if given coordinate is outside range defined by given size.

Template Parameters:
  • Active – Flag to turn this function active.

  • T – Type of the values given to this function.

  • c[in] Coordinate to check if it is outside the range [0, s).

  • s[in] Size that defines the inside range [0, s).


True if given coordinate is outside given size.

template<NVCVBorderType B, bool Active = true, typename T> inline constexpr T __host__ __device__ GetIndexWithBorder (T c, T s)

Function to get a border-aware index considering the range defined by given size.


This function does not work for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters:
  • B – It is a NVCVBorderType indicating the border to be used.

  • Active – Flag to turn this function active.

  • T – Type of the values given to this function.

  • c[in] Coordinate (input index) to put back inside valid range [0, s).

  • s[in] Size that defines the valid range [0, s).

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateBorderWrapNHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {})

Factory function to create an NHW border wrap given a tensor data.

The output BorderWrap wraps an NHW 3D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H) and per column (W) of the input tensor border aware in rows (or height H) and columns (or width W). The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is inside the given template type T, e.g. T=uchar4 for RGBA8. The active dimensions are H (second) and W (third).

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the border wrap.

  • B – Border extension to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVBorderType

  • StrideType – Type of the strdies used in the underlying TensorWrap.

  • tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.

  • borderValue[in] Border value to be used when accessing outside elements in constant border type


Border wrap useful to access tensor data border aware in H and W in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateBorderWrapNHWC(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {})

Factory function to create an NHWC border wrap given a tensor data.

The output BorderWrap wraps an NHWC 4D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H), per column (W) and per channel (C) of the input tensor border aware in rows (or height H) and columns (or width W). The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is of type T, e.g. T=uchar for each channel of either RGB8 or RGBA8. The active dimensions are H (second) and W (third).

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the border wrap.

  • B – Border extension to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVBorderType

  • StrideType – Type of the strdies used in the underlying TensorWrap.

  • tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.

  • borderValue[in] Border value to be used when accessing outside elements in constant border type


Border wrap useful to access tensor data border aware in H and W in CUDA kernels.

template<int N, typename T, class = Require<HasEnoughComponents<T, N>>> __host__ __device__ auto DropCast (T v)

Metafunction to drop components of a compound value.

The template parameter N defines the number of components to cast the CUDA compound type T passed as function argument v. This is done by dropping the last components after N from v. For instance, an uint3 can have its z component dropped by passing it as function argument to DropCast and the number 2 as template argument (see example below). The type T is not needed as it is inferred from the argument v. It is a requirement of the DropCast function that the type T has at least N components.

uint2 dstIdx = DropCast<2>(blockIdx * blockDim + threadIdx);
Template Parameters:

N – Number of components to return.


v[in] Value to drop components from.


The compound value with N components dropping the last, extra components.

template<NVCVInterpolationType I, int Position = 1, typename IndexType = int64_t> inline constexpr IndexType __host__ __device__ GetIndexForInterpolation (float c)

Function to get an integer index from a float coordinate for interpolation purpose.

Template Parameters:
  • I – Interpolation type, one of NVCVInterpolationType.

  • Position – Interpolation position, 1 for the first index and 2 for the second index.

  • IndexType – Type of the returned value


c[in] Coordinate in floating-point to convert to index in integer.


Index in integer suitable for interpolation computation.

inline void __host__ __device__ GetCubicCoeffs (float delta, float &w0, float &w1, float &w2, float &w3)
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateInterpolationWrapNHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {}, float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})

Factory function to create an NHW interpolation wrap given a tensor data.

The output InterpolationWrap wraps an NHW 3D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H) and per column (W) of the input tensor interpolation-border aware in rows (or height H) and columns (or width W). The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is inside the given template type T, e.g. T=uchar4 for RGBA8. The active dimensions are H (second) and W (third).

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the interpolation wrap.

  • B – Border extension to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVBorderType

  • I – Interpolation to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVInterpolationType

  • StrideType – Stride type used when accessing underlying tensor data

  • tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.

  • borderValue[in] Border value to be used when accessing outside elements in constant border type

  • scaleX[in] Scale X value to be used when interpolation elements with area type

  • scaleY[in] Scale Y value to be used when interpolation elements with area type


Interpolation wrap useful to access tensor data interpolation-border aware in H and W in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
__host__ auto CreateInterpolationWrapNHWC(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor, T borderValue = {}, float scaleX = {}, float scaleY = {})

Factory function to create an NHWC interpolation wrap given a tensor data.

The output InterpolationWrap wraps an NHWC 4D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H), per column (W) and per channel (C) of the input tensor interpolation-border aware in rows (or height H) and columns (or width W). The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is of type T, e.g. T=uchar for each channel of either RGB8 or RGBA8. The active dimensions are H (second) and W (third).

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the interpolation wrap.

  • B – Border extension to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVBorderType

  • I – Interpolation to be used when accessing H and W, one of NVCVInterpolationType

  • StrideType – Stride type used when accessing underlying tensor data

  • tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.

