Semantic Segmentation deployed using Triton

NVIDIA’s Triton Inference Server enables teams to deploy, run, and scale trained AI models from any framework on any GPU- or CPU-based infrastructure. It offers backend support for most machine learning ML frameworks, as well as custom C++ and python backend In this tutorial, we will go over an example of taking a CVCUDA accelerated inference workload and deploy it using Triton’s Custom Python backend. Note that for video modality, our Triton implementation supports a non-streamed mode and a streamed processing mode. Non-streamed mode will send decoded/uncompressed frames over the Triton network, where video-to-frame decoding/encoding are processed on the client side. In streamed mode, raw compressed frames are sent over the network and offloads the entire decoding-preprocessing-inference-postprocessing-encoding pipeline to the server side. Performance benchmark indicates the streamed mode has great advantages over the non-streamed for video workload, thus it is highly recommended to turn on with –stream_video (-sv) flag. Refer to the Segmentation sample documentation to understand the details of the pipeline.


  • Triton Server

Manages and deploys model at scale. Refer the Triton documentation to review all the features Triton has to offer.

  • Triton model repository

Triton model represents a inference workload that needs to be deployed. The triton server loads the model repository when started.

  • Triton Client

Triton client libraries facilitates communication with Triton using Python or C++ API. In this example we will demonstrate how to to the Python API to communicate with Triton using GRPC requests.


  • Download the Triton server and client dockers. To download the dockers from NGC, the following is required

    docker pull<xx.yy>-py3
    docker pull<xx.yy>-py3-sdk

    where xx.yy refers to the Triton version

  • Create the model repository

    Triton loads the model repository using the following command:

    tritonserver --model-repository=<model-repository-path>

    The model repository paths needs to conform to a layout specified below:


    For the segmentation sample, we will create a which creates a TritonPythonModel that runs the preprocess, inference and post process workloads. We will copy the necessary files and modules from the segmentation sample for preprocess, inference and postprocess stages and create the following folder structure:


    Each model in the model repository must include a model configuration that provides the required and optional information about the model. Typically, this configuration is provided in a config.pbtxt

    The segmentation config is shown below for non-streamed mode

    # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    name: "fcn_resnet101"
    backend: "python"
    max_batch_size: 32
    input [
        name: "inputrgb"
        data_type: TYPE_UINT8
        dims: [ -1, -1, -1]
        name: "outputrgb"
        data_type: TYPE_FP32
        dims: [  -1, -1, -1 ]
    parameters: {
      key: "network_width"
      value: {string_value:"224"}
    parameters: {
      key: "network_height"
      value: {string_value:"224"}
    parameters: {
      key: "device_id"
      value: {string_value:"0"}
    parameters: {
      key: "visualization_class_name"
      value: {string_value:"cat"}
    parameters: {
      key: "inference_backend"
      value: {string_value:"tensorrt"}
    instance_group {
          kind: KIND_GPU
          count: 1

    And the following for streamed mode

    # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    # Packet Metadata Description
    # META0:
    #- batch size, frame width, frame height
    # - FPS, total frames, pixel format
    # - codec, color space, color range
    # META1:
    # - keyframe flag, presentation timestamp, decode timestamp
    # META2:
    # - offset, bitstream length, duration
    name: "fcn_resnet101_streaming"
    backend: "python"
    max_batch_size: 0
    model_transaction_policy {
      decoupled: True
    input [
        name: "PACKET_IN"
        data_type: TYPE_UINT8
        dims: [ -1 ]
        name: "META0"
        data_type: TYPE_INT32
        dims: [ 9 ]
        optional: true
        name: "META1"
        data_type: TYPE_INT64
        dims: [ 3 ]
        name: "META2"
        data_type: TYPE_UINT64
        dims: [ 3 ]
        name: "FIRST_PACKET"
        data_type: TYPE_BOOL
        dims: [ 1 ]
        name: "LAST_PACKET"
        data_type: TYPE_BOOL
        dims: [ 1 ]
        name: "PACKET_OUT"
        data_type: TYPE_UINT8
        dims: [ -1 ]
        name: "FRAME_SIZE"
        data_type: TYPE_UINT64
        dims: [ 2 ]
        name: "LAST_PACKET"
        data_type: TYPE_BOOL
        dims: [ 1 ]
    parameters: {
      key: "network_width"
      value: {string_value:"224"}
    parameters: {
      key: "network_height"
      value: {string_value:"224"}
    parameters: {
      key: "device_id"
      value: {string_value:"0"}
    parameters: {
      key: "visualization_class_name"
      value: {string_value:"cat"}
    parameters: {
      key: "inference_backend"
      value: {string_value:"tensorrt"}
    parameters: {
      key: "max_batch_size_trt_engine"
      value: {string_value:"32"}
    instance_group {
          kind: KIND_GPU
          count: 1
  • Triton client (non-streamed mode)

