Linear algebra
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void load (const T *inVector)
Load values from a C-array into this vector.
- Parameters
inVector – [in] Input C-array vector to load values from.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void load (std::initializer_list< T > l)
Load values from a C++ initiliazer list into this vector.
- Parameters
l – [in] Input C++ initializer list to load values from.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void store (T *outVector) const
Store values to a C-array from this vector.
- Parameters
outVector – [out] Output C-array vector to store values to.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ int size () const
Get size (number of elements) of this vector.
- Returns
Vector size.
- inline constexpr const __host__ __device__ T & operator[] (int i) const
Subscript operator for read-only access.
- Parameters
i – [in] Position to access.
- Returns
Value (constant reference) at given position.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ T & operator[] (int i)
Subscript operator for read-and-write access.
- Parameters
i – [in] Position to access.
- Returns
Value (reference) at given position.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ operator const T * () const
Pointer-access operator (constant).
- Returns
Pointer to the first element of this vector.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ operator T* ()
Pointer-access operator.
- Returns
Pointer to the first element of this vector.
- inline constexpr const __host__ __device__ T * cbegin () const
Begin (constant) pointer access.
- Returns
Pointer to the first element of this vector.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ T * begin ()
Begin pointer access.
- Returns
Pointer to the first element of this vector.
- inline constexpr const __host__ __device__ T * cend () const
End (constant) pointer access.
- Returns
Pointer to the one-past-last element of this vector.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ T * end ()
End pointer access.
- Returns
Pointer to the one-past-last element of this vector.
inline std::vector<T> to_vector() const
Convert a vector of this class to an stl vector.
- Returns
STL std::vector.
- template<int R> inline constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, R > subv (int beg) const
Get a sub-vector of this vector.
- Parameters
beg – [in] Position to start getting values from this vector.
- Template Parameters
R – Size of the sub-vector to be returned.
- Returns
Vector of value from given index to the end.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void load (const T *inFlattenMatrix)
Load values from a flatten array into this matrix.
- Parameters
inFlattenMatrix – [in] Input flatten matrix to load values from.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void load (std::initializer_list< T > l)
Load values from a C++ initiliazer list into this matrix.
- Parameters
l – [in] Input C++ initializer list to load values from.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void store (T *outFlattenMatrix) const
Store values to a flatten array from this matrix.
- Parameters
outFlattenMatrix – [out] Output flatten matrix to store values to.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ int rows () const
Get number of rows of this matrix.
- Returns
Number of rows.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ int cols () const
Get number of columns of this matrix.
- Returns
Number of columns.
- inline constexpr const __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator[] (int i) const
Subscript operator for read-only access.
- Parameters
i – [in] Row of the matrix to access.
- Returns
Vector (constant reference) of the corresponding row.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator[] (int i)
Subscript operator for read-and-write access.
- Parameters
i – [in] Row of the matrix to access.
- Returns
Vector (reference) of the corresponding row.
- inline constexpr const __host__ __device__ T & operator[] (int2 c) const
Subscript operator for read-only access of matrix elements.
- Parameters
c – [in] Coordinates (y row and x column) of the matrix element to access.
- Returns
Element (constant reference) of the corresponding row and column.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ T & operator[] (int2 c)
Subscript operator for read-and-write access of matrix elements.
- Parameters
c – [in] Coordinates (y row and x column) of the matrix element to access.
- Returns
Element (reference) of the corresponding row and column.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, M > col (int j) const
Get column j of this matrix.
- Parameters
j – [in] Index of column to get.
- Returns
Column j (copied) as a vector.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void set_col (int j, T v)
Set column j of this matrix.
- Parameters
j – [in] Index of column to set.
v – [in] Value to place in matrix column.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void set_col (int j, const Vector< T, M > &c)
Set column j of this matrix.
- Parameters
j – [in] Index of column to set.
c – [in] Vector to place in matrix column.
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ void set_col (int j, const T *c)
- inline constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M - 1, N - 1 > subm (int skip_i, int skip_j) const
Get a sub-matrix of this matrix.
- Parameters
skip_i – [in] Row to skip when getting values from this matrix.
skip_j – [in] Column to skip when getting values from this matrix.
- Returns
Matrix with one less row and one less column.
- template<class T> constexpr __host__ __device__ void swap (T &a, T &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator+= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator+= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, T rhs)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (const Vector< T, N > &a, T b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator+ (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator-= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator-= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, T rhs)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &a, T b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const T &rhs)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const T &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator/= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const T &rhs)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (T a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator/= (Vector< T, N > &lhs, const Vector< T, N > &rhs)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator/ (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator- (const Vector< T, N > &v)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const T &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Vector< T, N > &a, const T &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator< (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m, T val)
template<class T, int M, int N>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Matrix<T, M, N> &m)
- template<class T, int M, int N, int P> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, P > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, N, P > &b)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator*= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, T rhs)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (T val, const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator+= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator+ (const Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator-= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, M, N > &rhs)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator- (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > operator* (const Vector< T, M > &v, const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, M > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m, const Vector< T, N > &v)
- template<class T, int M, int N, class = cuda::Require<(M == N && N > 1)>> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator* (const Matrix< T, M, 1 > &m, const Vector< T, N > &v)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > & operator*= (Vector< T, M > &v, const Matrix< T, M, M > &m)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > & operator*= (Matrix< T, M, N > &lhs, const Matrix< T, N, N > &rhs)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > operator- (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const T &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator== (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const T &b)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ bool operator< (const Matrix< T, M, N > &a, const Matrix< T, M, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > zeros ()
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > zeros ()
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > ones ()
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > ones ()
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > identity ()
- template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > vander (const Vector< T, M > &v)
- template<class T, int R> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, R, R > compan (const Vector< T, R > &a)
- template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > diag (const Vector< T, M > &v)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ T dot (const Vector< T, N > &a, const Vector< T, N > &b)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Vector< T, N > reverse (const Vector< T, N > &a)
- template<class T, int M> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, M > & transp_inplace (Matrix< T, M, M > &m)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, N, M > transp (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
- template<class T, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, N, 1 > transp (const Vector< T, N > &v)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip_rows (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip_cols (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
- template<class T, int M, int N> constexpr __host__ __device__ Matrix< T, M, N > flip (const Matrix< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T, int N>
class Vector - #include <LinAlg.hpp>
Vector class to represent small vectors.
- Template Parameters
T – Vector value type.
N – Number of elements.
template<class T, int M, int N = M>
class Matrix - #include <LinAlg.hpp>
Matrix class to represent small matrices.
It uses the Vector class to stores each row, storing elements in row-major order, i.e. it has M row vectors where each vector has N elements.
- Template Parameters
T – Matrix value type.
M – Number of rows.
N – Number of columns. Default is M (a square matrix).