  • borderValue[in] Border value to be used when accessing outside elements in constant border type

  • scaleX[in] Scale X value to be used when interpolation elements with area type

  • scaleY[in] Scale Y value to be used when interpolation elements with area type


Interpolation wrap useful to access tensor data interpolation-border aware in H and W in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, typename U, class = nvcv::cuda::Require<nvcv::cuda::detail::IsSameCompound<T, U>>> inline __host__ __device__ auto dot (T a, U b)
template<RoundMode RM, typename T, typename U, class = Require<(!std::is_same_v<T, U>)&&((NumComponents<T> == NumComponents<U>)                                                   || (NumComponents<T> == 0 && HasTypeTraits<U>))>> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)

Metafunction to round all elements of the input.

This function rounds all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. Optionally, the base type of the result may be specified by the template argument type T. For instance, a float4 can have its 4 elements rounded into a float4 result, or to a different result type, such as T=int or T=int4, where the result will be int4 with the rounded results (see example below). Also optionally, the round mode RM can be specified, as one of RoundMode, e.g. RoundMode::DOWN. It is a requirement of round that the input source type has type traits and the optional result type T is either a regular C type or has the same number of components as the input type.

using FloatType = MakeType<float, 4>;
FloatType res = ...;
FloatType float_rounded = round(res);
ConvertBaseTypeTo<int, FloatType> int_rounded = round<int>(res);
Template Parameters:
  • RMOptional round mode to be used, cf. RoundMode.

  • U – Type of the source value (with 1 to 4 elements) passed as (and inferred from) argument u.

  • TOptional type that defines the result of the round.


u[in] Source value to round all elements with its same type or T.


The value with all elements rounded.

template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<(!std::is_same_v<T, U>)&&((NumComponents<T> == NumComponents<U>)                                                   || (NumComponents<T> == 0 && HasTypeTraits<U>))>> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)

Overload of round function.

It does specifies target round type T and uses default round mode RoundMode::DEFAULT.

template<RoundMode RM, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)

Overload of round function.

It does not specify target round type T, using input source type U instead.

template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ auto round (U u)

Overload of round function.

It does not specify target round type T, using input source type U instead, and uses default round mode RoundMode::DEFAULT.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U min (U a, U b)

Metafunction to compute the minimum of two inputs per element.

This function finds the minimum of two inputs per element and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, two int4 inputs {1, 2, 3, 4} and {4, 3, 2, 1} yield the minimum {1, 2, 2, 1} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of min that the input source type has type traits.

using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>;
IntType a = {1, 2, 3, 4}, b = {4, 3, 2, 1};
IntType ab_min = min(a, b); // = {1, 2, 2, 1}
Template Parameters:

U – Type of the two source arguments and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( min(x_a, x_b) \) where \( x_a \) ( \( x_b \)) is each element of \( a \) ( \( b \)).


The return value with one minimum per element.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U max (U a, U b)

Metafunction to compute the maximum of two inputs per element.

This function finds the maximum of two inputs per element and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, two int4 inputs {1, 2, 3, 4} and {4, 3, 2, 1} yield the maximum {4, 3, 3, 4} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of max that the input source type has type traits.

using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>;
IntType a = {1, 2, 3, 4}, b = {4, 3, 2, 1};
IntType ab_max = max(a, b); // = {4, 3, 3, 4}
Template Parameters:

U – Type of the two source arguments and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( max(x_a, x_b) \) where \( x_a \) ( \( x_b \)) is each element of \( a \) ( \( b \)).


The return value with maximums per element.

template<typename U, typename S, class = Require<(NumComponents<U> == NumComponents<S>) || (HasTypeTraits<U> && NumComponents<S> == 0)>> inline __host__ __device__ U pow (U x, S y)

Metafunction to compute the power of all elements of the input.

This function computes the power of all elements of the input x and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of pow that the input x has the same number of components of the power y or y is a scalar (and the type of x has type traits).

Template Parameters:
  • U – Type of the source argument x and the return type.

  • S – Type of the source argument y power (use a regular C type for scalar).

  • x[in] Input value to compute \( x^y \).

  • y[in] Input power to compute \( x^y \).


The return value with all elements as the result of the power.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U exp (U u)

Metafunction to compute the natural (base e) exponential of all elements of the input.

This function computes the natural (base e) exponential of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of exp that the input source type has type traits.

Template Parameters:

U – Type of the source argument and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( e^x \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).


The return value with all elements as the result of the natural (base e) exponential.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U sqrt (U u)

Metafunction to compute the square root of all elements of the input.

This function computes the square root of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of sqrt that the input source type has type traits.

Template Parameters:

U – Type of the source argument and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( \sqrt{x} \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).


The return value with all elements as the result of the square root.

template<typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<U>>> inline __host__ __device__ U abs (U u)

Metafunction to compute the absolute value of all elements of the input.