    Triton receives as input the frames (in batches) and returns the segmentation output These are represented as input and output layers of the Triton model. Additional parameters for initialization of the model can be specified as well.

    We will use the Triton Python API using GRPC protocol to communicate with triton. Below is an example on how to create a python Triton client for the segmentation sample

    • Create the Triton GRPC client and set the input and output layer names of the model

    1# Create GRPC Triton Client
    3    triton_client = tritongrpcclient.InferenceServerClient(url=url)
    4except Exception as e:
    5    raise Exception("Unable to create Triton GRPC Client: " + str(e))
    7# Set input and output Triton buffer names
    8input_name = "inputrgb"
    9output_name = "outputrgb"
    • The client takes as input a set of images or video and decodes the input image or video into a batched tensor. We will first initialize the data loader based on the data modality

     1if os.path.splitext(input_path)[1] == ".jpg" or os.path.isdir(input_path):
     2    # Treat this as data modality of images
     3    decoder = ImageBatchDecoder(
     4        input_path,
     5        batch_size,
     6        device_id,
     7        cuda_ctx,
     8        cvcuda_stream,
     9        cvcuda_perf,
    10    )
    12    encoder = ImageBatchEncoder(
    13        output_dir,
    14        device_id=device_id,
    15        cvcuda_perf=cvcuda_perf,
    16    )
    18    # Treat this as data modality of videos.
    19    # Check if the user wanted to use streaming video or not.
    20    if should_stream_video:
    21        decoder = VideoBatchStreamingDecoderVPF(
    22            "client",
    23            None,
    24            cvcuda_perf,
    25            input_path,
    26            model_name,
    27            model_version,
    28        )
    29        file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_path))[0]
    30        video_id = uuid.uuid4()  # unique video id
    31        video_output_path = os.path.join(
    32            output_dir, f"{file_name}_output_{video_id}.mp4"
    33        )
    34        encoder = VideoBatchStreamingEncoderVPF(
    35            "client",
    36            None,
    37            cvcuda_perf,
    38            video_output_path,
    39            decoder.decoder.fps,
    40        )
    41    else:
    42        decoder = VideoBatchDecoder(
    43            input_path,
    44            batch_size,
    45            device_id,
    46            cuda_ctx,
    47            cvcuda_stream,
    48            cvcuda_perf,
    49        )
    51        encoder = VideoBatchEncoder(
    52            output_dir, decoder.fps, device_id, cuda_ctx, cvcuda_stream, cvcuda_perf
    53        )
    55# Fire up encoder/decoder
    • We are now finished with the initialization steps and will iterate over the video or images and run the pipeline. The decoder will return a batch of frames

    1# Stage 1: decode
    2batch = decoder()
    3if batch is None:
    4    cvcuda_perf.pop_range(total_items=0)  # for batch
    5    break  # No more frames to decode
    6assert batch_idx == batch.batch_idx
    • Create a Triton Inference Request by setting the layer name, data, data shape and data type of the input. We will also create an InferResponse to receive the output from the server

