Border functions



template<bool Active = true, typename T> inline constexpr bool __host__ __device__ IsOutside (T c, T s)

Function to check if given coordinate is outside range defined by given size.

Template Parameters
  • Active – Flag to turn this function active.

  • T – Type of the values given to this function.

  • c[in] Coordinate to check if it is outside the range [0, s).

  • s[in] Size that defines the inside range [0, s).


True if given coordinate is outside given size.

template<NVCVBorderType B, bool Active = true, typename T> inline constexpr T __host__ __device__ GetIndexWithBorder (T c, T s)

Function to get a border-aware index considering the range defined by given size.


This function does not work for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.

Template Parameters
  • B – It is a NVCVBorderType indicating the border to be used.

  • Active – Flag to turn this function active.

  • T – Type of the values given to this function.

  • c[in] Coordinate (input index) to put back inside valid range [0, s).

  • s[in] Size that defines the valid range [0, s).