This function computes the absolute value of all elements of the input and returns the result with the same type as the input. For instance, an int4 input {-1, 2, -3, 4} yields the absolute {1, 2, 3, 4} as int4 as well (see example below). It is a requirement of abs that the input source type has type traits.

using IntType = MakeType<int, 4>;
IntType a = {-1, 2, -3, 4};
IntType a_abs = abs(a); // = {1, 2, 3, 4}
Template Parameters:

U – Type of the source argument and the return type.


u[in] Input value to compute \( |x| \) where \( x \) is each element of \( u \).


The return value with the absolute of all elements.

template<typename U, typename S, class = Require<(NumComponents<U> == NumComponents<S>) || (HasTypeTraits<U> && NumComponents<S> == 0)>> inline __host__ __device__ U clamp (U u, S lo, S hi)

Metafunction to clamp all elements of the input.

This function clamps all elements of the input u between lo and hi and returns the result with the same type as the input. It is a requirement of clamp that the input u has the same number of components of the range values lo and hi or both are scalars (and the type of u has type traits).

Template Parameters:
  • U – Type of the source argument u and the return type.

  • S – Type of the source argument lo and hi (use a regular C type for scalar).

  • u[in] Input value to clamp.

  • lo[in] Input clamp range low value.

  • hi[in] Input clamp range high value.


The return value with all elements clamped.

template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U> && !IsCompound<T>>> __host__ __device__ auto RangeCast (U u)

Metafunction to range cast (scale) all elements to a target range.

This function range casts (that is scales) all elements to the range defined by the template argument type T. For instance, a float4 with all elements between 0 and 1 can be casted to an uchar4 with scaling of each element to be in between 0 and 255 (see example below). It is a requirement of RangeCast that both types have type traits and type T must be a regular C type. Several examples of possible target range giving a source range, depending on the limits of regular C types, for the RangeCast function are as follows:

Source type U

Target type T

Source range

Target range

signed char


[-128, 127]

[-1, 1]


unsigned char

[0, 1]

[0, 255]


unsigned int

[-32768, 32767]

[0, 4294967295]



[-1, 1]

[-2147483648, 2147483647]

unsigned short


[0, 65535]

[0, 1]

using DataType = MakeType<uchar, 4>;
using FloatDataType = ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, DataType>;
FloatDataType res = ...; // res component values are in [0, 1]
DataType pix = RangeCast<BaseType<DataType>>(res); // pix are in [0, 255]
Template Parameters:
  • T – Type that defines the target range to cast.

  • U – Type of the source value (with 1 to 4 elements) passed as argument.


u[in] Source value to cast all elements to range of type T.


The value with all elements scaled.

template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<(NumComponents<T> == NumComponents<U>) || (NumComponents<T> == 0 && HasTypeTraits<U>)>> __host__ __device__ auto SaturateCast (U u)

Metafunction to saturate cast all elements to a target type.

This function saturate casts (clamping with potential rounding) all elements to the range defined by the template argument type T. For instance, a float4 with any values (can be below 0 and above 255) can be casted to an uchar4 rounding-then-saturating each value to be in between 0 and 255 (see example below). It is a requirement of SaturateCast that both types have the same number of components or T is a regular C type.

using DataType = MakeType<uchar, 4>;
using FloatDataType = ConvertBaseTypeTo<float, DataType>;
FloatDataType res = ...; // res component values are in [0, 1]
DataType pix = SaturateCast<DataType>(res); // pix are in [0, 255]
Template Parameters:
  • T – Type that defines the target range to cast.

  • U – Type of the source value (with 1 to 4 elements) passed as argument.


u[in] Source value to cast all elements to range of base type of T


The value with all elements clamped and potentially rounded.

template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U> && !IsCompound<T>>> __host__ __device__ auto StaticCast (U u)

Metafunction to static cast all values of a compound to a target type.

The template parameter T defines the base type (regular C type) to cast all components of the CUDA compound type U passed as function argument u to the type T. The static cast return type has the base type T and the number of components as the compound type U. For instance, an uint3 can be casted to int3 by passing it as function argument of StaticCast and the type int as template argument (see example below). The type U is not needed as it is inferred from the argument \u. It is a requirement of the StaticCast function that the type T is of regular C type and the type U is of CUDA compound type.

int3 idx = StaticCast<int>(blockIdx * blockDim + threadIdx);
Template Parameters:

T – Type to do static cast on each component of u.


u[in] Compound value to static cast each of its components to target type T.


The compound value with all components static casted to type T.

template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T> && IsStrideType<StrideType>>>
__host__ auto CreateTensorWrapNHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor)

Factory function to create an NHW tensor wrap given a tensor data.

The output TensorWrap is an NHW 3D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H) and per column (W) of the input tensor. The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is inside T, e.g. T=uchar3 for RGB8.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the tensor wrap.

  • StrideType – Type of the stride used in the tensor wrap.


tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.


Tensor wrap useful to access tensor data in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T> && IsStrideType<StrideType>>>
__host__ auto CreateTensorWrapNHWC(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor)

Factory function to create an NHWC tensor wrap given a tensor data.

