BorderVarShapeWrap classes
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class BorderVarShapeWrap : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, B> - #include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>
Border var-shape wrapper class used to wrap an ImageBatchVarShapeWrap adding border handling to it.
This class wraps an ImageBatchVarShapeWrap to add border handling functionality. It provides the methods
[] to do the same semantic access (pointer or reference) in the wrapped ImageBatchVarShapeWrap but border aware on width and height as active dimensions.using PixelType = ...; using ImageBatchWrap = ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<PixelType>; using BorderVarShape = BorderVarShapeWrap<PixelType, NVCV_BORDER_REPLICATE>; ImageBatchWrap dst(...); ImageBatchWrap srcImageBatch(...); BorderVarShape src(srcImageBatch); dim3 grid{...}, block{...}; int2 fillBorderSize{2, 2}; FillBorder<<<grid, block>>>(dst, src, src.numImages(), fillBorderSize); template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B> __global__ void FillBorder(ImageBatchVarShapeWrap<T> dst, BorderVarShapeWrap<T, B> src, int ns, int2 bs) { int3 dstCoord = StaticCast<int>(blockIdx * blockDim + threadIdx); if (dstCoord.x >= dst.width(dstCoord.z) || dstCoord.y >= dst.height(dstCoord.z) || dstCoord.z >= ns) return; int3 srcCoord = {dstCoord.x - bs.x, dstCoord.y - bs.y, dstCoord.z}; dst[dstCoord] = src[srcCoord]; }
- Template Parameters
T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.
B – It is a NVCVBorderType indicating the border to be used.
template<typename T>
class BorderVarShapeWrap<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT> - #include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>
Border var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.
- Template Parameters
T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>
class BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, B> - #include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>
template<typename T>
class BorderVarShapeWrapNHWC<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT> : public nvcv::cuda::detail::BorderIWImpl<T, NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT> - #include <BorderVarShapeWrap.hpp>
Border var-shape wrapper class specialized for NVCV_BORDER_CONSTANT.
- Template Parameters
T – Type (it can be const) of each element inside the image batch var-shape wrapper.
template<typename T, NVCVBorderType B>