     1# Stage 2: Create Triton Input request
     2inputs = []
     3outputs = []
     6torch_arr = torch.as_tensor(
     7, device="cuda:%d" % device_id
     9numpy_arr = torch_arr.cpu().numpy()
    11    tritongrpcclient.InferInput(
    12        input_name, numpy_arr.shape, "UINT8"
    13    )
    • Create an Async Infer Request to the server

     1# Stage 3 : Run async Inference
     3response = []
     5    model_name=model_name,
     6    inputs=inputs,
     7    callback=partial(callback, response),
     8    model_version=model_version,
     9    outputs=outputs,
    • Wait for the response from the server. Verify no exception is returned from the server. Parse the output data from the InferResponse returned by the server

     1# Stage 4 : Wait until the results are available
     2while len(response) == 0:
     3    time.sleep(0.001)
     6# Stage 5 : Parse received Infer response
     8if len(response) == 1:
     9    # Check for the errors
    10    if type(response[0]) == InferenceServerException:
    11        cuda_ctx.pop()
    12        raise response[0]
    13    else:
    14        seg_output = response[0].as_numpy(output_name)
    • Encode the output based on the data modality

    1# Stage 6: encode output data
    3seg_output = torch.as_tensor(seg_output) = seg_output.cuda()
  • Triton client (streamed mode)

    For streamed mode of video modality, the workflow is further simplified as the GPU workloads are all offloaded to the server side. Triton receives raw video packets with metadata instead decompressed frame data, and sends output frames as compressed data as well.

    • Demux and stream the input data to server for decoding

    1# Stage 1: Begin streaming input data to the server for decoding
    2decoder(triton_client, tritongrpcclient, video_id, batch_size)
    • Asynchronously receive output data from server

     1# Stage 2: Begin receiving the output from server
     2packet_count = 0
     3packet_size = 0
     4while True:
     5    response = user_data._completed_requests.get()
     7    # If the response was an error, we must raise it.
     8    if isinstance(response, Exception):
     9        raise response
    10    else:
    11        # The response was a data item.
    12        data_item = response
    14    packet = data_item.as_numpy("PACKET_OUT")
    15    height, width = data_item.as_numpy("FRAME_SIZE")
    17    packet_count += 1
    18    packet_size += len(packet)
    19    if packet_count % 50 == 0:
    20        logger.debug(
    21            "Received packet No. %d, size %d"
    22            % (packet_count, len(packet))
    23        )
    25    # Check if this was the last packet by checking the terminal flag
    26    if data_item.as_numpy("LAST_PACKET")[0]:
    27        break
    • Stream output data from server for muxing

    1# Stage 3: Begin streaming output data from server for encoding.
    2encoder(packet, height, width)

Running the Sample

Follow the instructions in the for the setup and instructions to run the sample

[//]: # "SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved."
[//]: # "SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0"
[//]: # ""
[//]: # "Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');"
[//]: # "you may not use this file except in compliance with the License."
[//]: # "You may obtain a copy of the License at"
[//]: # ""
[//]: # ""
[//]: # "Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software"
[//]: # "distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS"
[//]: # "WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied."
[//]: # "See the License for the specific language governing permissions and"
[//]: # "limitations under the License."

# Semantic Segmentation : Locally and using Triton

## Pre-requisites

- Recommended Linux distros:
    - Ubuntu >= 20.04 (tested with 20.04 and 22.04)
    - WSL2 with Ubuntu >= 20.04 (tested with 20.04)
- CUDA driver >= 11.7
- Triton server and client docker >= 22.07
- Refer to the [Samples README](../ for Pre-requisites to run the segmentation pipeline

# Instructions to run the sample without Triton

1. Launch the docker

      docker run -ti --gpus=all -v <local mount path>:/cvcuda -w /cvcuda

2. Install the dependencies


3. Run the segmentation sample for different data modalities

    a. Run segmentation on a single image

      python3 ./samples/segmentation/python/ -i ./samples/assets/images/tabby_tiger_cat.jpg -b 1

    b. Run segmentation on folder containing images with pytorch backend

      python3 ./samples/segmentation/python/ -i ./samples/assets/images -b 2 -bk pytorch

    c. Run segmentation on a video file with tensorrt backend

      python3 ./samples/segmentation/python/ -i ./samples/assets/videos/pexels-ilimdar-avgezer-7081456.mp4 -b 4 -bk tensorrt