The output TensorWrap is an NHWC 4D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per row (H), per column (W) and per channel (C) of the input tensor. The input tensor data must have either NHWC or HWC layout, where the channel C is of type T, e.g. T=uchar for each channel of either RGB8 or RGBA8.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type of the values to be accessed in the tensor wrap.

  • StrideType – Type of the stride used in the tensor wrap.


tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.


Tensor wrap useful to access tensor data in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, typename StrideType = int64_t, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T> && IsStrideType<StrideType>>>
__host__ auto CreateTensorWrapNCHW(const TensorDataStridedCuda &tensor)

Factory function to create an NCHW tensor wrap given a tensor data.

The output TensorWrap is an NCHW 4D tensor allowing to access data per batch (N), per channel (C), per row (H), and per column (W) of the input tensor. The input tensor data must have either NCHW or CHW layout, where the channel C is of type T, e.g. T=uchar for each channel of either RGB8 or RGBA8.

Template Parameters:

T – Type of the values to be accessed in the tensor wrap.


tensor[in] Reference to the tensor that will be wrapped.


Tensor wrap useful to access tensor data in CUDA kernels.

template<typename T, typename RT = detail::CopyConstness_t<T, std::conditional_t<IsCompound<T>, BaseType<T>, T>>, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>> __host__ __device__ RT & GetElement (T &v, int eidx)

Metafunction to get an element by reference from a given value reference.

The value may be of CUDA compound type with 1 to 4 elements, where the corresponding element index is 0 to 3, and the return is a reference to the element with the base type of the compound type, copying the constness (that is the return reference is constant if the input value is constant). The value may be a regular C type, in which case the element index is ignored and the identity is returned. It is a requirement of the GetElement function that the type T has type traits.

using PixelRGB8Type = MakeType<unsigned char, 3>;
PixelRGB8Type pix = ...;
auto green = GetElement(pix, 1); // yields unsigned char
Template Parameters:

T – Type of the value to get the element from.

  • v[in] Value of type T to get an element from.

  • eidx[in] Element index in [0, 3] inside the compound value to get the reference from. This element index is ignored in case the value is not of a CUDA compound type.


The reference of the value’s element.

template<int EIDX, typename T, typename RT = detail::CopyConstness_t<T, std::conditional_t<IsCompound<T>, BaseType<T>, T>>, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>> __host__ __device__ RT & GetElement (T &v)
template<typename T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>> __host__ __device__ T SetAll (BaseType< T > x)

Metafunction to set all elements to the same value.

Set all elements to the value x passed as argument. For instance, an int3 can have all its elements set to zero by calling SetAll and passing int3 as template argument and zero as argument (see example below). Another way to set all elements to a value is by using the type of the argument as base type and passing the number of channels of the return type (see example below).

auto idx = SetAll<int3>(0); // sets to zero all elements of an int3 index idx: {0, 0, 0}
unsigned char ch = 127;
auto pix = SetAll<4>(ch); // sets all elements of an uchar3 pixel pix: {127, 127, 127, 127}
Template Parameters:
  • T – Type to be returned with all elements set to the given value x.

  • N – Number of components as a second option instead of passing the type T.


x[in] Value to set all elements to.


The object of type T with all elements set to x.

template<int N, typename BT, typename RT = MakeType<BT, N>, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<BT>>> __host__ __device__ RT SetAll (BT x)
template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>> const __host__ char * GetTypeName ()

Metafunction to get the name of a type.

Unfortunately typeid().name() in C/C++ typeinfo yields different names depending on the platform. This function returns the name of the type resembling the CUDA compound type, that may be useful for debug printing.

std::cout << GetTypeName<DataType>();
Template Parameters:

T – Type to get the name from.


String with the name of the type.


template<typename ...Ts>
constexpr bool HasTypeTraits = (detail::HasTypeTraits_t<Ts>::value && ...)
template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr bool IsCompound = TypeTraits<T>::components >= 1
template<typename T, int N, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr bool HasEnoughComponents = N <= TypeTraits<T>::components
template<typename T>
constexpr bool IsStrideType = std::is_same_v<T, int32_t> || std::is_same_v<T, int64_t>
template<typename T, typename StrideType>
constexpr bool IsIndexType = std::is_integral_v<T> && (TypeTraits<T>::max <= TypeTraits<StrideType>::max)
template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr int NumComponents = TypeTraits<T>::components

Metavariable to get the number of components of a type.

using DataType = ...;
int nc = nvcv::cuda::NumComponents<DataType>;


This is zero for regular C types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type to get the number of components from.

template<class T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr int NumElements = TypeTraits<T>::elements

Metavariable to get the number of elements of a type.

using DataType = ...;
for (int e = 0; e < nvcv::cuda::NumElements<DataType>; ++e)
    // ...


This is one for regular C types and one to four for CUDA compound types.

Template Parameters:

T – Type to get the number of elements from.

template<typename T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr BaseType<T> Lowest = std::is_floating_point_v<BaseType<T>> ? -TypeTraits<T>::max : TypeTraits<T>::min
template<typename ValueType>
class ArrayWrap
#include <ArrayWrap.hpp>
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class BorderVarShapeWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, B>
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Border var-shape wrapper class used to wrap an ImageBatchVarShapeWrap adding border handling to it.

This class wraps an ImageBatchVarShapeWrap to add border handling functionality. It provides the methods ptr and operator[] to do the same semantic access (pointer or reference) in the wrapped ImageBatchVarShapeWrap but border aware on width and height as active dimensions.

using PixelType = ...;
using ImageBatchWrap = ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<PixelType>;
using BorderVarShape = BorderVarShapeWrap<PixelType, NVCV_BORDER_REPLICATE>;
ImageBatchWrap dst(...);
ImageBatchWrap srcImageBatch(...);
BorderVarShape src(srcImageBatch);
dim3 grid{...}, block{...};
int2 fillBorderSize{2, 2};
FillBorder<<<grid, block>>>(dst, src, src.numImages(), fillBorderSize);

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
__global__ void FillBorder(ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<T> dst, BorderVarShapeWrap<T, B> src, int ns, int2 bs)
    int3 dstCoord = StaticCast<int>(blockIdx * blockDim + threadIdx);
    if (dstCoord.x >= dst.width(dstCoord.z) || dstCoord.y >= dst.height(dstCoord.z) || dstCoord.z >= ns)
    int3 srcCoord = {dstCoord.x - bs.x, dstCoord.y - bs.y, dstCoord.z};
    dst[dstCoord] = src[srcCoord];
Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

  • B – It is a NVCVBorderType indicating the border to be used.

template<typename T>
class BorderVarShapeWrap<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT>
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Border var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, B>
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>
template<typename T>
class BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT>
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Border var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

template<class TW, NVCVBorderType B, bool... ActiveDimensions>
class BorderWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderWrapImpl<TW, B, ActiveDimensions...>
#include <BorderWrap.hpp>

Border wrapper class used to wrap a TensorWrap adding border handling to it.

This class wraps a TensorWrap to add border handling functionality. It provides the methods ptr and operator[] to do the same semantic access, pointer or reference respectively, in the wrapped TensorWrap but border aware. It also provides a compile-time set of boolean flags to inform active border-aware dimensions. Active dimensions participate in border handling, storing the corresponding dimension shape. Inactive dimensions are not checked, the dimension shape is not stored, and thus core dump (or segmentation fault) might happen if accessing outside boundaries of inactive dimensions.

using DataType = ...;
using TensorWrap2D = TensorWrap<-1, -1, DataType>;
using BorderWrap2D = BorderWrap<TensorWrap2D, NVCV_BORDER_REFLECT, true, true>;
TensorWrap2D tensorWrap(...);
int2 tensorShape = ...;
BorderWrap2D borderAwareTensor(tensorWrap, tensorShape.x, tensorShape.y);
// Now use borderAwareTensor instead of tensorWrap to access elements inside or outside the tensor,
// outside elements use reflect border, that is the outside index is reflected back inside the tensor

See also


Template Parameters:
  • TW – It is a TensorWrap class with any dimension and type.

  • B – It is a NVCVBorderType indicating the border to be used.

  • ActiveDimensions – Flags to inform active (true) or inactive (false) dimensions.

template<class TW, bool... ActiveDimensions>
class BorderWrap<TW, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, ActiveDimensions...> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderWrapImpl<TW, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT, ActiveDimensions...>
#include <BorderWrap.hpp>

Border wrapper class specialized for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters:
  • TW – It is a TensorWrap class with any dimension and type.

  • ActiveDimensions – Flags to inform active (true) or inactive (false) dimensions.

template<typename T, int N>
class FullTensorWrap
#include <FullTensorWrap.hpp>

FullTensorWrap class is a non-owning wrap of a N-D tensor used for easy access of its elements in CUDA device.

FullTensorWrap is a wrapper of a multi-dimensional tensor that holds all information related to it, i.e. N strides and N shapes, where N is its number of dimensions.

Template arguments:

  • T type of the values inside the tensor

  • N dimensions

FullTensor wrapper class specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element (or value) inside the tensor wrapper.

  • N – dimensions.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • N – Number of dimensions.

template<typename T, int N>
class FullTensorWrap<const T, N>
#include <FullTensorWrap.hpp>
template<typename T>
class ImageBatchVarShapeWrap
#include <ImageBatchVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Image batch var-shape wrapper class to wrap ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda.

ImageBatchVarShapeWrap is a wrapper of an image batch (or a list of images) of variable shapes. The template parameter T is the type of each element inside the wrapper, and it can be compound type to represent a pixel type, e.g. uchar4 for RGBA images.

 cudaStream_t stream;
 nvcv::ImageBatchVarShape imageBatch(samples);
auto *imageBatchData  = imageBatch.exportData<nvcv::ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda>(stream)
 nvcv::cuda::ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<uchar4> wrap(*imageBatchData);
 // Now wrap can be used in device code to access elements of the image batch via operator[] or ptr method.