4. To benchmark this run, we can use the in the following way. It should launch 1 process, ignore 1 batch from front and end as warmup batches, save per process and overall numbers as JSON files in /tmp directory. To understand more about performance benchmarking in CV-CUDA, please refer to [Performance Benchmarking README](../../scripts/

      python3 ./samples/scripts/ -np 1 -w 1 -o /tmp ./samples/segmentation/python/ -b 4 -i ./samples/assets/videos/pexels-ilimdar-avgezer-7081456.mp4

# Instructions to run the sample with Triton

## Triton Server instructions

Triton has different public [Docker images]( `-py3-sdk` for Triton client libraries, `-py3` for Triton server libraries with TensorRT, ONNX, Pytorch, TensorFlow, `-pyt-python-py3` for Triton server libraries with PyTorch and Python backend only.

1. Launch the triton server

      docker run --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 -p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -p 8002:8002 --ulimit stack=67108864 -ti --gpus=all -v <local mount path>:/cvcuda -w /cvcuda
2. Install the dependencies

      pip3 install tensorrt
3. Install the CV-CUDA packages. Pre-built packages `.deb`, `.tar.xz`, `.whl` are only available on Github, so need to download from there. Otherwise, please build from source. Please note that since the above container comes with Python 3.8.10, we will install cvcuda-python3.8-0 package as mentioned below. If you have any other Python distributions, you would need to use the appropriate cvcuda-python packages below.

      wget \
            -P /tmp/cvcuda && \
      apt-get install -y /tmp/cvcuda/*.deb && \
      pip3 install /tmp/cvcuda/*.whl
4. Start the triton server.
   Update the `inference_backend` parameter in config.pbtxt to "pytorch" or "tensorrt". Default backend is "tensorrt"

      tritonserver --model-repository `pwd`/samples/segmentation/python/triton_models [--log-info=1]
## Triton Client instructions

1. Launch the triton client docker

      docker run -ti --net host --gpus=all -v <local_mount_path>:/cvcuda -w /cvcuda /bin/bash
In case the client and server are on the same machine in a local-server setup, we can simply reuse the server image (and even docker exec into the same container) by installing the Triton client utilities:

      pip3 install tritonclient[all]

Convert local video file to stream data, we need [PyAV](, the Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg libraries, which is already in the ``:

      pip3 install av
2. Install the dependencies

      cd /cvcuda

3. Run client script for different data modalities

    a. Run segmentation on a single image

      python3 ./samples/segmentation/python/ -i ./samples/assets/images/tabby_tiger_cat.jpg -b 1

    b. Run segmentation on folder containing images

      python3 ./samples/segmentation/python/ -i ./samples/assets/images -b 2

    c. Run segmentation on a video file

      python3 ./samples/segmentation/python/ -i ./samples/assets/videos/pexels-ilimdar-avgezer-7081456.mp4 -b 4
    d. Run segmentation on a video file with streamed encoding/decoding (highly recommended as performance is greatly improved in this mode), use --stream_video or -sv

      python3 ./samples/segmentation/python/ -i ./samples/assets/videos/pexels-ilimdar-avgezer-7081456.mp4 -o /tmp -b 4 -sv [--log_level=debug]

4. To benchmark this client run, we can use the in the following way. It should launch 1 process, ignore 1 batch from front and end as warmup batches, save per process and overall numbers as JSON files in /tmp directory. To understand more about performance benchmarking in CV-CUDA, please refer to [Performance Benchmarking README](../../scripts/

      python3 ./samples/scripts/ -np 1 -w 1 -o /tmp ./samples/segmentation/python/ -i ./samples/assets/videos/pexels-ilimdar-avgezer-7081456.mp4 -b 4 -sv