Image batch var-shape wrapper class to wrap ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda.

This class is specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::ImageBatchVarShapeWrapNHWC< T >

template<typename T>
class ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<const T>
#include <ImageBatchVarShapeWrap.hpp>
template<typename T>
class ImageBatchVarShapeWrapNHWC : private nvcv::cuda::ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<T>
#include <ImageBatchVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Image batch var-shape wrapper NHWC class to wrap ImageBatchVarShapeDataStridedCuda and number of channels.

This class handles number of channels as a separate run-time parameter instead of built-in T. It considers interleaved channels, where they appear in a packed sequence at the last dimension (thus NHWC). It also considers each image in the batch has a single plane.


The class ImageBatchVarShapeWrap can be used with its template parameter T type as a compound type, where its number of elements yield the number of channels.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside this wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, I>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class used to wrap a BorderVarShapeWrap adding interpolation handling to it.

This class wraps a BorderVarShapeWrap to add interpolation handling functionality. It provides the operator[] to do the same semantic value access in the wrapped BorderVarShapeWrap but interpolation aware.

See also



Each interpolation wrap class below is specialized for one interpolation type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

  • I – It is a NVCVInterpolationType defining the interpolation type to be used.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_AREA> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_AREA>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_AREA.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrap<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl<T, B, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST>
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Interpolation var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST.

Template Parameters:

T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the border var-shape wrapper.

template<class BW, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, I>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class used to wrap a BorderWrap adding interpolation handling to it.

This class wraps a BorderWrap to add interpolation handling functionality. It provides the operator[] to do the same semantic value access in the wrapped BorderWrap but interpolation aware.

using DataType = ...;
using TensorWrap2D = TensorWrap<-1, -1, DataType>;
using BorderWrap2D = BorderWrap<TensorWrap2D, NVCV_BORDER_REFLECT, true, true>;
using InterpWrap2D = InterpolationWrap<BorderWrap2D, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>;
TensorWrap2D tensorWrap(...);
BorderWrap2D borderWrap(...);
InterpWrap2D interpolationAwareTensor(borderWrap);
// Now use interpolationAwareTensor instead of borderWrap or tensorWrap to access in-between elements with
// on-the-fly interpolation, in this example grid-unaligned pixels use bi-cubic interpolation, grid-aligned
// pixels that fall outside the tensor use reflect border extension and inside is the tensor value itself

See also



Each interpolation wrap class below is specialized for one interpolation type.

Template Parameters:
template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_AREA>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_AREA.

Template Parameters:

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_CUBIC.

Template Parameters:

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_LINEAR.

Template Parameters:

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<class BW>
class InterpolationWrap<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::InterpolationWrapImpl<BW, NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST>
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Interpolation wrapper class specialized for NVCV_INTERP_NEAREST.

Template Parameters:

BW – It is a BorderWrap class with any dimension and type.

template<typename T, typename StrideT, StrideT... Strides>
class TensorBatchWrapT
#include <TensorBatchWrap.hpp>

TensorBatchWrap class is a non-owning wrap of a batch of N-D tensors used for easy access of its elements in CUDA device.

TensorBatchWrap is a wrapper of a batch of multi-dimensional tensors that can have one or more of its N dimension strides, or pitches, defined either at compile-time or at run-time. Each pitch in Strides represents the offset in bytes as a compile-time template parameter that will be applied from the first (slowest changing) dimension to the last (fastest changing) dimension of the tensor, in that order. Each dimension with run-time pitch is specified as -1 in the Strides template parameter.

Template arguments:

  • T type of the values inside the tensors

  • Strides sequence of compile- or run-time pitches (-1 indicates run-time)

    • Y compile-time pitches

    • X run-time pitches

    • N dimensions, where N = X + Y

For example, in the code below a wrap is defined for a batch of HWC 3D tensors where each row in H has a run-time row pitch (second -1), a pixel in W has a compile-time constant pitch as the size of the pixel type and a channel in C has also a compile-time constant pitch as the size of the channel type.

using DataType = ...;
using ChannelType = BaseType<DataType>;
using TensorBatchWrap = TensorBatchWrap<ChannelType, -1, sizeof(DataType), sizeof(ChannelType)>;
TensorBatch tensorBatch = ...;
TensorBatchWrap tensorBatchWrap(;
// Elements may be accessed via operator[] using an int4 argument.  They can also be accessed via pointer using
// the ptr method with up to 4 integer arguments or by accessing each TensorWrap separately with tensor(...) method.

TensorBatch wrapper class specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • Strides – Each compile-time (use -1 for run-time) pitch in bytes from first to last dimension.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the tensor batch wrapper.

  • Strides – Each compile-time (use -1 for run-time) pitch in bytes from first to last dimension.

template<typename T, typename StrideT, StrideT... Strides>
class TensorBatchWrapT<const T, StrideT, Strides...>
#include <TensorBatchWrap.hpp>
template<typename T, typename StrideT, StrideT... Strides>
class TensorWrapT
#include <TensorWrap.hpp>

TensorWrap class is a non-owning wrap of a N-D tensor used for easy access of its elements in CUDA device.

TensorWrap is a wrapper of a multi-dimensional tensor that can have one or more of its N dimension strides, or pitches, defined either at compile-time or at run-time. Each pitch in Strides represents the offset in bytes as a compile-time template parameter that will be applied from the first (slowest changing) dimension to the last (fastest changing) dimension of the tensor, in that order. Each dimension with run-time pitch is specified as -1 in the Strides template parameter.

Template arguments:

  • T type of the values inside the tensor

  • StrideT type of the stride used in the byte offset calculation

  • Strides sequence of compile- or run-time pitches (-1 indicates run-time)

    • Y compile-time pitches

    • X run-time pitches

    • N dimensions, where N = X + Y

For example, in the code below a wrap is defined for an NHWC 4D tensor where each sample image in N has a run-time image pitch (first -1 in template argument), and each row in H has a run-time row pitch (second -1), a pixel in W has a compile-time constant pitch as the size of the pixel type and a channel in C has also a compile-time constant pitch as the size of the channel type.

using DataType = ...;
using ChannelType = BaseType<DataType>;
using TensorWrap = TensorWrap<ChannelType, -1, -1, sizeof(DataType), sizeof(ChannelType)>;
std::byte *imageData = ...;
int imgStride = ...;
int rowStride = ...;
TensorWrap tensorWrap(imageData, imgStride, rowStride);
// Elements may be accessed via operator[] using an int4 argument.  They can also be accessed via pointer using
// the ptr method with up to 4 integer arguments.

Tensor wrapper class specialized for non-constant value type.

Template Parameters:
  • T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • Strides – Each compile-time (use -1 for run-time) pitch in bytes from first to last dimension.

  • T – Type (non-const) of each element inside the tensor wrapper.

  • Strides – Each compile-time (use -1 for run-time) pitch in bytes from first to last dimension.

template<typename T, typename StrideT, StrideT... Strides>
class TensorWrapT<const T, StrideT, Strides...>
#include <TensorWrap.hpp>
namespace detail


template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
using BorderVarShapeWrapImpl = BorderIWImpl<ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<T>, B>
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
using BorderVarShapeWrapNHWCImpl = BorderIWImpl<ImageBatchVarShapeWrapNHWC<T>, B>
template<class FROM, class TO>
using CopyConstness_t = typename CopyConstness<FROM, TO>::type
template<class T, int C>
using MakeType_t = typename detail::MakeType<T, C>::type
template<class BT, class T>
using ConvertBaseTypeTo_t = typename ConvertBaseTypeTo<BT, T>::type


template<typename U> inline __host__ U RoundEvenImpl (U u)
template<typename T, typename U, int RM = FE_TONEAREST> inline __host__ __device__ T RoundImpl (U u)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U MinImpl (U a, U b)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U MaxImpl (U a, U b)
template<typename U, typename S> inline __host__ __device__ U PowImpl (U x, S y)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U ExpImpl (U u)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U SqrtImpl (U u)
template<typename U> inline __host__ __device__ U AbsImpl (U u)
template<typename U, typename S> inline __host__ __device__ U ClampImpl (U u, S lo, S hi)
template<typename T, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ T RangeCastImpl (U u)
template<typename T, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ T BaseSaturateCastImpl (U u)
template<typename T, typename U> inline __host__ __device__ T SaturateCastImpl (U u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, signed char > (signed char u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, short > (short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, unsigned short > (unsigned short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned char SaturateCastImpl< unsigned char, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, unsigned char > (unsigned char u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, short > (short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, unsigned short > (unsigned short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ signed char SaturateCastImpl< signed char, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, signed char > (signed char u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, short > (short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned short SaturateCastImpl< unsigned short, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, unsigned short > (unsigned short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ short SaturateCastImpl< short, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ int SaturateCastImpl< int, unsigned int > (unsigned int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ int SaturateCastImpl< int, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ int SaturateCastImpl< int, double > (double u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, signed char > (signed char u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, short > (short u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, int > (int u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, float > (float u)
template<> __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int SaturateCastImpl< unsigned int, double > (double u)
template<typename T, typename U, typename RT, RoundMode RM> inline __host__ __device__ RT RoundImpl (U u)


template<class T, class U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U>>>
constexpr bool IsSameCompound = IsCompound<T> && TypeTraits<T>::components == TypeTraits<U>::components
template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U>>>
constexpr bool OneIsCompound = (TypeTraits<T>::components == 0 && TypeTraits<U>::components >= 1) || (TypeTraits<T>::components >= 1 && TypeTraits<U>::components == 0) || IsSameCompound<T, U>
template<typename T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr bool IsIntegral = std::is_integral_v<typename TypeTraits<T>::base_type>
template<typename T, typename U, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T, U>>>
constexpr bool OneIsCompoundAndBothAreIntegral = OneIsCompound<T, U> && IsIntegral<T> && IsIntegral<U>
template<typename T, class = Require<HasTypeTraits<T>>>
constexpr bool IsIntegralCompound = IsIntegral<T> && IsCompound<T>
template<class IW, NVCVBorderType B>
class BorderIWImpl
#include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::BorderVarShapeWrap< T, B >, nvcv::cuda::BorderVarShapeWrap< T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT >, nvcv::cuda::BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC< T, B >, nvcv::cuda::BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC< T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT >

template<class TW, NVCVBorderType B, bool... ActiveDimensions>
class BorderWrapImpl
#include <BorderWrap.hpp>
template<class BT, class T>
struct ConvertBaseTypeTo
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class BT, class T>
struct ConvertBaseTypeTo<BT, const T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class BT, class T>
struct ConvertBaseTypeTo<BT, volatile const T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class BT, class T>
struct ConvertBaseTypeTo<BT, volatile T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class FROM, class TO>
struct CopyConstness
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class FROM, class TO>
struct CopyConstness<const FROM, TO>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct HasTypeTraits_t : public false_type
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<typename T> base_type > > : public true_type
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationVarShapeWrapImpl
#include <InterpolationVarShapeWrap.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::InterpolationVarShapeWrap< T, B, I >

template<class BW, NVCVInterpolationType I>
class InterpolationWrapImpl
#include <InterpolationWrap.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::InterpolationWrap< BW, I >

template<class T, int C>
struct MakeType
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<char, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T, int C>
struct MakeType<const T, C>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T, int C>
struct MakeType<volatile const T, C>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<double, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<float, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<int, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long long, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<long, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<short, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<signed char, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned char, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned int, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long long, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned long, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 0>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct MakeType<unsigned short, 4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T, int C>
struct MakeType<volatile T, C>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T>
struct TypeTraits
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>

Subclassed by nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits< const T >, nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits< const volatile T >, nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits< volatile T >

struct TypeTraits<char>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<char1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<char2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<char3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<char4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T>
struct TypeTraits<const T> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits<T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T>
struct TypeTraits<volatile const T> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits<T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<dim3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<double4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<float4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<int4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long long>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<long4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<longlong1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<longlong2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<longlong3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<longlong4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<short4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<signed char>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uchar1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uchar2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uchar3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uchar4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uint1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uint2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uint3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<uint4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulong1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulong2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulong3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulong4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulonglong1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulonglong2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulonglong3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ulonglong4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned char>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned int>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned long>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned long long>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<unsigned short>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ushort1>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ushort2>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ushort3>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
struct TypeTraits<ushort4>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
template<class T>
struct TypeTraits<volatile T> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::TypeTraits<T>
#include <Metaprogramming.hpp>
namespace math


template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator+= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator+= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, T rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (const Vector< T, N > &a, T b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator-= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator-= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, T rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &a, T b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const T &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const T &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator/= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const T &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator/= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vector<T, N> &v)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &v)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const T &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator< (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m, T val)
template<class T, int M, int N>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Matrix<T, M, N> &m)
template<class T, int M, int N, int P> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, P > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, N, P > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator*= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, T rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (T val, const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator+= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator+ (const Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator-= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator- (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, M > &v, const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, M > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m, const Vector< T, N > &v)
template<class T, int M, int N, class = cuda::Require<(M == N && N > 1)>> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, 1 > &m, const Vector< T, N > &v)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, M > &v, const Matrix< T, M, M > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator*= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, N, N > &rhs)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator- (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const T &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const T &b)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator< (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
template<typename T, int N, int M>
constexpr Matrix<T, N, M> as_matrix(const T (&values)[N][M])
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > zeros ()
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > zeros ()
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > ones ()
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > ones ()
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > identity ()
template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > vander (const Vector< T, M > &v)
template<class T, int R> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, R, R > compan (const Vector< T, R > &a)
template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > diag (const Vector< T, M > &v)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ T dot (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > reverse (const Vector< T, N > &a)
template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > & transp_inplace (Matrix< T, M, M > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, N, M > transp (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, N, 1 > transp (const Vector< T, N > &v)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip_rows (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip_cols (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int M, int N = M>
class Matrix
#include <LinAlg.hpp>

Matrix class to represent small matrices.

It uses the Vector class to stores each row, storing elements in row-major order, i.e. it has M row vectors where each vector has N elements.

Template Parameters:
  • TMatrix value type.

  • M – Number of rows.

  • N – Number of columns. Default is M (a square matrix).

template<class T, int N>
class Vector
#include <LinAlg.hpp>

Vector class to represent small vectors.

Template Parameters:
  • TVector value type.

  • N – Number of elements.

namespace detail


template<class T> constexpr __host__ __device__ void swap (T &a, T &b)